Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/725

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A. D. 1593. Anno tricLTuno (]uii,to ];. i.iHa- I*, i , ., ( . 2 . 675 and truly whether he be a I uil or a Seminary or M : :!' . p ruling to anfwer fliall For his Difobi di< n as (hall examine him as 1 and (I iprtn A orMainprifc, until he llr.ill make direct and ti led. XII. PrtfvMW-rteVtrtheleft, arW 1 ei ciraclcd by the AutR< whii h are hereby limit d and appointed to 1 Dwelling-place, or of fu< h PI orefaid, flrall hafre nci efl . I i .■ . . ■ - faid fiveMilesj That then and in every Arch Cafe, upon Li m ( in thai Behalf to bi gotten I lands of two of the Jufl I ( • . ith the I'm. ity ai tlu- Bifbop ol the Diocefe, orol the Lieutenant, 01 of any Deputy ( tlnir Hands, it (hall and may be lawful fi>: every ftich n rfon to go 1 1 Bufmefs, and Ibi fuch Time tmi for their Travelling. / I Returning, a, flu!: be in the Cum- Licence; amy I hine bed. re in this A Xin. Provided' alfo, ii arrj fueh Perfon fo reftrained as is- aforefaid, Ihall be urged by Pn <!***r without Fraud or Covin, or bi b iund n or Covin, to make A;<, il her r' ( "' Majefty's Courts, or (hall be font for, commanded or required hy arty tllree or more of her .Majefty';, a * oimeoU Privy Council, or by any four or more oi any Commiflioners to he in that Behalf nominated mid xffigrted by lier Majefty, to make Appearance before her Majefty's laid Council or Commtifion4rs<; That in i fuch Cafe, every fuch Perfon fo bounden, urged, commanded or required to make fuch Appearance, fhall not incur any Pain, Forfeiture or Lofs for travelling to make Appearance accordingly, nor for his Abode concerning the fame, nor for convenient Time for his Return back again upon the I XIV. And he it further provided and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any fuch Peiibn or p«f., n i »-hi«h Pcrfons fo reftrained as is aforefaid-, fliall be bound, or ought to yield and render their Bodie to the She- »>e 10 j:. riff of the County where they (hall happen to be, upon Proclamation in that Behalf without Fraud or Bod " Tothe Covin to be made; That then in every fuch Cafe, every Perfon which (hall be fo bounden, or ought to t: yield and render their Body- as aforefaid, (hall not incur any Pain, Forfeiture or Lofs for travelling for that Intent and Purpofe only, without any Fraud or Covin, nor for convenient Time taken for the Re- turn hack again upon the fame. XV. And furthermore he it enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That if any Perfon An Offender or Pcrfons that fliall at any Time hereafter offend againlt this Act, fhail before he or they fhall be thereof upon open Sob- convicted, come to fome Parifh Church on Come Sunday or other Feftival Day, and then and there iwar "l" 1 Divine Service, and at Service-time, before the Sermon, or reading of the Gofpel, make publick and ' clirBr * open Submidion and Declaration of his and their Conformity to her Majefty's Laws and Statutes, as hereafter in this Act is declared and appointed; That then the fame Offender ihall thereupon he clearly difcharged of and from all and every Pains and Forfeitures inflicted or impofed by this Act for any of the faid Offences in this Act contained : (2) The fame Submiflion to be made as hereafter followtth : That is to fay, XVI. I J. B. do humbly confefs and acknowledge, That I have grievoufly offended God in contcm- The Fonr. M" ning her Majefty's godly and lawful Government and Authority, by abfenting my felf from Church, from hearing Divine Service, contrary to the godly Laws and Statutes of this Realm: (2) And I am heartily lorry for the fame, and do acknowledge and teftify in my Confcieiiee, That the Bifhop or of Rome hath not, nor ought to have, any Power or Authority over her Majefty, or within any hei jelly's Realms or Dominions, (3) And 1 do promifc and proteft, without any Dillimulatiun, or any Co- lour or Means of any Difperifation, That from henceforth 1 will from Time to Time obey and perform her Majefty's Laws and Statutes, in repairing to the Church, and hearing Divine Service, and do my ut- termoft Endeavour to maintain and defend the fame. XVII. And that every Minifter or Curate of even Parifh, where fuch SubmifTton and Declaration of T "- Conformity fliall hereafter be fo made by any fuch Offender as afon laid, ihall prefently enter the fame j^J^I^ 1 into a Book to be kept in every Parifh for that Purpofe, and within ten Days then next following fhall certify the fame in Writing to the Bifhop of the fame Diocefe. XVIII. Provided neverthelefs, That if any fuch Offender, after fuch Submidion made as is aforefaid, A VCet fhall afterward fall into Relapfc, or eftfoons become a Recufant, in not repairing to Church to hear Di- . m ' :tin l'^!'^ th vine Service, but fliall forbear the fame, contrary to the Laws and Statutes in that Behalf made and pro- '"^.^ vided; That then every fuch Offender fliall lofe all fuch Benefit as he or (he might otherwife by Virtue " jJ ' of this Act have or enjoy by reafon of their faid Submiflion; and Ihall thereupon Hand and remain in iuch Plight, Condition and Degree, to all Intents, as though fuch Submiflion had never been made. XIX. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Woman mar- Women tx lied, or hereafter to be married, fhall be bound by all and every Article, Branch and Matter contained in JJJjJJ this Statute, other than the Branch and Article of Abjuration before-mentioned : (2) And that no iuch g ri( j £min ,. 0t Woman married, or to be married, during Marriage, ihall be in any wife forced or compelled to abjure, or be abjured, by Virtue of this Act 1; any Thing therein contained to the contrary thereof notwithstan- ding. 23 Eliz, c. i. 29 Eliz. c. 6. 1 Jac. 1. c. 4. 3 Jac. 1. c. 4, 5. Cbefttr, 4 R* CAP.