Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/514

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Cap. 4, 1 466 e. lo. 'Arlhofeeurtdo-G0Li^LMr& Mari:^'. S^ff; ^. A.' I). ih^9^» j j fliall be wfell and truly artfvirfei'ed anc* p'dJd t6 the Receivef 6t KeceiV'ers Gen^raT bf* their Mijefl-ies Cuft^?, ; j , to be aptiointed by their Majefties ; which faid Receivef Of Receive^rS General is and are hereby direffed 1 and requited frorft Time- to Time, at the faid OfHce, to lepafatd arfd, keep' apart the whole Receipt of the S faid Mohiisdue and payable by virtue of the faij Aft, intituled, An Acl for granting to their lidaje/ficsaf- i tain Impofiikm upon all Eiift In^MGood's cnid MamlfaBin'es, atld upon all wrougln Silks, and fe-oeral othif " Oogds^'.amMerehwidhi, to" l^e imputed -(iftgr ths five' and tii'shti'sth Diiy-of"Dezemitt 'one thoufandjix hundred i and ninety : As alfo to fcparate. and keep apart the whole Receipt of all Mcyiies granted to their Majefties ;i Cfi. ^^ by thi^ faid K&., intjrule'd, Jn Act for the Continuance of Jeter at former A^s therein ?rteinio7icd, for the laying . ,_;^ fiveral Duties ttt>on PFine, Vinegar,' afid ffbhdcco ; Or thferdby made a, Fund of Credit as aforefaid, as die ( fkrne fiiall refpefii yely become due, and be paid into the faid Office by the feveral Receivers, Collectors, or ' erry' others whO'are offhall be employed to p;vy the fani^, iiii ftiall rcrrtain from Time to Time, after the j Payriient? which fhall be madii' there JUt by vitttfe of any Laws' in Fofte, upon I)ebcntures for Goods that 1 fhallbe refh'ipt, or for Corn expOi't&f, or. fot'Di%Dn"ts. Qp«n Bonds, where Difcounts as allov/ableby < Law, aiTdof.fuch Allowance^B of, damdgeti Goods, and; of Bills of Korkge, as have ufually been made;' ! and the Gdrribf roller Gehcral o'f the Accauncs' of the Cttftofffs fOr the. 1'ifr.e beii-g is hereby alfo requfrW ■ . and comftrand'^jd to keep pe'i'fefi; s'lhi difriniS Acc'bnnts, m Books fairly written, of the faid feveral and j . ifefjjectire Duties and Siur,^ of Monfey, ;vs the iafne Ih-ifl fefpedttveljc come in ; to which Books all Perfonsh i concerned fhall have free Accefs at all feafonab-le Time*, ■W-irhOitt fee or Charge. And the faid Receive- 1 '. . br Re'cei^ers Geneijllis ajid ai?c hefeby TEqui'fgcl and' ftri^Siy ^iii'dlfie^ from Time ta Time, to pay week-' } ' "' yfj. , to Vi't,; jiif Wtcbttfday in evtrf , Week, tfnfefsi 'i,t' fee M Holiday, and then the next Day after which (ball , _ ., ifiet- bfr ah Holiday, the laid fev'i^rai and: ■fefpC'£iireSutns into the Receipt of their Majef&si ' ; Ejkrh'eqner, diitindt arid apait.frorn kll thd other MoniS'S which he or they fhall. recei'e for their MajeSies ' " iJfs i And if the R,eteiV6y 'pi; R?c,eiv'^rs Ganei;af for the Titfie being thall refufe or negleft to pay into the Receipt of the Esthej^u'ef, th6 laM Sums 6f Money arifing as aforefaid, in fuch Manner as he or they tre beforfe rdquirtd or ^Hjoihed t'd dp, or flial}. divert or mifapply ariy Part of the; fame, .then he or they for a'ny fuch OfFehce (hair forfeit his df theifO^ce of Receiver or Receivers General, and be incapable of 1 fey Office, Employment, or Place pf Truft whatfoever, .and fhall be liable to pay the full Value of any.l Sums of Sums fo diverted Ot ffiifapplied, to any Perfon or Pefrfohs ' y^ho fhall fue for the! fatae, by any Act ' tidndf 'Debt, Bill,' .Plaint," dt Informatioti in any of their A-Iajefties Courts of Record zt TFeJhmnfitr^' Vih&An ,iTo Efldini Pfdtedtion, ' Wageir of 'Law, or Privilege, or mofe than one Impatlance fhall be grant- ed or allowed. ' '; ' ,r ' . ' ^ -■ i A^sfifoprfttibn' of ^XI; And be it enadted'ty the Authority aforefaid. That