Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/507

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A. D. 1690. Anno fecundo GuLiELMi & Mari^. Sefl. 2. C. 8. 459 X. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That within twenty Day? after the Eledtionlnhabiunts and Confirmation of the faid Scavengers as aforefaid, the Coiifc;iblt's, Churchwardens, and Overfeers "^""V "'•^"^ * of the Poor, and Surveyors of the Highways of the Parities and Places aforci'aid refpeftivcly, or the '^""'"^'"°' greater Number of them, giving Notice unto, or calling together, fuch Inhabitants of their refpective Parifhes as aforefaid, they or the greater Number of them then prefent, Ihall make and fettle a Tax, Rate, or Affeffment, according to a Pound Rate, to be impofcd or fet upon the Inhabitants of every re- fpeftive Parilli, Ward, or Divifion, for the Year following, for thcPurpofcs aforefaid ; which being al- lowed and confirmed by any two of the JulHces of the Peace of the Places aforefaid rcfpcdHvcly (which they are hereby authoiized and required, as far as the fame fhall be equal and rcafonable, to allow) fhall be quarterly paid by every refpedlive Inhabitant, upon Demand made thereof by th; Scavengrs or Of- ficers appoijued to gather and collcft the dime ; and in cafe of a Refufal or Negie£t fnall, by Warrant under i'-n<lfy' fo-- the Hands a'nd Seals of any two Juftices of the Peace of the Divifion, Pariili, or Place, be levied by Diftrofs'^'""P>'""^"*' and Sale of the Offender's Goods, and for want of Diftrefs, by Imprifonment of the OSendcr (he hot being u Peer of this Realm) until Payment as aforefaid. i XL Provided always, and be it enaifted, That fuch Sums of Money as fhall be yearly aiTelTed and col- Sr^vcn^iermiift I left-ed in the iaidParilhes for cleanfing the Streets, fnall be yearly accounted for by the Scavenger for the ■'"""' •'"' i Time being, which colle(Sfed the fame, to two or more of the next Juflices of the Peace for the Place, refi- j ding in or near to the refpe<Stive Places forv/hich fuch Scavengers were appointed, within eight and twenty

Days after the Eleftion of new Scavengers for the enfuing Year; and fuch Sum or Sums as (hail be re-pay the Over.

' maining in their Hands, fhall be by them paid over to the next fucceeding Scavengers eleiSted for fuch P'"=- Pariihi and any two fuch ' Juftices of the Peace, as aforefaid, fhall and may virtue hereof commit to ■ Prifon every one of the faid Scavengers which (hall refufe to account, there to remain without Bail or Main- I'enal-y, prize, until he have made a true Account, and fatislied and paid fo much as upon the faid Account fliall be remaining in his Hands. ' XII. Provided always, That the refpedlive Scavengers and Rakers for any of the Parifhes aforefaid (hall "*'l'=«e the s.;a- have Liberty, by the Approbation and Order of the Juftices at their Petit Seflions, or any tv/o or more of['^"S=r mi^ iay them, to lodge their Dirt, Duft, Adies, or other Filth, in fuch vacant and publick Places in or near thc"^ '"' *^' ■ Streets or Highways, as fhall be thcught convenient by the faid J uftices, for the Accommodation of the

Country Carts returning empty from the faid Pariflies, they giving Satisfaftion to the Owners and Occa-

