Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/158

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ii2 Stat. 2.. Anno decimo tertio Edwardi I. A. D. 1285. tutes) fhall 'be executed upon the Offenders, (z) Moreover, concerning the Statutes provided where the Law faileth, and for Remedies, left Suitors com- ing to the King's Court ftiould depart from thence without Remedy, they {hall have Writs provided in their Cafes, but they fhall not be pleaded until the Feaft of St. Michael aforefaid.' Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ftatutis non infligatur. - Super vero ftatutis in de- fectum legis & ad remedia editis ne diutius queren- tes cum ad curiam venerint recedant de remedio defperati habeant brevia fua in fuo cafu provifa fet non placitentur ufque ad predictum feftum fancti Michaelis. 3 InH. 197. 3 Ed. 1. c. 9, & Ventr. 11Z. STATUTUM WYNTON, A°i 3 Ed.L 7%e Statute of WINCHESTER, made 8 Die Oaobris, Anno 13EDW.I. Stat. 2. and Anno Dom. 1285. CAP. I. Frefh Suit fhall be made after Felons and Robbers from Town to Town, £sV.' Dyer 370. Co. pla. 348, 351. Raft, 4c 6 " "f^Orafmuch as from Day to Day, Robberies, " r Murthers, Burnings, and Theft, be more of- " ■*" ten ufed than they have been heretofore, and

    • Felons cannot be attainted by the Oath of Jurors,

"*' which had rather fuffer Strangers to be robbed, and '" fo pafs without Pain, than to indite the Offenders, "" of whom great Part be People of the fame Country,

  • c or at the leaft, if the Offenders be of another Coun-
    • try, the Receivers be of Places near; (2) and they

" do the fame, becaufe an Oath is not given unto Ju- " rors of the fame Country where fuch Felonies were " done, and to the Reftitution of Damages hitherto " no Pain hath been limited for their Concealment and

  • ' Laches:" ' (}) Our Lord the King, for to abate the
  • Power of Felons, hath eftablifhed a Pain in this
  • Cafe, fo that from henceforth, for fear of the Pain
  • more than for Fear of any Oath, they fhall not fpare

' any, nor conceal any Felonies ; (4) and doth com-

  • mand, That Cries fhall be folemnly made in all
  • Counties, Hundreds, Markets, Fairs, and all other

' Places where great Refort of People is, fo that none c fhall excufe himfelf by Ignorance, that from hence- ' forth every Country be fo well kept, that immediate- ' ly, upon fuch Robberies and Felonies committed, ' freih Suit fhall be made from Town to Town, and ' from Country to Country.' Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. 41. PUR ceo qe de jour en jour roberies [felonies] homicides arfines plus fovenerement runt fetes qe avaunt ne foleyent e felones ne pounteftre ateintz par ferment de jururs qi plus volunters fuf- ferent felonies fetes as eftraunges genz paffer faunz peynes qe enditer meffeffours dunt graunt parties funt gent de mefmes la pais ou ameyns ft les feffours font doutre pais lour recetturs funt del vifne e ceo funt ils pur taunt qe ferment neft mie hore ditte as jururs ne au pays ou les felonies furent fetes quant a reftitucion des damages payne avant ne fu purveu pur lur concelement e lur lachefce noftre Seignur le Rey pur abatre le poer de feluns ft eftablit peyne en ceu cas ifli qe par paour de la peyne plus qe par paour de ferement a nuli deforemes ne efparnient ne nule felonie ne concelent E comand que folemp- nement feit la criee fate en tuz cuntees hundrez marchez feyres e tuz autres leues ou folempne af- femble des gentz fera ifli qe nul par ignoraunce fe puffe efcufer qe chefcun pays ifli deforemes feit garde qe meintenant apres roherie%e felonies fetes feit fete fi frefche fute de ville en ville & de pays en pays. Enforced by 28 Ed. 3. c. II. and-] R. 2- c. 6. Amended by 27 El. c. 13. And 39 El. c. 2$. See 8 Gee. 2. c. 16. giving DtrcBiom for Hue and Cry, And 12 Geo. I. c. 24. 'wb'icb amends the formsr. CAP. II. Inquiry of Felons and Robbers, and the County fhall anfwer if they be not taken. The Country fhall anfwer for Robbers and >"e!ons, if they tc not appre- hended. Latch 127. Amcr.ded by 27 El. c. 13. Rsft. 406.

g EI. c. 25.

Cro. El. 142, 27°. 7S3- Bto. Debt, 103. XJcldfb. 58, 16, Ikewife, when need requires, Inquefts fhall be _i made in Towns, by him that is Lord of the Town, and after in the Hundred, and in the Fran- chlfe, and in the County, and fometime in two, three, or four Counties, in cafe when Felonies fhall be committed in the Marches of Shires, fo that the Offenders may be attainted. (2) And if the Coun- try will not anfwer for the Bodies of fuch manner of Offenders, the Pain fhall be fuch, that every Coun- try, that is to wit, the People dwelling in the Coun- try, fhall be anfwerable for the Robberies done, and alfo the Damages; (3) fo that the whole Hundred 17 T enqueftes enfement feient fetes fi mefter eft -<■ en viles par celui qi foverein eft de la vile e pus en hundrez e en fraunchifes e en cunteez e au- trefois en deux trois ou en quatre cunteez en cas quaunt felonies ferunt fetes en marche de cuntez ifli qe meffefours pufent eftre ateinz. E fi le pais de tels manere de mefefours ne refpoigne la payne ferra tiel qe chefcun pays ceft afaver genz en pais demoraunz refpoignent de roberies fetes e de dama- ges ifli qe tut le hundred ou la roberie ferra fete ©ve