Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/477

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A. D. 1399 Anno primo Henrici IV. CAP. XIV. Where all Sorts of Appeals fhall be tried and determined. Cap. 14, 15. 431 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ITEM pur plufours graundes inconveniences & mefchiefs qe plufours foitz ont avenuz par voie des plufours appelles faites deinz le Roialme dEngleterre devaunt ces heures ordeinez eft & efta- bliz qe defore enavant toutz les appelles affairs des chofes faites deinz le Roialme foient triez & ter- minez par les bones leys du Roialme faites & ufez en temps des trefnobles progenitours noftre dit Seignur le Roi et qe toutz les appelles affairs des chofes faites hors de Roialme foient triez & ter- minez devant les Coneftable & Marefchall dEng- leterre pur le temps efteantz. Et outre ceo ac- cordez eft & affentuz qe nulles appelles foient defores faitz ou purfuez en parlement aucunement en null temps avenir. ' TTEM, For many great Inconveniencies and Mif- 3 r„ft. 31, 132. ' •*• chiefs that often have happened by many Appeals 1 Mod. itfi. ' made within the Realm of England before this Raft - ^ u 49» ' Time:"' (2) it is ordained and ftablifhed from 50, henceforth, That all the Appeals to be made of . Things done within the Realm, fhall be tried and determined by the good Laws of the Realm, made and ufed in the Time of the King's noble Progenitors 5 and that all the Appeals to be made of Things done out of the Realm, fhall be tried and determined before the Conftable and Marlhal of England for the time being. (4) And moreover it is accorded and affented, No A p pea-I That no Appeals be from henceforth made or any (hall be purfued wife purfued in Parliament, in any Time to come.' in Parliament. CAP. XV. The Punifhment of the Mayor, &c. of London, for Defaults committed there. ITEM come par eftatut fait en temps du Roi E. aiel noftre Seignur le Roi qorcft Ian de fon regne vingt oeptifme ordeinez foit & eftabliz qe pur ce qe les errours defaultes & mefprifions qi feurent notoirement ufeez en la Citee de Londres pur defalte de bone governement de Mair des Vifcontz & des Aldermannes ne purront eftre in- quifez ne trovez par gentz de mefme la Citee ordeine fuit & eftablie qe les ditz Mair Vifcontz & Aldermannes qont la governement de la dite Cite facent redrefcer & corriger les defaltes errours & mefprifions fufnomez & les duement punir de temps en temps fur certaine peine ceftaflavoir a primere defalt mill, marcz a Roi & a le feconde defalt deux mill, marcz & a tierce defalt qe la franchife de la dite Citee foit pris en la maine le Roi et foit co- mence denquere fur eux a la Seint Michel profchein avenir iffint qils ne facent dues redreffementz come defus eft dit foit enquis de lour defautz par en- queftes des gentz des foreines contees ceftaffavoir Kent Eflex Suffex Hertf Buk' & Berk' fibien a la fuite de Roi come dautres qi pleindre fe voudront. Et fi les Mair Vifcontz & Aldermannes foient par tieux enqueftes enditez foient faitz venir par due proces devant les Juftices le R.oi qi ferront a ce affignez dehors la dite Citee devant queux ils eient lour refpons fibien a Roi come a la partie et fils fe mettent en enqueftes foient celles enqueftes prifez par gentz forains come defuis eft dit et fib foient atteintz foit la dite peine encurru leve des ditz Mair Vifcontz & AlJgrmannes pur defaut de lour governement et nientmeins les pleintifs recoverent lour damages a treble vers les ditz Mair Vifcontz & Aldermannes. Et per caufe qe les Vifcontz de Londres font parties a ceft hufoigne foit le Cone- ftable de le Tour ou fon leutenant miniftre en lieu des Vifcontz a receiver les briefs fibien originals de la Chauncellarie come judicialx fouz les fealx des Juftices a faire ent execution en la dite Citee. Et tons -Ma- ITEM, Whereas by a Statute made in the TimeR a <t-4- of King Edward, Grandfather of our Lord the lS E ^ 3- <•■ ro » King that now is, the * feven and twentieth Year of Th " ii^ f his Reign, it was ordained and ftablifhed, That be- Undon ftall re- caufe the Errors, Defaults, and Mifprifions, which toft Errors, were notorioufly ufed in the City of London, for De- Defaults, and fault of good Governance of the Mayor, Sheriffs, M ' f P? fions > and Aldermen, might not be inquired nor found by u r ed ih tha People of the fame City; f (2) that the faid Mayor, fame City. Sheriffs, and Aldermen, which had the Governance * "s ht - of the City, fhould redrefs and correct the Defaults, ^ f'. ld T~ , Errors, and Mifprifions aforefaid, and the fame duly^r^ a " a ■ punifli from Time to Time, upon a certain Pain; that is to fay, At the firft Default a thoufand Marks to the King, and at the fecond Default two thou- fand Marks, and at the third Default, that the Franchife J be taken into the King's Hand; (3) and * /lai _ ,, :f be it begun to inquire of them at the Feaft of Saint^a'c^.. Michael next enfuing : fo that if they make not due Redrefs, as before is faid, it fhall be inquired of their; Defaults by Inqueft of foreign Counties, that is to. fay, Kent, Effex, SuJJex, Hertford, Buckingham, and Berks, as well at the King's Suit, as of others that will complain; (4) and if the Mayor, Sheriffs, and Aldermen, be by fuch Inqueft indicled,. they fhall be caufed to come by due Procefs before the J uftices, which fhall be thereto alfigned out of the City, be- fore whom they fhall have their Anfwer, as well at the Suit of the King as of the Party; (5) and if" they put themfelves in Inquefts, the fame Inquefts fhall be taken, of foreign People, as afore is faid;. (6) and if they be attainted, the faid Pain fo incurred fhall be levied of the faid Mayor, Sheriffs,. and-Aldermen^. for Default of their Government; (7) and neverthe- lefs the Plaintiffs fhall recover their treble Damages againft the faid Mayor, Sheriffs, and Aldermen,. (8) And becaufe the Sheriffs of London be Party to The Conftable this Bufmefs, the Conftable of the Tower, or his or Lieutenant- ■ Lieutenant, mall' be Officer, inftead of the Sheriffs, of the Tm-rr- to receive the Writs, as well Originals of the Chan- *f ^"'J^ ' eery, as. Judicials under the Seals of the Juftices,. the Ki ^ . to do thereof Execution, in. the faid City; (9} and Writs.. " Procefs