Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/130

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84 Stat, r; Anno decimo tertio Edwardi I. A. D. 1285, Quod ei defor- ced for Tenant in Frank-mar- riage. . For Tenant for Life, or in Tail. Fitz. Quod ei deforceat, I, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6 > 8 > 9. 10, II, 12, 13, 17- Cro. Car. 445. F.N. B. 155. b, Regift. 171. b. 230. Rail, 491. Praecipe A. quod jufte, &c. reddat B. manerium de D. cum pertinentiis, quod clamat effe jus & rnarita- gium fuum, & quod A. ei injufte deforceat. ' (6) Likewife of Land for Term of Life, loft by ' Default, this Writ {hall be made : Praecipe A. quod jufte, & fine dilatione, &c. reddat B. manerium de D. cum pertinentiis, quod clamat te- nere ad terminum vitae fu3e, & quod praedictus A. ei -deforceat. Liknvife, (7) Quod clamat tenere fibi, & haeredibus de cor- pore fuo legitime procreatis, & quod preditbus A. ei deforceat. Ex Rot. in Tuir. Lond. Precipe A. quod jufte, &c. reddat B. tale mane- rium de C. cum pertinentiis quod clamat ejfe jus & maritagium fuum & quod A. ei injufte clef ore. Eodem modo de tenemento tento ad terminum vite per defaltam amiffo fiat breve : Precipe A. quod jufte & fine dilatione reddat B. manerium de C. cum pertinentiis quod clamat ejfe jus & maritagium fuum is 5 quod prediBus A. ei injufte deforc' vel, quod clamat tenere ad terminum vite fue 9 vel, quod clamat tenere fibi & beredibus fuis de cor- porefuo exeunt i bus & quod prediclus A. ei injtfle de~ fore'. Three original "Writs of Ad- vowfon. 2 Inlh 353, 13 Co. 6. i.Roll 151,156, 157, 158, an, 462. St. 7. Ann.c.iS. Raft. 101, 144., 496. 3 Bulftr. 4.0. Hob. 240. UArrpation of Churches during particularEftates /hall not preju- dice them in the Reveriion. Kel. 1. Fitz. Qnare 'impedit, 43, 67, 87, 9 Z > 9 5 . 99. 105, 127, 142, j6 7 - iPrefenfations to Churches of Women during their Covenure. Churches of re- ligious Perfons. CAP. V. Remedies to redrefs Ufurpations of Advowfons of Churches, £aV. Judgments given C j I not be re- vcrfed but by Writ of Error or Attaint. V Ed. 3- '5- HE RE AS of Advowfons of Churches there be but Three original Writs, that is to fay, ' One Writ of Right, and Two of Paffeflion, which ' be Darrein Prefentment, and Square impedit; (z) and ' hitherto it hath been ufed in the Realm, that when ' any having no Right to prefent, had prefented to any ' Church, whofe Clerk was admitted, he that was ' very Patron could not recover his Advowfon, but ' only by a Writ of Right, which, fhculd be tried by ' Battail or by great Affife, whereby Heirs within Age, ' by Fraud, or elfe by Negligence of their Wardens, ' and Heirs both of great and mean Eftate, by Neg- ' ligenceor Fraud of Tenants by the Courtefie, Wo- ' men Tenants in Dower, or otherwife, for Term of ' Life, or for Years, or in Fee-tail, were many Times 1 difherited of their Advowfons, or at leaft (which was ' the better for them) were driven to their Writ of ' Right, in which Cafe hitherto they were utterly dif- ' inherited ;" ' (3) it is provided, That fuch Prefent- ments {hall not be fo prejudicial to the right Heirs, or to them unto whom fuch Advowfons ought to re- vert after the Death of any Perfons : (4) For as of- ten as any, having no Right, doth prefent during the Time that fuch Heirs are in Ward, or during the Eftates of Tenants in Dower, by the Courtefie, or otherwife for Term of Life, or of Years, or in Tail; at the next Avoidance, when the Heir is come to full Age, or when after the Death of the Tenants before named the Advowfon {hall revert unto the Heir