Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/16

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  1. An Act for four intire Subsidies granted by the Spiritualty.
  2. An Act for three intire Subsidies, and three Fifteens and Tenths granted by the Temporalty.
  3. A Confirmation of the King's General and Free Pardon.

Anno vicesimo primo Jacobi Regis.

  1. An Act for the Confirmation of Wadham College in Oxford, and the Possessions thereof.
  2. An Act for the Naturalizing of Philip Burlemccchi of London, Merchant.
  3. An Act for the Naturalizing of Giles Vandeput of London, Merchant.
  4. An Act to enable William Earl of Hertford, and Sir Francis Seymour, Knight, Brother of the said Earl, to convey certain Lands for Payment of his Debts, and for establishing of other Lands in Lieu thereof, and of better Value.
  5. An Act for the Naturalizing Sir Robert Anstrother, Knight, one of the Gentlemen of his Majesty's Privy-Chamber, Sir George Abercromy, Knight, late Gentleman of the Robes to the late Queen Anne of worthy Memory, and John Cragge, Doctor of Physick, Physician to the High and Mighty Prince Charles, your Majesty's dearest Son.
  6. An Aft for Confirmation of the Copyhold Estates and Customs of divers Copyholders of the Manors of Stepney and Hackney, according to certain Indentures of Agreement, and a Decree in the High Court of Chancery, made between the Lord of the said Manors and the Copyholders.
  7. An Act for Confirmation of the Assurance of certain Lands sold by Sir Thomas Beamond, Knight and Baronet, Lord Viscount Beaumond of Swoords in the Kingdom of Ireland, and Dame Elizabeth his Wife, unto Sir Thomas Cheeke, Knight.
  8. An Act for Erecting a Free School, an Almshhouse, and an House of Correction within the County of Lincoln.
  9. An Act to Enable Martin Calthorpe, Esquire, to make Sale of certain Lands for Preferment of his younger Children, and Payment of his Debts.
  10. An Act for the the Settling and Assuring of the Manor of Goodneston, and other Lands of Sir Edward Engham, Knight.
  11. An Act for the Naturalizing Of Elizabeth Veere and Mary Veere, Daughters of Sir Horace Veere, Knight.
  12. An Act to Enable Dame Alice Dudley Wife of Sir Robert Dudley, Knight, to assure her Estate in the Manor of Killingworth, and other Lands in the County of Warwick, for valuable Consideration, to the Prince's Highness and his Heirs.
  13. An Act for Confirmation of an Exchange of Lands between the most Excellent Prince Charles and Sir Lewis Watson, Knight and Baronet.
  14. An Act for the Settling of certain Manors and Lands of the Right Honourable Anthony Viscount Montague, towards the Payment of his Debts and railing of his Daughters Portions.
  15. An Act to Enable Sir Richard Lumley, Knight, to sell divers Manors and Lands for the Payment of his Debts, and Preferment of his younger Children.
  16. An Act for the Confirmation of a Decree in Chancery, made by the Consent of the Lord of the Manor of Painswick in the County of Gloucester and the Customary Tenants of the same Manor.
  17. An Act for the Naturalizing of Sir Francis Stewart, Knight, Walter Stewart, James Maxwell, William Carr, and James Levington, Esquires.
  18. An Act for the Naturalizing of John Younge Doctor of Divinity, and Dean of the Cathedral Church of Winchester.
  19. An Act to enable and make good a Conveyance and Assurance made of the Manor of Little Munden in the County of Hertford' by Sir Peter Vanlore, Knight, Sir Charles Cæsar, Knight, and Dame Anne his Wife, to Edmund Woodhall, Esquire, and his Heirs; and to establish the said Manor upon the said Edmund Woodhall and his Heirs, according to the said Conveyance.
  20. An Act for the Naturalizing of Jane Murrey Widow, and William Murrey, Esquire.
  21. An Act so enable Vincent Lowe of Derby in the County of Derby, Esquire, to sell Part of his Lands for the Payment of his Debts. 3 Car. 1. c. 13. pr.
  22. An Act to enable Tobie Pallivicine, Esquire, to sell certain Lands for the Payment of his Debts and Preferment of his younger Children.
  23. An Act for Naturalizing of Sir Robert Carre, Knight.
  24. An Act for the Confirming and Assuring of the Manor of Newlangport and Sevans alias Sephans with their Appurtenances, and divers other Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments in the County of Kent, late being the Inheritance of Sir Henry James, Knight, in a Præmunire convicted, unto Martin Lumley, now the Mayor of the City of London, Alice Woodrose, Widow, and Edward Cropey. and their Heirs and Assigns forever.
  25. An Act for the Naturalizing of Sir Stephen Leisure, Knight.
  26. An Act for the Naturalizing of James Marquis of Hamilton.
  27. An Act for the Naturalizing of Sir William Anstrother, Knight, Doctor Bellcanquail, and Patrick Abercromy.
  28. An Act for the Confirming the Sale of certain Land sold by Sir Edward Heron, Knight, unto Bevell Moulesworth, Esquire, and enabling the said Sir Edward Heron to make Sale of other Lands for Payment of Debts, and settling of certain Manors, Salt Marshes and other Lands upon Robert Heron and Edward Heron, in Recompence of the same.
  29. An Act for the Naturalizing of Abigail Little Wife of Jeoffrey Little, and of William Little Son of the said Abigail by the said Jeoffrey Little her Husband.
  30. An Act for Establishing of some Manors and other Lands in the several Counties of Cornwall, Devon and Dorsett, on John Mohun, Esquire, Son and Heir apparent of Sir Reynold Mohun, Knight and Baronet, according to the true Intent and Meaning of certain Agreements between them had and made.
  31. An Act for the Enabling of the Sale of the Manor of Rampton in the County of Cambridge, and of divers Lands and Tenements in Rampton, Wivellingham and Cottingham in the same County, now or late the Freehold or Inheritance of Edward Alcocke, Esquire.
  32. An Act of Explanation of a former Ast made in the three and twentieth Year of the Reign of the late Queen of famous Memory Elizabeth, intituled, An Act for Assurance of the yearly Rent of eighty two Pounds and ten Shillings to the Bishop of Coventry on Litchfield and his Successors forever, out of certain Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments thereby assured to Edward Fisher, Esquire., and his Heirs.
  33. An Act for the Establishing of three Lectures in Divinity, according to the last Will and Testament of Thomas Whetenhall Esquire.

34. An