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TEMPESTS. To dream you are in a storm or tempest, shows that you will, after many difficulties, arrive at being very happy, that you will become extremely rich, and marry exceeding well. For a lover to dream of being in a violent tempest, denotes that you will have many formidable rivals, who, after causing you a great deal of vexation and uneasiness, you will triumph over. It also forebodes that you will receive good news from a long absent friend, who is abroad, and who will have overcome many hardships and extreme difficulties.

TEETH. To dream you lose your teeth, denotes the loss of some friend by death, and that troubles and misfortunes are about to attend you.

THIRST. If clear water, joy; if muddy, misfortune.

THUNDER AND LIGHTNİNG. To dream you hear distinctly thunder, and see lightning, is a very good omen; it denotes success in trade; good crops to the farmer; and a speedy and happy marriage to the lover. If you are soliciting a place, you will obtain it; if you have a lawsuit, it will go in your favour; it also indicates speedy news from a far distant country, intimating that a near relative has obtained a very lucrative situation, in which he will have an opportunity of doing his friends a great deal of good.

TREES. To dream you see trees in blossom, denotes a happy marriage with the present object of your affections, and many children, who will all do extremely well in life; to the tradesman, it denotes success in business; and to the sailor, pleasant and lucrative voyages. To dream you are climbing trees, denotes that you will make a fortune, and rise to honours and dignities in the state. To dream you are cutting down trees, foretells heavy losses by trade and by sea; and also the death of a near relation, or most dear friend.

TRUMPET. To dream that you hear the sound of & trumpet is a bad omen, and denotes troubles and misfortunes; to the tradesman, it presages the loss of business; the farmer, bad crops; to the lover, insincerity in the object of your affections.

VAULTS AND CELLARS. Marriage to a widow.

VENUS. In mortal form, a happy marriage.

VERMIN. Is ominous of ill luck.

VEXATION. Foretells the reverse.