Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/156

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no Stat, i, Anno decimo tertio EdwardiI. A. D. i 2 8 7 H. 4. f. 38. Skinner 93. For what Caufe one may ap- prove. A Ditch or Hedge of Ground approved caft down. By 6 Geo. 1. c. 16. feet. 1. the Remedy of the Act. is ex- pended to the Deflrroyers of Trees, &c. by Night or Day, &c. Ufurpation of Common during the Eftate of particular Te- nants. 3 Lutw. 141, X S 6. tenant to their Tenements. (6) But if any do claim Common by fpecial Feoffment or Grant for a certain Number of Beafts, or otherwife which he ought to have of common Right, whereas Covenant barreth the Law, he fhall have fuch Recovery as he ought to have had by Form of the Grant made unto him. (7) By occafion of a Windmill, Sheepcote, Deyry, enlarging of a Court neceflary, or Courtelage, from henceforth no Man fhall be grieved by Affife of No- vel di/Jei/in for Common of Pafture. (8) And where fometime it chanceth, that one having Right to ap- prove, doth then levy a Dyke or an Hedge, and fome by Night, or at another Seafon, when they fuppofe not to be efpied, do overthrow the Hedge or Dyke, and it cannot be known by Verdict of the Affife or Jury, who did overthrow the Hedge or Dyke, and Men of the Towns near will not indidr. fuch as be guilty of the Fa£t, (9) the Towns near adjoyning fhall be diftrained to levy the Hedge or Dyke at their own Coft, and to yield Damages. (10) And where one, having no Right to Common, ufurpeth Common what Time an Heir is within Age, or a Woman is covert, or whilft the Pafture is in the Hands of Tenants in Dower, by the Courtefy, or otherwife for Term of Life, or Years, or in Fee- tail, and have long Time ufed the Pafture, many hold Opinion, that fuch Paftures ought to be faid to belong to the Freehold, and that the Poffeffor ought to have Action by a Writ of Novel dijfeifm, if he be deforced of fuch Pafture ; (11) but from henceforth this muft be holden, that fuch as have entered with- in the Time that an Affife of Mortdaunceftor hath lien, if they had no Common before, fhall have no Recovery by a Writ of Novel dijfeifin, if they be de- forced.' Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. communam per fpeciale feofrkmentum vel concef- fionem ad certum numerum averiorum vel alio modo quam de jure communi habere deberet cum conventio legi deroget habeat fuum recuperare quale habere deberet per formam concefficnis fibi fa£te Occafiohe molendini ventritii bercar' vaccar' augmentations cur' neceffar' aut curtilag' decetero non gravetur quis per affifam Nove difleifine de communa pafture. Et cum contingat aliquando quod aliquis jus habens appruare fe foflatum aut fepem levaverit & aliqui norSbanter vel alio tali tempore quo non credant factum fuum fciri fofla- tum vel fepem proftraverint nee fciri poterit per ve- redictum affife aut jurate qui foflatum aut fepem proftraverint nee velint homines de villatis vicinis indiftare de hujufmodi fa£to culpabiles diftringan- tur propinque villate circumadjacentes levare fof- fatum aut fepem ad cuftum proprium & dampna reftituere. Et cum aliquis jus non habens commu- nicandi ufurpet communam tempore quo heredes extiterint infra etatem vel uxores fub poteftate vi- rorum fuorum exiftentes vel paftura fit in manu tenendum in dotem per legem Anglie vel aliter ad terminum vite vel annorurn vel per feodum tallia- tum & paftura ilia diu ufi fuerint multi funt in opinione quod hujufmodi pafture debent dici per- tinere ad liberum tenementum & quod hujufmodi poffeflbri competere debet actio per breve Nove difleifine fi hujufmodi paftura deforcietur fed dece- tero tenendum eft quod habentes hujufmodi in- greflum a tempore quo currit breve mortis ante- ceflbres fi antea communam non habuerunt non habeant recuperare per breve nove difleifine fi fue- rint deforciati. See 1 Geo. 1 • flat. 2. c. 48. fCred"' "' " ' forthePreJerva- 1 torcecl - tion of Timber. Explained and amended by 6 Geo. I. c. 16. above mentioned. By 29 Geo. 2. c. 36. Commons may be enclojed, for planting Timber, with Consent of Lords and Tenants, CAP. XLVI1. A Penalty for taking of Salmons at certain Times of the Year. 2 Inft. 477.

  • The Words 1.

Crotchets arc not in Orig. •f Add ivitbin the Kingdom. ' "I T is provided, That the Waters of Humber, Otvfe, ' A Trent, Done, Arre, Derewent, Wherfe, Nid, Tore, Swale, Tefe, [* Tine, Eden,] and all other Wa- ters (wherein Salmons be taken) f fhall be in De- fence for taking Salmons from the Nativity of our Lady unto St. Martins Day I ( 2 ) ar >d th at likewife young Salmons fhall not be taken nor deftroyed by Nets, nor by other Engines at Milpools, from the midft of April unto the Nativity of St. John Baptijl. (2,) And in Places % whereas frefh Waters be, there fhall be affigned Overfeers of this Statute, which be- ing fworn, fhall oftentimes fee and inquire of the Offenders ; (4) and for the flrft Trefpafs, they fhall be punifhed by burning of their Nets and Engines ; (5) and for the fecond Time, they fhall have Im- prifonment for a Quarter of a Year ; and for the third Trefpafs, they fhall be imprifoned a whole Year ; and as their Trefpafs increafeth, fo fhall the Punifhment.' J Where fuch Rivers be. CsnJ* med by 13R. 2. fiat. 1. c. 19. And 17 R. 2. 9. ap- pointing Jujlices of the Peace Con- servators. Se'.zxIL&.ei. c. 2. and 1 1 H. 7. c. 23. for packing of Salmons, 23 H. 8. c. 18. for pulling down Piles in tie Rivers Otfc and Humbcr. 25H.8.C.7. I El. c. '7. for tie Preservation oj 'the Spawn, 3 Jac. I. c. 12, 30 Car. 2. fiat. 1. c. 9. 4 & 5 W. & M. c. 23. f. 5. 4 Ann, c.21. 9 Ann. c. 2-6. 1, Geo. I. fiat, 2. c. 18. 5 Geo. 1. c. iS. 23 Geo. a, c. 26./. 7. z6Geo.i. c, 9, 30 Geo, 2, c,n& 30, And 33 Geo, 2, c, 27. The lajl mentioned Statutes containing fa; thcr Provifwtis for the. Preservation and Improvement of the. Fijhery, Rovifum eft quod aque de Humbre Oufe Trente Doon Eyre Derewent Werf Nid Yore Swale Tefe & omnes alie aque in quibus falmones capi- untur in Regno ponantur in defenfo quo ad falmo- nes capiendos a die Nativitatis beate Marie ufque ad diem fancli Martini et fimiliter quod falmunculi non capiantur nee deftruantur per retra vel per ali- qua ingenia ad ftagna mclend' a medio Aprilis ufque ad Nativitatem beati Johannis Baptifte. Et in partibus ubi hujufmodi riparie fuerint affignen- tur confervatores iftius ftatuti qui ad hoc jurati fepius videant & inquirant de tranfgreftbribus Et in prima tranfgreffione puniantur per combuftio- nem retium & ingeniorum fuorum Et fi iterato deliquerint puniantur per prifonam quarterii unius anni Et fi tertio deliquerint puniantur per prifo- nam unius anni & fie multiplicata tranfgreffione crefcet pene infli£tio. C A