Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/216

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170 2 Inft. 630. Slnft. 631. 4 Mod. 335. Regift. 53. slnft. 632. 3 Ed. i.e.*. Stat t Anno nono.EDw audi II.' A.D.

  • 3*5>

1 now is. And like Remedy fhall be done for Coro- ' dies and Penfions exacted by Compuliion, whereof no Mention is made in the Statutes. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. Regis nunc editorum. Et fiat confimile remedium de iorrodiis & penfionibus per coertionem exa£tis de quibus non fit mentio in-ftatutis. ' cap. xn. A Clerk excommunicate may be taken out of the Parifh where he dwelleth. " LSO if any of the King's Tenure be called " f before their Ordinaries out of the Parifh where " they continue, if they be excommunicate for their " manifeft Contumacy, and after Forty Days a Writ " goeth out to take them, they pretend their Privilege, " that they ought not to be cited out of the Town and " Parifh where their Dwelling is ; and fothe King's " Writ that went out for to take them is .denied." (2) The Anfwer. ' It was never yet denied, nor fhall ' be hereafter.' ITEM fi aliqui de tenura domini Regis vocatt coram ordinariis extra parochiam in qua degunt fi propter fuam manifeftam contumaciam excorn- municentur ac poft quadraginta dies pro eorum cap- done fcribatur pretendunt fe privilegiatps quod ex~ tra villam feu parochiam fuam non d.ebent vocari ec fie denegatur breve regium pro captione eorundem. Refponfio. Numquam fuit negatum nee negabkur in futurum. C A P. XIII. The Examination of a Parfon prefented to a Benefice .belongeth to a Spiritual Judge. L S O it is defired that.Spiritual Perfons, whom our Lord the Kingdoth prefent unto Benefices

of the Church (if the Bifhop will not admit them 

' either for lack of Learning, ,or for other Caufe rea-

fonable) may not be under the Examination of Lay

'• Perfons in the Cafes aforefaid, as it is now attempt- 1 ed, contrary to the Decrees Canonical, but that they

may fue unto a Spiritual Judge for Remedy, as Right
fhall require," (2) The Anfwer. ' Of the Ability

of a Parfon prefented unto a Benefice of the Church the Examination belongeth to a Spiritual Judge ; and fo it hath been ufed heretofore, and fhall be hereaf- ter/ ITEM petitur quod perfone ecclefiaftice quas do'minus Rex ad benefic'ia prefentat ecclefiaftica fi Epifcopus eas non admittat ut puta propter de- fectum fcientie vel aliam caufarn rationibi'em nan fubeant exarninationem laicarum per foil a rum in ca- fibus antedi£tis prout hiis tempoiibus' attemptatur de facto contra canonicas fanctiones fet adeant Ju- dicem ecclefiaflicum ad quern de jure pertinet pro remedio prout juftum fuerit confequendo. Re- fponfio. De idoneitate perfone prefentate ad bene- ficium ecclefiaflicum pertinet examinatio ad Judi- cem ecclefiaflicum &-ita eft haftenus ufitatum & fietin futurum. C A P. XIV. There fhall be free Election of Dignities of the Church. LSO if any Dignity be vacant, where Eleftion jL is to be made, it is moved that the Electors may freely make their Ele&ion without Fear of any " Power Temporal, and that all Prayers and Oppref- " fions fnall in this Behalf ceafe." (2) The Anfiver. 1 They fhall be made free according to the Form of

  • Statutes and Ordinances/

TEM fi vacet aliqua dfgnitas ubi ele£rio eft fa- _ cienda petitur quod elettores libere poffint eli- gere abfque incuflione timoris a quacumque pote- . irate feculari & quod cedent preces & oppreffiones. in hac parte. Refponfio. Fiant libere juxta for- mam ftatutorum & ordinationum. CAP. XV. A Clerk fleeing into the Church for Felony, fhall not be compelled to abjure. MOreover, judged before a Temporal though a Clerk ought not to be Judge, nor any

  • ' Thing may be done againft him that concerneth

" Life or Member; neverthelefs Temporal Judges " caufe that Clerks fleeing unto the Church, and par- " adventure confeffing their Offences, do abjure the ■* Realm, and for the fame Caufe admit their Abjura- " tions, although hereupon they cannot be their Judges, " and fo Power is wrongfully given to Lay Perfons to " put to Death fuch Clerks, if fuch Perfons chance to " be found within the Realm after their Abjuration; " the Prelates and Clergy defire fuch Remedy to be

  • c provided herein, that the Immunity or Privilege of
  • ' the Church and Spiritual Perfons may be laved and

TTEM licet clericus coram feculari Judicejudi- J. cari non debeat nee aliquid contra ipfum fieri, per quod ad periculum mortis vel rautilationem membri valeat proveniri feculares tamen judices clericos ad ccclefiam confugientes & reatus fuos forte confltentes faciunt abjurare regnum & eorum abju- rationem admittunt ex ilia caufa quamquam eorum judices fuper hiis non exiftant ficque datur laicis indirefte potefias hujufmodi clericos trucidandi ft ipfos poft hujufmodi abjurationem in regno conti- gerit inveniri fuper quo pctunt prelr.ti & clerus tale remedium adhiberi ut immuniias ecclefie & ecclcfi- afticarum perfbnarum confervetur illefa. Refponfo Clericus pro felonia fugiens ad ecclefiam pro im- mm>itat3