Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/430

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C. 8. Anno vicefimo qtiinto Caroli II. A. D. 1672. C 21. ^. i^. R<nH ro 1 e jrivpn to biir.g ^!1 Conds of the Afnnican Plantations to TZjigiand. And Suits on fuch Bonds tc- flrained hy 8 Ann. c, 13. §. The Rates for tlie CuPoms to t'* paid. Penalty. The Duty to be levied by the Commillioners of the Cufvoms in England. By I Geo. I. Stat. 2. c. I». ^ If the Par'y fliall not have ready Money, tlien thcCom- m'fli nets to take a Propor- tion of tite Commodities. It /hail be free frra'l Perfins to trade toSwe. <len, Denmaik. arid Norway. Any Perfrn Svibjefl of this Realm fliall be admitted into the Eaftland Company, pay- ing for his Ad- sai'.tance ^os. Bervjuk upon Tweed, and to no other Place, and there to unload and put the fame on Shore, (the Danger of the Seas only excepted) That there ftiall be anfwered and paid to your Majefty, your Heirs and Suc- ctlTors, for fo much of the faid Commodities as fhall be Laded and put on Board fuch Ship or Vefiel, thefe following Rates or Duties : That is to fay, for Sugar White, the Hundred Weight containing one hundred and twelve Pounds, five Shillings; and Brown Sugar and Mufcovadoes, the Hundred Weight containing one hundred and twelve Pounds, one Shilling and lix Pence ; (9) for Tobacco, the Pound one Pet-iy ; for Cotton-Wool, the Pound one Half-peny ; for Indico, the Pound two Pence; for Ginger, the hundred Weight containing one hundred and twelve Pounds, one Shilling ; (6) for Logwood, the hundred Weight containing one hundred and twelve Pounds, five Pounds; for Fuftick and all other Dying wood, the hun- dred Weight containing one hundred and twelve Pounds, fix Pence: And alfo for every Pound of Cocoa- Nu's, onePeny; (7) to he levied, collefted and paid at fuch Places and to fuch Colleftors and other Of- ficers as (hall be appointed in the refpedive Pkntations to colled, levy and receive the fame, before the Lading thereof, and under fuch Penalties both to the Officers and upon the Goods, as for Non-payment of or defrauding his Majefty of his Cuftoms in i;%/ff«i. III. And for the better Colleftion of the feveral Rates and Duties aforefaid impofed by this Ad, Be it enaded, and it is hereby further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That this whole Bufinefs fhall be or- dered and managed, and the feveral Duties hereby impofed fhall be caufed to be levied by the Commiffio- ners of the Cuftoms in England now and for the Time being, by and under the Authority and Diredlons of the Lord Treaf^urer oi England ox CommilBoners of the Treafury for the Time being. . 4. Money by this Ail to be paid into the Exchequer, &c. IV. And in cafe any Perfon or Perfons liable by this Law to pay any of the Duties aforementioned,, (hall not have Monies wherewith to anfwer and pay the fame, Be it further enaded by the Authority afore- faid. That the Officers appointed to colled the fame, fhall accept inftead of fuch Monies fuch a Proportion of the Commodities to be fhipped, js fhall amount to the Value thereof, according to the current Rate of the faid Commodities in fuch Plantation refpedively. V. And for Encouragement of the EaJllandTmii, Be it enaded by the King's mofl excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent^ Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That it fhall and may be lawful to and for every Perfon and Perfons, Native or Foreigner, from and after the firft Day oi May which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred feventy and three, at all Times to have free Liberty to Trade into and from Siveden, Denmark and Nor-way ; any Thing in the Charter of the Governor, Affiflants and Fellowfhip of Merchants of £o/?/(7W, or any other Charter, Grant, Ad, or any Thing elfe heretofore made or done, or hereafter to be done, to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. VI. And it is hereby further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That whatfoever Perfon or Perfons, Sub- jeds of this Realm, fhall defire to be admitted into the faid Fellowfhip of Merchants of EajUand, That every fuch Perfon (hall be admitted into the faid Fellowfhip, paying for his Admiffion the "Sum of forty Shillings, and no more. §. 2. 3 Geo. I, c. 7.] 3 y 4 Atin. c. ^ & 10. [Continued by z Will. & Mar. c. 4. §. 3, 4. i Ann. c Farther Provifwns relating to the Plantations, 7 y 8 TF. 3 6 Ann. c. 1.0 b) %y. 8 Ann A- Geo. I. c. i. 8 Geo. y 9. 6 Geo. z. c. 13. 29 Geo. 2. c. ^ & 35. c. 30 b' 37. I. f. 12 y ij. 13 Geo. I.e. 5. 8 Geo. 2. c. 19. 12 Geo, 2. c. and jo Geo. 2. c. 9. CAP. VIIL c. 13. g Ann. c. ly ^ 27. 3 Geo. 2. c. 12 y 28. 4 Geo, 3c. iq Geo. 2. 15 Geo. 2. r. 31 y 33. 13. §. 2. C. 22. I 10 Ann z. c. 15. 24 Geo, 9 Ann. c. 6. I JV. 3. C. 11. c. 22 y 26. 5 Geo. 2. C.J 2. f. 51 y 53. itCix. a c. 5. Row long to continue. Where the Mo- nies coUeiled lipon the Act ig Cjr. 2- c. 5. were to be paid. An Ad for continuing a former KGt concerning Coinage. Orafmuch as great Advantage hath accrued to this Kingdom, by one Ad of this prefent Parliament, paffed in the eighteenth Year of your Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Aft for the Encouragement of ' Coinage, for that very great Quantities of Gold and Silver have been brought into this Realm, and con- ' verted into the current Coins thereof, by reafon of the Encouragement given thereto by the faid Ad ; (2) ' and whereas the faid Ad was to continue until the twentieth of December in the Year of our Lord one ' thoufand fix hundred feventy and one, and until the End of the firft Seffion of P;'.rliament then next fol- ' lowing and no longer, fo as that iinlefs the faid Ad be now renewed, the Encouragement given thereby ' to Coinage will ceafe, and this Kingdom be deprived for the future of fo great a good as it hath thereby ' for thefe Years laft paft enjoyed :' We therefore your Majefty's dutiful and loyal Subjeds, do humbly pray that it may be enaded; (3) and be it enaded by the King's moft Excellent R'lajei'y, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, now in Parliament afi'em- b'ed, and by the Authority of the (ame. That the faid Ad fhall continue and be in Force for the Space of feven Years, to commence from and after the Determination of this prefent Seffion of this Parliament, and imtil the End of the firft Seffion of Parliament then next following, and no longer. [Continued for feven Years from the firft of March one thoufand feven hundred forty-five, and to the End of the firft Se-^Iion of Parliament, by 19 Geo. 2- c. 14.} II. Provided always, That whereas hy the faid Ad it is enaded. That the Monies levied, colleded and paid by Virtue thereof, fhould be levied, colleded and paid at the refpedive Cuftom-houfes, to the Collec- tors and other Officers of the Cuftoms for the Time being, and be by them refpedively paid into the Re- ceipt of the Exchequer, whereby each of the faid Colledors are obliged to pafs a diftind Account in the Exchequer, for the Monies received by them by Virtue of the faid Ads, although the Sums received by many of them are very frnall and inconfiderable, and yet no Allowance to be made unto them for the do- ing thereof; III. For