Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/404

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366 C. 14 17. Anno tricefimo quinto Henrici VIII. A. D. 1543. granted, by Copy of Court Roll, in Fee-fimple," or for Term of Life or Lives, by the Stewards of the faid Manors, their Under-Stewards or Deputies, for fuch Rents, Services, Fines, Heriots and Cuftoms, as in the faid Copies {hall be fpecified ; which Copies fhali be good againft the King, his Heirs, Succeffor* and Affigns. P R. CAP. XIV. 1 x P. 25 H. S.c. 19. .§.7. 27 H. S.c. 15. if H. 3. c. 20. The Bill for the Refervation of Rents and Services of Lands holden of the King under the yearly Value of 12 Car. a, c. 24. f or ty Shillings. A Rehearfal of the Statute of 27 H. 8. c. 28. which gave to the King the Lands of all Abbeys not exceeding 200 /. a Year. A Tenure in Cdpite, and a yearly Rent of the tenth Part of the 'Value, referved to the King upon every Alienation. What Tenures the King may referve upon thofe Abbey Lands which exceed not the yearly Value of xl. s. Of Houfes and Gardens whereunto no Land EXP, doth belong, no Tenth fhall be referved. CAP. XV. All Perfons which have any Houfes, Lands, Gardens or other Grounds in the Town of Cambridge, adjoin- ing upon every High-way, Street or Lane, in his own Right, or the Right of his Wife, or, &c. fhall caufe the fame to be paved with paving Stone unto the Middle of the fame Ways, and in Length as their ' Grounds do extend; and fo fhall from Time to Time maintain them, upon Pain to forfeit Six-pence for p R t every Yard fquare not fufRciently paved, to the King and the Informer. CAP. XVI. The King fhall have Authority during his Life to name two and thirty Perfons, viz. fixteen Spiritual and fixteen Temporal, to examine all Canons, Conflitutions and Ordinances, Principal and Synodal, and to eftablifh all fuch Laws Ecclefiailical, as fhall be thought by the King and them convenient to be ufed in' all Spiritual Courts. CAP. XVII. The Bill for the Prefervation of Woods. e ' a ' H E King our Sovereign Lord perceiving and right well knowing the great Decay of Timber and 4 JL Woods univerfally within this his Realm of England to be fuch, that unlefs fpeedy Remedy in that 4 Eehalf be provided, there is great tmd manifeft Likelihood of Scarcity and Lack, as well of Timber for 4 building, making, repairing and maintaining of Houfes and Ships, and alfo for Fewel and Fire-wood, 4 for the neceffary Relief of the whole Communalty of this his faid Realm :' (2) Wherefore be it ordained and enacted by his Highnefs, with the AfTent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament afTembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That in and upon all and fmgular feveral Woods, commonly called Coppice Woods or Under-woods, which from or after the Feafl of St. Michael the Archangel, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord God 1544, fhall be felled at twenty-four Years growing or under, there fhall be left {landing and unfelled, for every Acre of Wood that fhall be felled within the faid Coppice, twelve Standils or Storers of Oak ; (3) and if there be not fo many Stand- ils or Storers of Oak there, that then there fhall be left fo many of other Kind, that is to fay, of Elm, Afh, Afp or Beech, as {hall make up the faid Number of twelve Standils or Storers, likely to prove and to be Timber-trees ; (4) the fame Standils or Storers to be of fuch Standils or Storers, as have been left there {landing at any the felling of the fame Coppice Woods or Under-woods, in Times paft; and in cafe there be no fuch Standils or Storers there {landing, which were there left at the laft felling of the fame Cop- pice or Under-woods, then the fame Standils or Storers there to be left, fhall be left at this now next fell- ing of the faid Coppice Woods or Under-woods, of fuch mofl likeliefl Oaks, and if there be not fufficient of Oaks, then of the molt likeliefl Elms, Afh, Afp or Beech, to prove and to be Timber-trees, as fhall grow within any fuch feveral Woods, Coppice or Under-woods, (5) and that the fame Standils or Storers fo left, fhall be preferved, and not felled or cut down, till they and every of them mail be of ten Inches fquare within three Foot of the Ground; (6) upon Pain that every Owner of every fuch Standils and Storers having an Eflate of Inheritance, or an Eflate for Term of Life of Freehold, or by Copy of Court Roll, or for Years, in the Ground or Soil where the fame Standils or Storers fhall grow, caufing or com- manding any fuch Coppice Woods or Under-woods to be felled or cut down, and not leaving the faid Stand- i ils or Storers there Handing in Form aforefaid, to lofe and forfeit for every Standil and Storer fo not left I flanding in the faid Coppice Woods or Under-woods, iij. s. iv. d. (7) and upon Pain that every Owner, as is aforefaid, of any fuch Coppice Woods or Under-woods, caufing or commanding any of the faid Stand- ils or Storers, fo left as is abovefaid, to be cut down, contrary to the Form of this Act, to forfeit and lofe for every of the faid Standils or Storers which fhall be fo cut down, iij. s. iv. d. (8) the one Half of which faidForfeitures to be to the King our Sovereign Lord, and the other Half to be to the Party that will Cue for the fame in any Court of Record by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in the which Action, Bill, Plaint and Information, no Protection, Wager of Law nor Effoin fhall be admitted or allowed. II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and Angular Coppice and Under-woods, which after the faid Feafl of Saint Michael the Archangel fhall happen to be felled or cut down at the Age of fourteen Years Growth or under, and not being above the faid Age, from and after the twentieth Day of Apr'd next after the Felling thereof, during the Term of four Years then next enfuing,. fhall be fufSciently enclofed, or the Springs thereof otherwife faved and preferved from Definition by any manner of Cattle or Beafls, by him or them which then fhall have lawful Interefl and Pofllffion in the faid Woods, Coppice or Under- Thereflisllbe -left twelve Standils in an Acre of Wood under twenty- four Years .Cjowth. Woods preferved of or under fourteen Years Crtiwin. Co. p.!. f. 366.