Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/683

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A. D. 1585. Anno xxv'n Regius Ell* A*! 1 C. i^ 1 c A P. I. foui and 1 rant P Ibi at the U rft whcred P n oj the* | Peers ol the Rcali 1, by the rnmiflion fhall c open In-. Ilion u itnin this Realm, oral fending Title to rti 1 iwn : vrl i . ■•■ < I to the i !n si n : Irra I Qu- whom or whoft Meani , A/lent or Privity, . be n a^e, ■ d or imagined agaii pc • Ih.ill befhortned, the < l an I difeb ,'■ Title to the Crown : 1 he J laid. E X P. C A I II. An Aft againft Jefuics, Seminary Priefls, and other fuch like dilobc"ir:.t IV. 1. « VTTHEREAS divers PejfoiM sailed op profWtW Jefiute. SWiiwry Prlefls and other Pri. ' VV have lie :n, end from Tuna to Time ore made in the Parts beyond the Seas, by or i let and Rite of the Romijh Church, have of late Years comen and beta fent, an I •i.tily do come

  • are fent, into this Realm of England and other the Queen's. Maje fly's Dominion*, z ol Pu
appealed, as well by fundry Ot their own Examination and Conlelliom, . 

s and Proofs) not only to withdraw her Highnefs Subjects from their due I >i ediciu

  • alfo to itir up and move Sedition, Rebellion and open lloilility within the f.imt- hei Hi and '.5'"; '

' Dominions, (%) to the great Endangering of the Safety of her molt Royal Perfon, and to th : utter Ru n, '■ ' Defolation and overthrow of the v> hole Realm, if the lame be not the i'ooner by fome good A I

  • feen and prevented :'

■ II. For Rcfoi mati< >n whereof be it ordained, euablifhcd and enacted by the Queen's moll excellent Ma- All WW jefty, and the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament afilmbled, . by the Authority of the fame Parliament, That all and every Jeftiits, Seminary Priefts, and Ol •whatsoever matte or ordained out of the Realm of England or other her Highnefs Dominions, or within an . 1 I her Majefty's Realms or Dominions, by any Authority, Power or Turiidiction derived, challcng d Or pre-i H 1 . .". C. tended from the See- of Rome, iinee the Fcalt of the Nati ity of St. Jlhn Bafti/t in the firll Year «9 h nefs Reign, fhall within forty Days next after the End of this prefent Seffion of Parliament this Realm of Engi<md, aiid out of all other her Highnefs Realm3 and Dominions, if the Win . and PaiTage fhall Verve for the fame, or elle fo foon nt<.r the End of the faid forty Days as the- it . thes and Paflngc fbajl fo ferve. g III. And he it further enacted by the Authority afortfaid, That it Iheil not 1- ! ' ... fill t-> &itj Seminary Prieft, or other fuch Pried, Deacon, or Religious or torn within this Realm, or any other her Highnefs Dominions, and heretofore fmcethe f.ii.i Feaftofih tivity of St. John Bnpti/f-, in the fit It Year of her Majctly'- Reign, made, ord..;. to be madee, ordained or profelied, by any Authority or Jurifdiclion der'u.ed, challenged of pret en ded % i the See of Rome, by or of what Name, Title or Degree foevcr the fame fhall be called or known, into, be or remain in any Part of this Realm, or any other her Highnefs Dominions, after the feme forty Days, other than in fuch fpecial Cafes, and upon fuch fpecial Occafioiis on! ••, and for fuch* Time only, as is expreffed in this Act; and if he do, that then every fuch Offence mail Be taker) and judged to be High Treafon v and every Perfon fo oftonding fhall for hisOrrence be adju ! ;..: a ! rarjtti . fhafl fufier, lofe and forfeit, as in Cafe of High Treafon. 1 IV. And every Perfon which after the End of the fame forty Days, and after fuch 'Time of Departut ■ ■ - is before limited and appointed, ihall wittingly and willingly receive, relieve, content, aid 01 any Inch Jefuit, Seminary Prieft or other Prielt, Deacon or Religious or Ecclefiaftieal Perfon, as i- aforcl beina; at Liberty, or out of Hold, knowing him to be a Jefuit, Seminary Prieft or other filch IV , Deacon, or Religious or Ecckfiaftica.l Perfon, as is aforefaid, fliall alio for fuch Offence Felon, without Benefit of Clergy, and fuffer Death, lofe and forfeit, as in Cafe of V. And be it further enaftcd by the Authority aforefaid, If any • f her eTijcftvs Subjects ( 10 Jefuit, a Seminary Prieft, or other fuch- Prielt, Deacon, or Religious or Eeetefoemefet Perfon, a.s is befoa - mentioned) now being, or which hereafter fhall be of, or brought up in, any College of Jefuit:-, ou'.. nary already erected and ordained, or hereafter to be erected or ordained, in the Parts beyond the S; as, - out of this Realm in any foreign Parts, fhall not within fix Months next after Proclamation in thai to be made in the City of London, under the Great Seal of England, return into this Realm, and ti: within two Days nexr after fuch Return, before the Bithopof the Diocefe, or twojuitices ( County where he fhall arrive, fubmit himfelf to her Ma jelly and her Laws, and take the Oath let forth by Act in the fir ft Year of her Reign ; That then every fuch Perfon which ihall otherwilV return, cot or be in this Realm or any other her Highnefs Dominions, for fuch Offence of returning or being in Realm or any other her Highnefs Dominions, without Submillion, as aforefaid, ihaii ..Ifo be adjudg.d a Traytor, and. fafter, lofe and forfeit, as in Cafe of High Trealbn, vli^IL 4 M W. -..i