be- ing of full Age, he fhali have fuch A£don by Writ of Advowfon Poffefforie, as the.laft Anceftorof fuch an Heir fhould have had at the laft Avoidance hap- pening in his Time, being of full Age before his Death, or before the Demife was made for Term of Life, or in Fee-tail, as before is faid. (5) The fame {hall beobferved inPrefentments made unto Churches, being of the Inheritance of Wives, what Time they fhall be under the Power of their Hufbands, which niuft be aided by this Eftatute by the Remedy afore- faid. (6) Alfo religious Men, as Bifhops, Archdea- cons, rarfons of Churches, and other fpiritual Men, fhall be aided by this Eftatute, in cafe any having no Right to prefent do prefent unto Churches belonging to Prelacies, fpiritual Dignities, Parfonages, or to Houfes of Religion, what Time fuch Houfes, Pre- lacies, fpiritual Dignities, or Parfonages be vacant. ' II. Neither fhall this A£t be fo largely underftanden, that fuch Perfons, for whofe Remedy this Statute was ordained, fhall have the Recovery aforefaid, furmi- fing that Guardians of Heirs, Tenants in Tail, by 4 CUM de advocationibus ecclefiarum . non fint nifi tria brevia originalia videlicet breve de RecSto & duo de PolTeflione fcilt. Ultime prefen- tationis & Quare impedit & hucufque ufitaturti fue- rit in regno quod cum aliquis jus non habens pre- fentandi prefentaverit ad aliquam ecclefiam cujus prefentatus fit admiflus ipfe qui verus eft patronus> per nullum aliud breve recuperare poterit advoca- tionem fuam quam per breve de Recvto quod habet terminari per duellum vel per magnam affifam per quod heredes infra etatem exiftentes per fraudem & negligentiam cuftodum heredes etiam five majores five minores per negligentiam vel fraudem tenen- dum in dotem per Legem Anglie vel mulierum te- nentkim in dotem vel alio modo ad terminum vite vel annorum vel feodum talliaturnmultotiens exhe- redationem patiebantur de advocationibus fuis vel ad minus quod melius eis fuit ponebantur ad breve deRedlo &in cafu omnino exheredati fuerunt hu- cufque ftatutum eft quod hujufmodi prefentationes non fint hujufmodi reftis heredibus aut illis ad quos poft mortem aliquorum hujufmodi advocationes re- verti debent prejudiciales quia quotienfeumque ali- quis jus non habens tempore hujufmodi cuftodia- rum prefentaverit vel tempore tenendum in dotem per Legem Anglie vel aliomodo ad terminum vite vel annorum vel per feodum talliatum in proxima vacatione poftquam heres ad etatem perven^rit. vel advocatio poft mortem in forma predi&a tenendum ad heredem plene etatis exiftentem revertitur ha- beat eandem actionem & exceptionem per breve de Advocatione pofleiTorium qualem haberet ultimus anteceffor hujufmodi heredis plenam habens eta- tem in. ultima vacatione tempore fuo accidente ante mortem fuam vel antequam dimiffio fadta fuerit ad terminum vel ad feodum talliatum ut prediddim eft. Hoc idem obfervetur de prefentatibnibus factis ad ecclefias de hereditateuxorum tempore quo fuerunt fub poteftate virorum fuorum quibus per iftud ftatu- tum fubveniatur per remedium fupradi&um. Viris edam religiofis Epifcopis Archiepifcopis Re£loribus ecclefiarum & aliis perfonis ecclefiafticis per iftud idem ftatutum fubveniatur Si quisjus prefentandi non habens prefentaverit ad ecclefias domibus fuis pre- latie dignitati aut perfonatui fpcrStantes tempore quo vacaverint prelatie dignitates aut perfonatus hujuf- modi. Nee tamen ita large intelligatur iftud ftatutum quod perfone ad quarum remedium iftud ftatutum eft editum habeant recuperare fupradidtum dicen- tes quod cuftodes tenentes in dotem per Legem Anglie