Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/726

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676 C. 3 — 7* Anno tricefimo quinto Reginze Elizabeths. A. D. 1593, his aftua! and < lawful Poffeffion, c &c. and all Let- c ters Patents CAP. III. An Aft for Explanation of the Statute made in the thirty-fourth Year of King Henry the Eighth,' as well touching Grants made to his Majefty, as for Confirmation of Letters Patents made by his Highnefs to others. All Abbey Lands « -y-^ Orafmuch as divers Ambiguities, Doubts and Queftions haverifen and been moved, as well touching 7^ ' HandTcrf ' -T divers Surrenders, Grants and Conveyances made and granted by fundry late Abbots, Priors and Kmg H. 8. &c. ' other Religious and Ecclelaftical Perfons, to the late King of Famous Memory King Henry the Eighth, ihali be adjudged ' after the fourth Day of February in the feven and twentieth Year of his Reign, of divers their Honours, ro have been in ' Manors, Lands, Tenements and Herediaments ; (z) as alfo touching and concerning the Validity of the Erections of fuch Deans and Chapters, and fuch Colleges as were erected, ordained, made or founded by the faid late King Henry the Eighth, after the faid fourth Day of February, in the laid feven and twentieth Year of his Reign : (3) And forafinuch as the fame Doubts and Queftions feem not to be fufficiently re- made by him for ' medied or provided for by the Statute made in the four and, thirtieth Year of the Reign of the faid late the Foundation < King Henry the Eighth, intituled, An Acl for Confirmation of Letters Patents, notwithstanding mifnaming of any Dean and <. f Thing contained in the fame, &c.' t'.hap'.tr, or '■.■■■ ° College, fhall be reputed good. 34 & 35 H. 8. c. 21. 11 Cok, 11. 3 Cok. 73. Other Mens Rights faved. CAP. IV. EXP* Every Parifh mail be charged with a Sum weekly towards the Relief of fick, hurt and maimed Soldiers and Manners. Continued to the End of the firft Seffion of the next Parliament, by 43 El. c. 9. §. 29. C A P. V. Attainders^ A Confirmation of the Attainder of Sir Francis Englefield. that went forth of the Realm Anno 1 Eliz. by the Queen's Licence, and was attainted of High Treafon, as well by the Statute of 29 Eliz. c. 1. as by the Common Law : His Lands eftablifhed to be in the Queen, her Heirs, Succeffors or Affigns : The Queen mall take the Advantage of Revocating of an AlTurance with a Condition made by him upon the Tender of a Ring of Gold. PR. 7C0k.11. CAP. VI. No new Buildings fhall be erected within three Miles of London or Wejlmwjler. One Dwell ing-houfe in London, Wejlminfter, or three Miles thereof, fhall not be converted into more. No Inmates or Under- fttters (hall be in the Places aforefaid. Commons or wafte Grounds, lying within three Miles of London, fhall not be inclofed. A Mile fhall contain eight Furlongs, every Furlong forty Poles, and every Pole fhall contain ftxteen Foot and an half. EXP. 31 Eliz. c. 7. CAP. VII. .. An Act for the Reviving, Continuance, Explanation and Perfecting of divers Statutes; H E R E in the firft Seffion of Parliament begun in the City of London the third Day of November in the one and twentieth Year of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord of famous Memory, King Henry the Eighth, and from thence adjourned and prorogued to the Palace of Wejhninjhr, an Act or Statute was made, intituled, An Acl for the true making of Cables, Halfers and Ropes.' ' II. And where in the Parliament holden upon Prorogation at Wejtminjler the fourth Day of February in the four and twentieth Year of the Reign of the faid King, one other Act was then and there made, intituled, An Act againji killing of young Beajls, called Weanlings' 'III. And where in the Seffion of a Parliament ended at Wejlminfter the firft Day of February in the fourth Year of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord King Edward the Sixth, one Act was made concerning the Buying and Selling of Rother-beafts and Cattle :' ' IV: And alfo one other Act was then and there likewife made, intituled, An Acl for the Buying and Selling of Butter and Cheefe.' London. Cables, Ships, 21H. 8. C. 12. Cattle. 24 H. S. c. 9. Cattle. 3 &4Ed. 6, c. 19. Victual. 3&4Ed.6.c.2l. Fifli. I £1. c. 17. Hufbandry. 5 £1. c. 2. Merchants, 5 El. c. 7. Fi(h. 5 El. C 5. d Fry ofFiJh.' ' VI. And where alfo in the firft Seffion of Parliament holden at Wejlminfter the twelfth Day of "January in the fifth Year of her Highnefs Reign, one Act was then and there made, intituled, An Acl for Main- tenance and Increafe of Tillage.' ' VII. And one other Act was then and there likewife made, intituled, Art Acl for the Avoiding of divers foreign Wares, mads by Handicraft/men beyond the Seas.' ' VIII. And one other Act w;s likewife then and there made, intituled, An Ail touching certain politick Conftitutions made for the Maintenance of the Ntv/.' IX. ' And