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necklace, 12; brooch, 212; ornaments, 13, 358, 451; goblet, silver, 297; gold, traces of, 155; hair, human, chesnut-coloured, 526; hammer-head, 12; handle of knife, 13; helmets ornamented with bronze and silver, 114; hone of sandstone, 12; horns, 74; stags', 13, 105; of other animals, 105, 150; horse, 446; bones and teeth of, 404; teeth, 12; bones, 183, 527; human remains, 165, 209, 217, 356, 444; ashes and bones, 469; hair, 526; human interments, 185, 359; original or secondary, 209, 284; inscriptions, 246, 314; implements of flint and bone, 145, 184, 185, 217, 218, 359; of iron, 218; of modern form, 318; of flint, 286; inscriptions, 246, 314; instruments, 13; ironstone, 12; ivory tweezers, 103; jade, axes in, 358; jet bracelet, 210; ornaments, 217; knife, 11, 146; knife with iron sheath, 12; iron, 212; knife-shaped articles, 218; lacrymatory, Roman, 165; medal, 404; metal, lump, 155; nails, 527; ornaments, Anglo-Saxon, 11; rude, 185; more refined, 211; of goblet, 297; dragons, tortoise, fantastic heads of animals, 297; in gold and bronze, 358, 526; and copper, 527; oyster shells, 74; pebbles, 218; pin, iron, 13; bronze ditto, 141, 216; copper, 210; pine poles partly burnt, 526; point, flint, of dart or javelin, 142; pottery, fine, broken, 357; pottery, rude, 12, 217, 218, 285, 339; Roman, 105, 106; black, 285; fine, 404; red and black rude British, 105, 285; Roman British or Mediæval, 105; precious stones, traces of, 142; punch, iron, 218; rat's bones, 13; ring, gold, 210; iron, ib. bronze, 218, 487; Runes, 244; representations of stag and camels, 218; shield, fragments of, 156; silver-flower sword-ornaments, 156; slate, 525; spear heads, flint or stone, 182; skulls, human, 155, 525; snaffle bridle, 156; sword, iron, 148, 156, 184 446; syenite, 217; sea shells, 218; silver, 13, 243; skeletons, human, 11, 14, 17, 76, 145, 148, 165, 209, 289, 313; sling-stones, 210; spear-head, 11, 12; of brass, 103; sculptured slab, 365; stained fragments, 218; stag's bones, 216; statuettes, 339; stone, ib., 165; polished stones, 218; stone button, 210; stone shot, ib.; studs of coal, 13; tiles, Romano-Gallic, 338; others, 359; teeth of animals, 12; human, 155, 216; of horse, 404; tweezers, ivory, 103; terra cotta, 339; torques, gold, 210; silver, 243; urns, 11-13, 143, 179, 264; with ashes, 184, 210; of stone, 210; for burial, 527; vases, 140-1, 357; whetstone, 13; wood, coals, 74; wood, burnt, 182; wood, dark, 526.

Finds in Denmark, 10; Derbyshire, 11; Winster Moor, ib.; Pegges Barrow, ib.; Long Rood, ib.; Haddon Field Barrow, ib.; Gib Hill, ib.; Cross Flats, ib.; Galley Lowe, 12; Minning Lowe, ib.; Borther Lowe, ib.; Rolley Lowe, ib.; Ashford Moor, ib.; Carder Lowe, ib.; New Inns, ib.; Net Lowe, 13; Castern, ib.; Chartham Downs, ib.; Stand Lowe. ib.; Wetton and Ham, ib.; Middleton Moor, ib.; Come Lowe, ib.; Dowe Lowe, ib.; valley of Somme, 16; Abbeville, ib.; Gray's Inn Lane, ib.; Nineveh, 34; at Avebury, 74; at Crichie, 75; at Hakpen, 76; contents of, 250; tumuli, analysis of contents of, 11; finds at Stonehenge, 103-5; at West Kennet, 285 et seq.; inferences from, 288; inference from nature of, 106; from coins, 338; from absence of British, Gallic, and Christian coins, 340; from Roman pottery, 360; few inferences of age possible from finds in India, and why, 480; no iron or bronze, but Copper, in North America, 517; and tools only of copper, 517.

Finn, suitor of Graine, 225.

Firbolgs, or Belgæ, in Ireland, 176; when, 193; defeat at Moytura, 179; how long in Ireland, 193; whence they came thither, 193.

Fire, worship of, forbidden by Councils, 25.

Flann, son of Conaing, 201.

Flint remains found at Abbeville, 16 note; inference from, 166; symbolic of what, 447. See Finds.

Flower, Mr., account of African monuments, 396; and their builders, 403.

Ford, Mr., his 'Handbook of Spain.'

Fordum, see Böece.

Formorians, from Africa, settled in Ireland, 176; dispossessed by Belgæ, 176; of same race as Dananns, 187.

Forres, Sweno's stone at, 59.

Fountains, worship of, 21-5.

Fouquet, M., see Galles, M.

Four-cornered grave, 449.

"Four Masters " cited, 213, 225, 382.

France, climate of, at epoch of "Cave men," 17; finds in, 16; menhirs, 59; a single sculptured stone there, 59 note; French study of rude-stone monuments, recent, but scientific, 325; 'Dictionnaire des Antiquités Celtiques,' ib.; Bertrand, M., his map of France, 326; general distribution of French monuments, ib.; no dolmens in East of France, 327; date of Celtic first invasion of Gaul, 327, 334; two early contemporary races in, 328; the 'ac' termination, 329; church architecture in dolmen region of the South of France, 331; form of dolmen distinguishes dolmens in Brittany from those in South of France, 335; Confolens, 337; plan of,