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SMALL-POX. Ricbes, by dirty means.

SNOW. To dream of snow is favourable; in love, it esages marriage.

SOLDIERS. To dream of soldiers, shows trouble, ersecutions, and lawsuits.

SPIT. To dream you are in a kitchen turning a spit, the forerunner of troubles and misfortunes; expect to robbed, to lose your trade, to become very poor, and that your friends will desert you; if you are in love, it ows the object of your affections to be of a bad temper, zy, and doomed to misfortunes and poverty.

SQUIRREL. To dream of a squirrel, shows that nemies are endeavouring to slander your reputation; o the lover, it shows your sweetheart to be of a bad emper, and much given to drinking; if you have a law- it, it will surely be decided against you; if in trade, harpers will endeavour to defraud you, and you will uarrel with your principal creditor.

STARCHING. To dream you are starching linen, hows you will be married to an industrious person, and hat you will be successful in life, and save money; it lso shows that you are about to receive a letter, con- ining some pleasant news.

STARS. To dream you see the stars shining very right, is success to the lover, and good news from a istant country;" to see them fall, denotes health.

SUN. To dream you see the sun shine, shows accu- lation of riches, and posts of honour in the state.

SWANS. To dream of seeing swans, denotes happiness in the marriage state; and many children, who will: become rich and respetable in your old age, with joy and happiness; to the lover, they denote constancy and affection in your sweetheart; in trade, they show success, but much vexation from the disclosure of secrets.

SWIMMING. To dream you are swimming with your head above the water, denotes great success in your undertakings, whether they be love, trade, sea, or farming. Te dream of swimming with your head below the water, shows that you will experience some great trouble, and hear some very unpleasant news from a person you thought dead. In trade, it shows less of business, and that you will perhaps be imprisoned for debt; in love, it denotes disappointment in your wishes