Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/311

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A. D. 1350. . Anno vicefimo quinto Edward 1 III. Stat. 5. 265 cap. xir. No Perfon fhall take Profit by Exchange of Gold or Silver. Ex Rot. in Tiirr. Lond. ENfement acorde eft & eftabli qe bien life a chefcun homme de chaunger or pur argent ou pur or ou argent pur argent ou pur or iffint qe nul homme tiegne commune efchaunge ne rien preigne de profit pur tiel efchaunge faire fur peine de for- faiture de la monoie iffint chaungee forprifes les chaungeours le Roi les queux preignent profit pur tiele efchaunge folonc lordinance avant faite. ITEM it is accorded, That it fhall be lawful for The Value, &-c. every Man to exchange Gold for Silver, or Silver t0 be ^dared for Gold, or for Gold and Silver, fo that no Man hy *l°g™f° n -

  • hold the fame as exchanged, nor take no Profit for « HoMa'cam-'

making fuch Exchange, upon Pain of Forfeiture of m0 n Exchange, the Money fo exchanged ; except the King's Ex- changers, which take Profit of fuch Exchange, ac- Enforced by cording to the Ordinance afore made.' ImcI'u repeated by 37 H. 8, c t 9. And fee 13 E/ix, c, 8. which revives the foregoing Statute* CAP. XIII. The Money of Gold or Silver now current mall not be impaired. AUxint acorde eft & eftabli qe la monoie dor & dargent qore coert ne foit mie empire en pois nen alai mes au plus toft qe homme puffe tro- ver bone voie qele-foit mys en launcfen eftat come en efterling. Ttey Jhall not be current* Money in Payment. ' ITEM it is accorded, That the Money of Gold 3 l nft - «7* ' J. and Silver which now runneth, (hall not be im- S 1 a% l> P at < . ' paired in Weight nor in Allay ; but as foon as a good ' Way may be found, the fame be put in the antient * Inft - 3»'>57?- < State, as in the Sterling.' &$£flfr. 5 ' 5 Eliz. c. II. and 18 Eliz. c. I, Clipping or kjfening of Money made Treafon. 7 & 8 W, 3, c. 19. infliils Penalty on Receiver of clipped C A P. XIV. What Procefs fhall be awarded againft him that is indicted of Felony. ET auxint eft acorde & affentu qe apres ceo qe afcun homme foit endite de felonie devant Juftices en lour feflions doier et terminer foit co- mande ou vifcont dattacher fon corps par brief ou precept qeft appelle Capias & le vifcount retourn en le dit brief ou precept qe le corps ne foit mie tro- vee meintenant foit autre brief ou precept de Ca- pias fait retournable as trois fymeignes apres. Et en meifme le brief ou precept foit compris qe le vif- count face feifir les chateaux & les fauvement gar- der tanqe a jour de brief ou precept retournable. Et fi le vifcount refpoigne qe le corps neft pas tro- vee ne lendite vient point foit lexigend agarde & foient les chateux forfaitz ficome la lei de la co- rone demand Mes fil viegne & fe rend ou foit pris par vifcount ou par autre miniftre devant le re- tourne del fecunde Capias adonqes foient les biens foles chateux fauvez. ITEM it is accorded, That after any Man be in- dicted of Felony before the Juftices in their Sef- fions to hear and determine, it fhall be commanded to the Sheriff" to attach his Body by Writ or by Pre- cept, which is called a Capias. (z) And if the She- Fitz. Procefs, riff return in the fame Writ or Precept, that the Body '9 2 - . is not found, another Writ or Precept of Capias fhall be incontinently made, returnable at three Weeks after. (3) And in the fame Writ or Precept it fhall be comprifed, that the Sheriff fhall caufe to be feifed his Chatties, and fafely to keep them till the Day of the Writ or Precept returned. (4) And if the She- riff return, that the Body is not found, and the In- didtee cometh not, the Exigend fhall be awarded, and the Chatties fhall be forfeit, as the Law of the Crown ordaineth ; (5) but if he come and yield him- felf, or be taken by the Sheriff, or by other Minifter, before the Return of the fecond Capias, then the Goods and Chatties fhall be faved.' CAP. XV. The Penalty of a Purveyor taking more Sheep than be needful. ENfement pur ce qe les achatours & parnours des prifes le Roi parnent berbitz du poeple par entre la Pafch' & la feft de Seint Johan od les leines & les fount prifer a mene pris & puis les mandent a ours mefons demefne & les fount founder a lour profit demefne en deceit du Roi & grant oppreffion du poeple ii eft acorde & affentuz qe nul des tieux purveours parnours & achatours ne preigne nules berbitz levant la feifone du toundefon forfqe a tantz qe purront fuffire refonablement tantqe au temps du toundi- lon & apres eel temps preigne il a tantz de berbitz tounduz & nemie autres come purront fuffire refonable- iment pur le temps avenir. Et fi nul purveour parnour ou achatour du Roialme face al encontre & de ceo foit atteint a la feute le Roi oude partie foit fait de lui come de laron ou de robbour & foit la peine contenue ou, '-n chefcune commiflion des tieux purveours. c *4, Vol. I. M m CAP.