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this colour denoted to be very faithful to you, and will make you very happy and comfortable; you will have many children, chiefly boys, who will turn out honest and good, if you are in trade, you will prosper. If you dream you are dressed in scarlet, you are thereby warned of some very heavy calamity and a severe fit of illness vour sweetheart is by it announced to you to be of a turbulent disposition, much inclined to dispute about trifles, and liable to make you very unhappy,-your children will be short-lived, and of very unhappy tempers, much inclined to be very sickly,-it surely denotes a quarrel and loss of friends. To dream you are dressed in yellow, is rather lucky than otherwise, your sweetheart by it appears to be very jealous of you, and great pains will be requisite to prevent you separating-if you are married, keep a good look out for some one is about to alienate the affections of your partner-in trade it promise prosperity; but some one will cheat you of a trifle not of much consequence-if you are a farmer, you will have an abundant crop-if you undertake a voyage by sea, you will be greatly the gainer by it; and if you expect any place of preferment, after much trouble you will attain it. To dream you are dressed in crimson, denotos that the dreamer will live to a good old age, and will be neither fortunate nor unfortunate through life: you are about to experience some very pleasant news from a distant quarter, and from those you thought dead. Your sweetheart will be obliged to leave you, but will continue faithful to you-if you are in trade, you will experience some loss by a person that you had great confidence in, but you will, at nearly the same time, get a job that will amply make you amends-it denotes a small dispute between a landlord and his tenant, which will be settled amicably to the advantage of the latter. To dream you are dressed in a variety of colours, denotes a variety of fortunes are about to attend you; old friends will desert you, new ones will supply their place -if you are in love, a quarrel will take place between you and your sweetheart, which will, after much uneasiness to both parties, be adjusted by friends-be cautious in what you do for some time, for many traps will be laid to ensnare you, but on no account trust yourself on the water; relations will shortly die, and if