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ib.; error of French antiquaries, ib.; find, 337-9; dolmens, 340; size, number, and beauty of, ib.; few and imperfect circles, ib.; "Allée couverte" or "Grotte des Fées," ib.; examples of, elsewhere than in France, ib.; their distribution here, 340; Saumur, Essé, Locmariaker, Bagneux, Mettray, 341; form of French dolmens, 342; Krukenho, ib.; comparative age of, 343; demi-dolmens, rocking stones, &c., 345 et seq; Carnac, cemetery and battlefield, 349; alignments, Carnac and Erdeven, St. Barbe, 350; Maenec and Kermario, 351; map, 352-3; stone rows, 354; difier how, from Stonehenge and Stennis, 355; head of column of St. Barbe, Mont St. Michel, ib.; find, 356; Kerlescant, find, 357; Plouharnel, double dolmen and find, 358; long barrow, Moustoir-Carnac, ib.; find, 359; Locmariaker, cemetery, dolmen, 360; sculptured stones at Mané Lud, 361; dolmen, Dol ar Marchant, ib.; end stone and roof, sculptured, 362; fallen obelisk, 363; compared to dolmen at Krukenho, ib.; allée couverte, 364; ornamented stones, ib.; Mané er H'roëk, and find, ib.; Gavr Innis, sculptured stones, 365; resemble sculptures at Lough Crew, 366; three-holed stone, tools used, ib.; Tumiac, tumulus and find, ib.; Crozon alignments, circle origin and purpose obscure, 367; Gré de Cojou, double alignment, circle, en- closures, dolmen, 367-8; Preissac, ib.; date and object of monuments at Carnac, 370 et seq.; Carnac, Erdeven, and St. Barbe, are they parts of one whole? 372; argument against their existence in Cæsar's time, 373; not pre-Roman, ib.; early history not satisfactory, ib.; battle between Maximus and Gratian, ib.; Conan Meriadec, 374; author's view as to origin of Carnac monuments, 374-5; Grallon's war with Liberius and Northern pirates, 374; Romans never settled in Brittany, 370; effect there of Roman building-style, ib; and of withdrawal of Romans, 394.

Franks, M., his photograph of Ballo dolmen, 321.

French antiquaries, errors of, 337.

Frere, Mr., his find at Abbeville, 16 note.

Freyrsö, battle at, 276.

Frey's Howe, opened, 527.

Friar's Heel stone at Stonehenge, 7.

Frode Frodegode, tomb of, 299.

Frode V., 278, 288.

Galatia, importance of dolmens there, if any, to Celtic theory, 446.

Galles, M. René, explores Mont St. Michel, 354; with M. Fouquet explores Tumiac, find, 366.

Galley Low, find at, 12.

Gallicia, dolmens in, 378.

Ganora, see Guinevere.

Gariock, Newton stone at, 57.

Garrywhin alignment, 529.

Gaul, Pliny's tale of snakes in, 4; no stone temples in, mentioned by Cæsar or Tacitus, 20.

Gavr Innis, in Morbihan, 43, 364; sculptures, holed stone, 365; compared to Lough Crew, 366; holes and trough below, ib.; object of it.

Geraldus Cambrensis, his statement as to removal of stones to Stonehenge, 107; how fable originated, 108.

Germans, worship of, in groves only, 20.

Germany, North (see Scandinavia); dolmens in, 301.

Gervaise mentions cemetery at Canterbury, 22.

Ghazni, Saracenic arches at, 457.

Giant tribes in Palestine, builders of dolmens? 442; circles, 453.

"Giant's dance," Geraldus and Ware cited as to, 107 note.

Giant's grave, 229; circle there, ib.

Giants' towers, 415.

Giara, plan of, Nurhag of, 430. See Mediterranean Islands.

Gib Hill, find at, 11, see Derbyshire; analogue of Silbury Hill, 147.

Gildas cited, 87; as to interments at Stonehenge, 110.

Gilead, dolmens in, 442; last safe place for dolmens before India, 443.

Gizeh, date of pyramid of, 31.

Glasfurd, Capt., find by, 487.

Glem, or Glein, river, Arthur's battle near, 135.

Glen Columbkille, 225.

Glen Columbkille and Glen Malin, survey of Mr. Norman Moore, 520; cromlechs or dolmens, stone chambers, solitary stones, 320; plan of one, 521; groups of, 523-4; find, 525; resemblance of one to Calliagh Birra's tomb, 525

Glen Malin More, 225.

Godmundingham, destruction of church at, 23.

Gond, see Bhil.

Gongora y Martinez, Don, his work cited, 377.

Gordon, Principal, anecdotes of, respecting holed stones at Stennis, 255.

Gorm, monument of, 27; date of, 126, 296 et seq.; dragon on, 245.

Gothland perhaps mentioned by Diodorus, 8.

Göttenburg, drawings of ships on stones at, 303.

Göttingen, no dolmens in, 301.

Gower caves, 16.