Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/496

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448 C. 8. Anno fecundo Gulielmi & Marine. SelT. i. A. D. i6qo. Names of Incorporation, by which they at any Time before the faid Judgment were tncorporatrd, to fue' plead, and be impleaded, and to anfwer and to be anfvvered, without any Seizure or Forejudger of the laid Fmnchife, Liberty, and Privilege, or being thereof exckided or ouiled, for or upon any Pretence of any Forfeiture or Mifdemeanor at airy Time heretofore, or hereafter to be done, committed,, or fuffer- TlicW Liberties cd ; and the faid Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the faid City, fhall and may, as by Law they rcjianicd IB ought, peaceably have and enjoy all and every their Rights, Gifts, Charters, Grants, Liberties, Privi- '^'"' leges, Franchifes, Cuf{-oms, Ufages, Conflritutions, Prefcriptions, Immunities, Rd^arkets, Duties, Tolls Land.-, Tenements, Lilates, and hereditaments whatfoever, which they lawfully had, or had lawful Right, Title, or Intereft ofj in, or to, at the Time of the recording or giving the faid Judgment, or at the Time or Times of the faid pretended Forfeitures. G'a-tsfince ^^ • And be it eiiaiSted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Charters, Letters Patents, and Grants, for the Judgment incorporating the Citizens and Commor.alty of the faid City, or any of them, and all Charters, Grants, vciJ. Letters Patents and Commi^Tions, touching or concerning any of their Liberties or Franchifes, or the Li- berties, Privileges, Franchifes, Immunities, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditanients, Rigths, Titles, or Eftates of the Mayor and Commonalty and Ci:izens of the City of London, made or granted to any Per- fon or Perfons v/hatfoever, by the late King Charles the Second, fince the faid judgm.ent given, or by the late King 'Jamci the Second, be and are hereby declared and adjudged null and void to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoever. Procefs in the V. Provided neverthek-fs, That no Recoveries, Verdifts, Judgme.its, Statutes, Recognizances, Inqu:- Mjvoi's fitions, Indidlments, Prefentments, Informations, Decrees, Sentences, Executions, nor any Plaints, Pro- CoLMt, cSrc. cefs, or Proceedings in I aw or EqL.ity, had, miade, given, taken, or done, or depending in the Mayor's ^°" ' or either of the Sheriffs Courts, or any other Court within the faid City or Liberties thereof, fince the ■ faid Judgment given, fhall be avoided for Want or DefeiSt of any legal Power in tliofe that acted as Judge:, Juftices, Officers or Minif'cers of, in, or as belonging to any of the faid Courts ; but that all and every fuch Recoveries, Verdifts, Judgments, and other Things above mentioned, and the Actings, Do- ings, and Proceedings thereupon, ihall be of luch and no other Force, Eitecl, and Virtue, than as if fuch Judges, Jullices, Officers, and iWinifters had adted by Virtue of legal Authority ; and that no Perfon or Perlons fnall be in any wife profecuted, fued, impeached, or molefted for any Caufe or Thing by hire or them lawfully afted or done, in Purfuance of any fuch Charters, Letters Patents, Grants, or Com- miffions. rfrfons not VI. Provided, That this AiSt fliall not extend to difcharge any Perfon or Perfons from any Penalty or qudl.fiL-d liable. Penalties, or Forfeitures by him or them incurred, for not duly qualifying him or themfehes to a<5l upon the faid Charters, Letters Patents, Grants, or Commiihons. ' oSitT-rs at tiie VII. And be it enaiSted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Officers and Minifters of the faid City, T '™J^ '^'^'^ ^^■^^ rightfully held any Office or Place in the faid City or Liberties thereof, or in the Borough of Soittb- i-uifiTi^ed. luark, at the Time when the faid Judgment was given, are hereby confirmed, and fhall have and enjoy the fame as fully as they held them at the Time of the faid Judgment given ; except fuch as have vo- luntarily furrendered any fuch Office or Place, or have been removed for any juft Caufe; and that every Perfon v/ho, fince the faid Judgment given, ha h been chofen, admitted, and placed into any Office or Imployment wit!in the faid City, upon the Death, Surrender, or Removal as aforefaid, of the former Officer, fhall be and is hereby confirmed in his laid Office or Imployment, and fnall have and enjoy th= lame in as full and ample Manner, as if he had been admitted or placed therein j-.ccoiding to the ancient Cufuonis of the faij City. I.eafes made VIII. Provided alfo, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Leafes and Grants of any fince tlic pf jijg Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, and other Things, before the I'ime of the faid Judgement Ecod """' g ven, belonging to the faid Mayor and Commonalty and Citiz.ns, and ufually leafed or granted by them, made fincc the Time of the iaid Judgment giveh by the iaid late King Charles the Second, or King Ja!>:cs the Second, or by any Perfon or Perfons taking upon them to be Truftees for the faid City, for tlic I refervation or Maintenance of the Government or publick Offices of the faid Ciiy, by or upon Pretence of any Grant or *>-ommiffion by their laid late Majefties, King Charles the Second, and KAng ymnes the Second, or either of them, fuch Grants and Leafes being made for juft, good, and valuable Confider- ations, and whereupon the old accuftomed yearly Rent, or more hath been referved, payable into the Chamber or Bridge-houfe, rr any of the Hcfpitals of the iaid City, fhall be as good and valid for the 7'erms, and under the Rents, Paymients, Provifoes, Conditions, Covenants, and Agreements therein re- fpeiitively contained, againil the Mayor and Comm.onalty and Citizens of the faid City, and their Suc- ceflbrs, as if the iame had been made by the M..yor and Commonalty and Citizens of the faid City, un- der their Common ^e;.], and the faid Judgment had never been given, and not otherwife. And the faid Mayor and Commonalty ;;nd Citizens, and their Succeffors, fhall have the Benefit and Advantage of all Rents, Refervations, Payments, Conditions, Covenants, Claufes, and Agreements in every fuch Grant ' . or Leafe cojitained, and the like Remedy for Non-payment, Breach, or Non-obfervance thereof, as if the faid Grar.ts or Leafes had been made by the faid Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens, and the iiiid Rents, Payments, Conditions, Covenants, Claufes, and Agreements had been made payable, refervedj covenanted, or agreed to and with the faid Mayor and Con monalty and Citizens, jv'di'ircnfs jX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid^ That all Judgmeirts, Decrees, and Sentences iort;L C.ty had or obtained by any Perfon or Perfons taking upon them to be Truftees as aforefaid, for or concerning B'^'-"'- any Lands, TeneinenLs, DuLi^-s, Tolls, and Interefts whatfoever, of or belonging to the faid Mayor and 3 Commonality