Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/493

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A. D. 1690. Anno fecundo Gulielmi & Mari^. Seff.i. C. 1 — 3. 445 SESSIO PRIMA. Anno Regni GULIELMI 6c MARI.E fecundo. At the Parliament held at Wefiminfter the twentieth Day of March • 1689. a The fomnfr EJitiotis have it the twenti- tieth ot M.;y 1000. CAP. I. An Aifl: for Recognizing King William and Queen Mary^ and for avoiding all Queftions touching the A£bs made in the Parliament afiembled at Wefiminfier^ the thirteenth Day of February one thoufand fix hundred eighty-eight. WE your Majefty's moft humble and loyal Subjcfts, the Lords Spiritual and Ternpor;«l, and Com- King and mons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, do bef-cch your mofi: excellent Majcfties, that it may ^H '" ■"S- be publifhed and declared in this High Court of Parliament, and enadted by Authority of the fame, That "'"• ' we do recognize and acknowledge, your MajelHes were, are, and of Right ought to be, by the Laws of 'this Realm, our Sovereign Liege Lord and Lady King and Queen of £'«^/<7Brt', France, -avi^ Ireland, ajid the Dominions thereunto belonging, in and to whole princely Perfons the Royal State, Crown and Dig- nity of the faid Realms, with all honours. Stiles, Titles, Regaliti:s, Prerogatives, 'Powers, Jurifdi6i:ioiis, and Authorities to the fame belonging and appertaining, are moft fully, rightfully, and intirely inveftcd and incorporated, ujiitcd and annexed. II. And for the avoiding of all Difputes and Queftions concerning the Being and Authority of the late Laft Pariia- Parliament allembled at JVeftminJier the thirteenth Day of February one thoufand fix hundred eighty-eight, '^^n' decUraa , we do moft humbly befeech your Majefties that it may be enabled, and be it enacted by the King's and ^"°'^' Qiieen's moft excellent Majefties, by rmd with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Tem- poral, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament ail'embled, and by the Authority of the fame. That all and fmgular the Adls made and mailed in the faid Parliament were and are Laws and Statutes of this 1 Kingdom, and as fuch ought to be reputed, taken, and obeyed by all the People of this Kingdom. CAP. II. jAn hSs. for raifing Money by a Poll, and otherwife, towards the reducing of Ireland, and profecuting thesxp, ' • War againft France. CAP. III. I An Aft for granting to their Majefties for their Lives, and the Life of the Survivor of them, certain Impofitions upon Beer, Ale, and other Liquors. THE Commons affembled in Parliament, duly confidering how much it conduceth to the Safety, Peace, and Profperity of a Kingdom, that the publick Revenue thereof be in fome meafure pro- portionable to the publick Charges, and with Thankfulnefs and- Admiration calling to Remembrance his Majefty's glorious and faccefsful Undertaking for the Deliverance of the People of this Nation from Po- pery, and Arbitrary Pov/er, have unanimoufly giv;n and granted, and do hereby give and grant unto their .Majefties (whom Goi long preferve) the feveral Rates, Impofitions, Duties, and Charges upon Beer, Ale, Cyder, and other Liquors, mentioned in an Act of Parliament made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of bis late Majefty King Charles the Second, intituled, A Grant of certain Impojttions upon Beer, Ale, and other ,2, 2. c,?j. Liquors, for the Increafe of his Mijejlfs Revenue during his Life, and thereby granted to the faid King for his Life (except fuch, and fo much of them., concerning which it is otherwife provided or ordained by any Aft made in the laft Parliament) and do moii humbly befeech their Majefties that it may be enafted : II. And be it enadled by the King's and Coieen's molt Excellent Majefties, by and with the Advice and Rates upon Eec-, Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament alfemibled, and &c. given by 15 by the Authority of the fame. That the feveral Rates, Duties, and Impofitions upon Beer, Ale, Cyder, t:^-^.- <=■ =^3- and other Liquors aforefaid, be levied, colledted, and paid unto their Majefties, during their Lives, aiul J?,"/_^^'-"„'"J^'^jj^ the Life of the Survivor of them, in the fame Manner and Form, and at fuch Places, and by fuch Rules, for"!)^"' Live™ Ways, and Means, and under fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, as are mentioned, exprefled, aivd directed ,15 Car, 2. c. n. in and by the faid A6t ; and alfo in and by another Aft of Parliament made m the fifi.cenLh Year" of the Further cojiiinu-

Reign of his faid late Majefty, intituled. An Additional Aa fir the better ordering and colleSling the Duty^^^^y^ ^""•

cf Excife, and preventing the Abufes therein, or by any other Law nov/ in Force,^ relating to the faid Re- , Geo! i!(b't. ^ venue of Excifc ; and that the aforefaid Afts, and every Article, Rule, and Claufe therein mentioned, c. i. and p. rpoT (hall be of full Force and Effeft, to all Intents and Purpcfe;., during their Majefties Live -, and the Life tadted by i Geo, of the Survivor of them, in like Manner as if the fame were particularly and at large recited and fet down lf;^j[^^^f^'^° ■ in the Body of this Aft. LctyL^^."