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you have any children, sickness will attend them-if you are sick at the time of the dream, it denotes a happy and speedy recovery. To dream you are fashionably dressed, and in good company, is very good for the dreamer; he will rise considerably above his present condition-your sweetheart will prefer you above others, and be very good tempered; whatever you undertake will have a prosperous issue, and some unexpected news of an agreeable nature will reach you expect to see a long absent friend in good circumstances; but avoid having a dispute with any one, for it will go against you and do harm, particularly if it be with your sweetheart. To dream you are dressed shabbily, that your clothes are ragged and torn, is a bad omen.

ASSES. To dream you are riding on an ass, is the forerunner of some foolish quarrel in which you will be much in the wrong, and condemned by your friends- if you are in love, it denotes that some misunderstanding will happen between you and your sweetheart, in which you will be much in fault-if you are in business, it foretells that you will make some foolish bargain. To dream you are driving an ass, denotes that you will fall into some trouble, of which you will get the better, and that you will be relieved from present embarrassments,-if you are in love, it denotes that some quarrel will take place betwixt your sweetheart and yourself, which will soon be made up again to your advantage. To dream an ass runs after you, denotes that some slander will be raised against you by some foolish person, who will become themselves the victims of the scandal raised against you.

BACON. Death, disappointment, &c.

BAGPIPES. Contention, with trouble and loss.

BARKING OF DOGS. Destruction and insult.

BATHE. Means joy, if in clear water; if dirty water, disappointment.

BEANS. Signify trouble and dissension.

BEARDS. To a maid, marriage; to others, unfortunate.

BEASTS. Wild-denote enemies.

BEES. Success; also bad reports.

BEGGARS. Stealing by-adversity.

DELLS. Good to lovers; reverse to others.