Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/384

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33?' C. 13— 1 5. Anno primo Richard 1 II. A.D.

  • 377«

Ey 7 H. 4.. c. 4. 710 Pratetlhn si- ' lawabte for a Gac/ler tabo lets PriJ'oiur ej'cjpe- Gree made, he {hall be immediately fent again to the Fleet, there to abide, till he hath made Gree to the King of his Recognifance aforefaid.' Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. partie & cell gree fait foit immediat remandez a Flete pur y demurer tanqil avera fait gree a Roi de fa reconiffance avantdite. 2 Inft. 489. The Penalty of thofe which do procure fuch In- iiitments. It) Ed. 4. 3. 50 Ed. 3. c. 5. Enforced by 1 Mar. feif. 2. c.3. a J-.ulfr. 72. »Cr. 3ZI. pi. C A P. XIII. Ecclefiaftical Judges fhall not be vexed for Suits for Tithes in a Spiritual Court: " ITEM, The Prelates and Clergy of this Realm " A do greatly complain them, for that the People " of holy Church, purfuing in the Spiritual Court for " their Tithes, and their other Things, which of right " ought, and of old Times were wont to pertain to " the fame Spiritual Court, and that the Judges of " holy Church, having Cognifance in fuch Cafes, and " other Perfons thereof meddling according to the " Law, be malicioufly and unduly for this Caufe in- " dicSted, imprilbned, and by Secular Power horribly " opprefTed, and alio enforced with Violence by Oaths " and grievous Obligations, and many other Means " unduly compelled to defift and ceafe utterly of the " Things aforefaid, againft the Liberties and Fran- " chifes of holy Church :" ' (2) Wherefore it is af-

  • fented, That all fuch Obligations made or to be made

' by Durefs or Violence, fhall be of no Value. And ' as to thofe that by Malice do procure fuch Indidt- ' ments, and to be the fame Indiclors, after the fame ' Indictees be fo acquit, fuch Procurers fhall have and ' incur the fame Pain that is contained in the Statute ' of Weftminjler the Second, of thofe which procure ' falfe Appeals to be made. And the Juftices of Affi- ' fes, or other Juftices, before whom fuch Indi&ees ' fhall be acquit, fhall have Power to inquire of fuch ' Procurers and Indiflors, and duly to punifh them ac-

  • cording to their Defert.'

}TEM les prelatz & le clergie de dit Roialme fe pleignont grandement de ce qe les gentz de feint eglife purfuiantz en court Chriftiene pur lour dif- mes & autres chofes quele de droit deyvent & de aunciene foleient appartenere a mefme la court Chriftiene & les Juges de feint eglife conifTantz en tiels caufes & autres perfones foy ent entremettantz folonc la leye font malicioufment & nonduement par celle caufe enditez enprifonez & par feculer poair orriblement oppreffez & auxint efforcez ove violence par fermentz & grevoufes obligations & moutz dautres maners non duement compulfez a defifter & eerier outrement es chofes defufdites en- contre les libertees & fraunchifes de feint eglife par quoy eft affentuz qe touz tielx obligations faitz ou affairs par durece & violence ne foient jammes daf- cun value. Et quant a ceux qi procurent par ma- lice tieux enditementz & deftre mefmes des endi- tours apres ceo qe les enditez ent font aquitez eient & encourgent tieux procurours &. enditours mefme la peyne qeft contenue en leftatut de Weftm' fe- conde de ceux qi procurent faux appelles eftre faitz. Et eient les Juftices des affifes ou autres Juftices devant queux tieux enditez ferront aquitez poiair denquerre de tieux procurours & enditours & de les punir duement chefcun folonc fon defert. CAP. XIV. In an Action of Goods taken away, the Defendant maketh Title for Tithes due to the Church. ITEM eft affentuz qe a quel heure qe afcun per- fone de feint eglife foit treet en plee en court feculer pur fes propres difmes prifez par noun des biens enportez & celui qe enfi ent eft treet en plee face exception ou allegge qe la fubftance & fource de la bofoigne foit foulement fur difmes duez de droit & poffeffion de fa eglife ou a autre fon bene- fice qe en tieu cas general averementne foit jammes pris fanz monftrer matier efpecial coment ceo fuift lay chatell..

  • TTEM it is accorded, That at what Time that

6 JL any Perfon of the holy Church be drawn in Plea ' in the Secular Court for his own Tithes taken, by ' the Name of Goods taken away, and he which is fo ' drawn in Plea maketh an Exception, or alledgeth, 4 that the Subitance and Suit of the Eufinefs is only c upon Tithes due of Right and of Poffeffion to his ' Church, or to another his Benefice, that in fuch cafe 1 the gen ral Averment fhall not be taken without ' (hewing fpecially how the fame was his Lay-chattel.' C A P. XV. The Penalty for arrefting of Priefts during Divine Service. T E M, Becaufe that Prelates do complain them- felves, that as well beneficed People of holy Church, as other, be arrefted and drawn out as well of Cathedral Churches, as of other Churches and their Churchyards, and fometime whiles they be in- tending to Divine Services, and alfo in other Places, although they be bearing the Body of our Lord Jefus Chrift to fick Perfons, and fo arrefted and drawn out, be bound and brought to Prifon againft the Liberty of holy Church :" ' (2) It is ordained, That if any Minifter of the King, or other, do arreft any Per- fon of holy Church by fuch Manner, and thereof be duly convic~t 3 he fhall have Imprifonment, and then 4 TEM pur ce qe les Prelatz fe font pleindre qe fibien gentz de feint eglife beneficiez come au- tres font areftuz & horstretz fibien des efglifes cathe- drales come des autres efglifes & lour cimiters & tant come ils font alefoitz entendantz a divines fer- vices & auxint en autres lieux tout foient ils por- tantz le corps noftre Seignur Jefu Crift as malades & iffint areftuz & horftretz font liez & menez en prifone encontre la fraunchife de feint eglife or- deigne eft qe fi nulle miniftre du Roi ou autre face arefter afcun perfone de feint eglife par ticl manere & ent foit duement convict cit la priibne & ent foit reint al volunte le Roi et face gree as parties iffint areftuz