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Gozo, spirals and scrolls at, compared to those at Mycenæ, 424.

Graine, daughter of Cormac Mac Art, see Beds.

Grallon, king of Briton, his wars, 374.

Grandmont, holed dolmen at, 343.

Grange, New, cairns at, 52.

Gratian, defeat of, in Brittany, 374.

Grave, four cornered, 449.

Greece, Aryan occupation of, 39; early tombs in Greece, ib.; succession of architectural styles, 393. See Bactrian.

Greeks of Bactria introduce usage of stone monuments in India, 48; Greek kings mentioned by Asoka, 498.

Greenland, route of early peoplers of America, 516.

Greenmount, tumulus at, 231; diggings at, ib.; date, 232.

Greenwell, Canon, his researches as to prehistoric tumuli, 289.

Gregory the Great, letter of, respecting English idols, 21.

Gröningen, dolmens in 301.

Grottes des Feés, see Alleés couvertes.

Groups of stones in England, 56.

Groves, sacred, 465.

Guest, Dr., accuracy of his dates, 86; opinions as to place of Arthur's last battle, 87.

Guidebert circle, 531.

Guin, Arthur's 8th battle there, 137, 172.

Guinevere, where born and buried? 134.

Guzerat, ruins in, of Mahommedan city, 457.

Hacas Pen, see Hakpen Hill.

Hadrian, mausoleum of, 40; coins of, 84.

Hagiar Khem, plan of cone, 423; pitmarkings, 424 ; altar, 425; headless image, ib.

Hag's Hill, 213. See Slieve na Calliage.

Haken, his victory, 291.

Hakpen Hill, circle and avenue, 4; double circles, 64; Dr. Stukeley's theory as to, 4; dimensions, 65; mentioned in Charter of Athelstane, 73; dimensions of ovals, 75; stones, 76; find, 76; date of interments, 77; Camden's account, 78; Saxon and Danish burials, ib.; Roman road at, 83.

Hale Farm, 117.

Halkor, 305; dolmen, with drawing of ships, circles with crosses or chariot-wheels, 304.

Hamlet, citation from, 286.

Hannibal in Spain, 380.

Hanover dolmen, 301; with enclosure, 308.

Harald Blaatand, 296.

Harald Hildetand, his defeat, 280; grave, 282.

Harold Harfagar, 248; when took the Orkneys, 250.

Haugagerdium, 249.

Havard the Happy, 250.

Havard, Earl, where interred, 298.

Hauran, Roman tombs in the, 445.

Haxthausen, cited as to Steppes, 448-9.

Headstone, see Kivik.

Hecatæus cited, 8.

Height of mound an indication of its age, 142 note.

Helmstadt, once dolmens were near, 301.

Hengist and Horsa, 119; Hengist's grandson, 57; his treachery, 107.

Henry of Huntingdon cited as to triliths at Stonehenge, 94.

Heracleidæ, return of, what figured by, 39.

Heraldic symbolism, 273.

Heremon, Spanish race of, in Ireland, 381 et seq.; kings of this race in Ireland, where buried, 200.

Herodotus, his descriptions of tomb of Alyattes, 31; his account of the Nasomenes, 407.

Herrestrup, dolmen at, 303; ships, and circles with crosses engraved upon, 303.

Hesiod, his statement as to respective antiquity of brass or iron, 35.

Hiero's temple at mouth of Loire, 21.

Hildebrand, his account of diggings and find at Oden's Howe, 526.

Hildesheim, no dolmen at, 301.

Hindu Goni, 412.

Hindus as builders, 457; did not employ the arch, 457; not immutable, 458.

Historic, monuments not, 416.

Hjarnæ, tomb of, 299.

Hjortehammer, singular form of graves at, 316; date of, according to Worsae, 316; Viking graves at, 528.

Hoare, Sir R. C., 5; his work on Wiltshire, ib.; his authority, in what questionable, 10; his account pf Hakpen, 77; etymology of Marlborough, 84; surveyed Marden, 85; his opinion of, 86; plan of Stonehenge, 91; cited as to Stonehenge, 101-5, 110; Stanton Drew, 150; find by long barrows, 289.

Hob Hurst's house, 172.

Höbisch, double dolmen at, 309.

Hock Norton, defeat of English at, 126.

Holback, 310.

Holes in dolmens, 161; Plas Newydd monolith at Stennis, 255; ceremony connected with, ib.; date of, 256; certainly Scandinavian, 258; in France, Trie, Grandmont, Bas Languedoc, 343-4; umbrella form has analogues in India, &c , 343; holes as entrances to chambers at Kerlescant and Rodmarton, 357; others at Finistère, 358; Gavr Innis, 365; objects of holes there, trough below, 366; in trilithon, 411; in dolmen in Circassia, 447; at Rajunkoloor, 469; inference of connexion of race from, 495. See Tumulus.

Holland, dolmens in, 301. See Drenthe, Hunebeds.