Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/301

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A. D. 1350. Anno vicefimo quintb EdwarDi III. Stat. 2. 255 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. en cas ou Levefqe doit avoir coniffance de baftar- die foit maunde a Levefqe du lieu ou la demande eft de certifier la Court le Roi ou le pie ent pende fi come auncienement ad efte ufee en cas de baftar- die alegge contre ceux qi nafquirent en Engleterre. ' that he is a Baftard, in cafe where the Bifhop ought T r ; al of Ba- ' to have Cognifance of Baftardy, it ftiall be com- ft " d n y {i p ^ cd ' manded to the Bifhop of the Place where the De- ^-" h is ™ rn

  • mand is, to certify the King's Court where the Plea out f England,

' thereof hangeth, as of old Times hath been ufed in Raft. 105. ' the Cafe of Baftardy alledged againft. them which ' were born in England.' A Statute for the Clergy^ made Anno 25 Edw. III. Stat. 3. and Anno Dom. 1350. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. 16. D. NOSTRE Seignur leRoi veues & examinez par bone deliberation les petitions h arti- cles a lui bailliez en fon parlement tenuz a Weftmonfter en la fefte de feint Hillar' Ian de fon regne dEngleterre vintifme quint et de France dufzifme par Lonourable piere en Dieu Simon Er- cevefqe de Canterbirs et autres Evefqes de ia pro- vince fur et pur certeines grevances queles ils di- foient eftre faites a feinte eglife et a la clergie en- contre les privileges de feinte eglife et dunk, ils pri- erent qe covenable remedie ent fuift ordene al re- ference de Dieu et de feinte eglife et de laffent de !bn dit parlement pur lui et fes heirs voet et grant es pointz fouthefcriptz. OUR Lord the King, feeing and examining by: good Deliberation the Petitions and Articles: delivered to him in his Parliament holden at TVeJlminJler in the Feaft of St. Hilary, the Year of his Reign- of England the Five and twentieth, and o£ France the Twelfth, by the Honourable Father in,. God, Simon Archbifhop of Canterbury, and ofhec Bifhops of his Province, upon and for certain Griev- ances, which they alledged to be done to holy Church, and to the Clergy, againft the Privileges of. holy Church ; and then they prayed, that a conve- niable Remedy might be thereof ordained, to the. Reverence of God and of holy Church ; by the Af- fent of his Parliament, for him and his Heirs, will- eth and granteth the Points under-written." GAP. I. All Privileges granted to the Clergy confirmed. The King nor his Pleirs fhall prefent to a Be- nefice of another's Right of any Time of his Progenitors. PRimerement qe toutz les franchifes et privileges grantez par devant a la dite clergie foient con- ermez et tenuz en toutz pointz. Et quant as pre- entementz affaire par noftre dit Seignur le Roi ou lul de fes heirs as benefices de feinte eglife en autri Iroit par auncien title noftre Seignur le Roi al ho- lur de Dieu et de feinte eglife voet et grant de neifme laffent de fon dit parlement qe defore il ne lul de fes heirs ne prendra title de prefenter a nul jenefice en autri droit de nul temps de fes pro eni-

ours ne qe nul Prelat de fon Roialme foit tenuz de

•eceivre nul tiel prefentement afaire ne ent faire xecution ne nule Juftice del une place ne del autre 3ufTe ne deive fur nul tie] prefentement affaire plee

enir ou juggement doner mes qe le dit Roi et fes

heirs foient de touz tieux prefentementz forbarrez as touz jours fauvant au dit Roi et a fes heirs toutz

ielx prefentementz en autri droit de tout fon temps

it de temps avenir. 'Irft, That all the Privileges and Franchifes grant- ed heretofore to the faid Clergy be confirmed and ■ holden in all Points. (z) And as touching Prefer- ments' to be made by our Lord the King, or any of- his Heirs, to a Benefice of holy Church in another's ■ Right by old Title, our faid Lord the King, to the ■ Honour of God and Holy Church, willeth and grant- > eth, of the Affent of the faid Parliament, that from > henceforth he nor any of his Heirs fhall not take- Title to prefent to any Benefice in any other's Right, of any Time of his Progenitors; (3) nor that any > Prelate of his Realm be bound to receive any fuch-. Prefentment to be made, nor to do thereof any Exe- cution ; (4) nor that any Juftice of the. one Place, >. or the other, may not nor ought not to hold Plea, on give Judgement upon any fuch Prefentment to be- made; (5) but that the faid King and his Heirs be uH/fW. for ever hereafter clearly barred of all fuch P-refen.t--. v i |3e . p a r <*. 8 ments ; (6) laving always to him and his Pleirs alL Car - '" Scacc - fuch Preferments in another's Right fallen, or t^m&pTufh*" fall, of all his Time, and of the Time to come.' 3 o. 354. Jones 334, CAP. II. A Repeal of the Statute of Amo 14 Ed. 3. Stat. 4. cap. 2. touching the King's Prefentment to , a Church of another's Right. ET pur ce qe en parlement tenuz a Weftmon- ftier Ian du regne noftre dit Seignur le Roi quatorzifme entre autres chofes adonqes grantez as Prelatz & a feinte eglife cftoit osderie qe le Roi N D becaufe in the Parliament holden at Wejl- ,. minfter the Fourteenth Year of the Reign of our Lord the King that now is, amongft other Things then granted to the Prelates of holy Church, " it