■ piers of fuch vacant Places ; and in cafe of unreafonable Demands, fuch Juftices in their Petit Scflions (hall hear, moderate, and determine the fame according to Equity and good Confciencc. And in cafe any Perfon '^rp^al to ihall find him, her, or themfelves aggrieved with any Rate, Tax, or Affeflment made by virtue' of this ^^^'"'^'^ A<Sf, or anyways prejudiced by-any Determination of the faid Juftices in their Petit Seffions, he or they fo '"" ' grieved or prejudiced (liall and may have Recourfe, in all fuch Cafes, to the Juftices of the Peace afl'embled

at the General Quarter-SefTions of the Peace to be held for the Place wherein the Matter of Grievance

doth arife, to fet forth his, 'her, or their Cafe, by Petition or otherwife ; and the faid Juftices in fuch their Quarter-Seihons are hereby impowered to hear and determine all Matters to them complained of, concern- ing the fame refpeitively, arid their Determijiation and Order therein fhall be final, without any Appeal to any other Court whatfoevcr.. i ^ XIII. And whereas th;re are many common Highways within the faid Parifhes, which cannot be fjf. AffoiTmerit ! ficiently amended, repaired, and fupported, by means of the Laws now in Force, v/ithout the Help of this |.|^°"j^'T'^lj^^"^_ ' * prefent Adt;' Be it enaded,. That for the better amending and repairing the fame, one or more AfTeff- " ° ' imnt or Aflefln^ents upon all and every the Inhabitants, Owners, and Occupiers of Land's, Houfes, Te- nements, and Hereditaments, .or any perfonal Eftate ufually ratable to the Poor within any of the faid Pa-

  • rifhcs, fnall be from time to time made, levied, colledted, and allowed by fuch Perfon and Perfons as the

faid JulTrices at fuch their Geiieral Qiiarter-SeiTions fliaU diredt and appoint in that Behalf,, and the ' Money thereby raifed fhall be employed and accounted for according to the Order and Dire<5fion of the faid Juftices for and towards the amending, repairing, and fupporting fuch Highways from time to time, as Needfhal] require; and the faid Affeflinent fhall be levied by Diftrefs and Sale of the Goods of every j^"^^!^™- Perfon fo atlefled (not paying the fame within fourteen Days after Demand) rendring the Overplus of the '■' ' '"^^' • Value of the Goods fo diftrained, to the Owner and Owners thereof; the necefTary Charges^ of making anxl (tiling fuch Diftrefs being firft dedufted. Provided always. That no fuch AflefTment or Afleffments, to be made in any one Year, fhall exceed the Rate of four Pence in the Pound of the yearly Value of any Lands, Houfes, Tenements, and Hereditaments fo aflefled, nor the Rate of eight Pence for every twenty Pounds in perfonal Eflate. ' XIV. And whereas many new Sewers, Sinks, and Vaults have been made in the Parifhes within the '^=7 Sewers . i * City and Liberty of tFeJfjri'mJier, and other the Parifhes aforefaid, by the Commiffioners appointed by the|^^^j^"^.^^'^"=y ! ' faid recited Aft, which fmce the Expiration thereof are much neglected, and noifome to tfte Inhabitants, ;5°^^"'/'°"*-

  • becaufe of fome Doubt whether fuch new Sewers are within the Jurifdi£fion of the Laws of Sewers;' Be 6 h. 6. c. 5.

'. itTherefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That all nev/ Sewers at any Time fmce the t^cvelfth Year, of J H 6., c. 3. , the Reign of the faid late King Charles the Second, made in any of the (aid Parifhes, fhall be henceforth ^3 l^- S- • v'. ' fubje£t to the Commiffion of Sewers, and to the Laws and Statutes made for Sewers, as fully to all Intents ^jfVp'^*^^" and Purpofes, as if fuch Sevyers, Sinks, and Vaults had been exprefly mentioned in the faid Statutes ofc. s. " Sewers, to hi under the Survey of the faid Commiffioners ; and the Commiflionors of Sewcis for the time i Ms. fl". 3 being, within the Limits of their refpective Commiffions fhall have Power and Authority by Virtue of this 1 1. Aft 10 alter, amend, cleanfe, and fcower any fuch new Sewers, Sinks, and Vaults, and to order and 'Ji-'^T^p '^j'i- reft the making of any other new Vaults ano Sewers, and to cut into any Drain or Sewer already made, ^ J ' • "•■ 3 N 2 and