but oF'the Money whi.h fhathbe levied'aiiUI • the Refidue of paid by virtue of this Ai£t into the Receipt of the Exchequer, as wfell upon Loan as otherwife, the Sum ol Mouey. feven hundred thoui'and Poiinds fhall be applied and appropriated, arid is hereby appropriated to and for the Payment of Seam.en that fhall ferve in their Majefties Navy Royal, for the Year one thoufand fix hundred ninety-one ;' and to and for the Buildihg of three Ships to be of the third Rats, .to contain and Meafare each of them one thoufand and fifty Tons, and for providing Guns, Riggnig, and other Furniture forthC' faid Ships;' ahd 'to and for the paying for Stores, rrovffions, and Vidluais tO be fupplied for the faidNa-: • ' yy ; and to and for the Expences of their .Majefties Office of Ordnance in relpecl to Naval Affairs, and fdr'other neccfTary Ufes and Services to be' performed for the faid Navy in the Tirtie aforefaid ; and 6at out of all other the Money which fhall be levied and paid into the Money Receipt of the Exchequer, asi well upon Loan as.atherwife, by virtue of this Aft, of any other Aft of this SefKon of Parliament,, foi granting Ai-ds or Supplies to their Majefties for reducing Ireland, or profecuting the 'War againft France, pap. 1. other than what is as aforefaid appropriated by this Aft, and the Aft For granting an Aid to their Ma- jefties of the Swn of fixteen hundred fifty-one thoifand feven hundred end tivo Pounds eighteen Shillings, for the Payment of Seamen, and other Payments relating to their Majefties Navy, the Sum of fitieen hundred thoufand Pounds fhall be ; pplied and appropriated, and is hereby appropriated to and for the Payment p< their Majefties Land Forces and Armies that have ferved and Ihall ferve in England or Ireland, or elfe- where, and the paying for Arms^ Ammunition, Carriages, and all other incident Charges neceflafy fo the fame, and not otherwife ; and that all other SumS ofMoney paid and payable into tiie Exchequer by virtije.o< any of the .faid Afts, over and above the Sums appropriated to and for the Uies therein exprefled, dur^i| their refpeftive Continuance, fiiall be applied and appropriated to ahd for the Profecution of the faid V^z againft France, and the reducing Irehvid^/nnA. the Payment of the Debts that, flaall be incurred by rea- fon of the faid War, and to no other Ufe or Pulpofe whatfoever. . ,_ :; . ■ Ships to b'e . XXIL Provided' alwrays, and be it enafted. That the laid three Ships of War herein laft mention' fcuilt in a Ye.-ir. ed to be builtj fhall be,, and are hereby direfted to be built and, compleated with Guns, Rigging, anc other Furniture, within the Space of one Year, to be accounted from the twentieth Day &f March nexi enfuing. .:•■.■, ■■ . The King may XXilL Provided always, and be it enafted. That it fhall and inay be lawful to and for their Majeftiei' difpofeof ^^ make ufe of any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding five hundred thoufand Pounds in the whole.. ap°rop°°at'ed!° granted in this prefent Seffion of Parliament, and not p?irticularly appropriated, fo as the fame be repak F.mbcr, V.rovt- and applied to the carrying on of the prefent War, . out of fuch Monies as fliall arife from their Majeftiei; fim:s ar.cmiing_ .Revenue before the four and twentieth Day of March, in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundrec, ■Exdfi^A-,f^- jjinety and one; any Thing to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. cW.(kM..c.<:-^°- T 'Pf^- %■ c. %o. ~%W. "j. c.v^. laW.j.'(!.:ai. iz W. j; r. li £? rz. 1 Anh. St. 2,. c. ■^. 4 v4i». c 6. % ^n. c.j. 10 /?jj«.' c. 19. I'i Ji'"'- St.i.:c. f. ii'iScoii, e.Tjli ji Sl!3. Ivti*» J.S.' «a Se».'k. f. aS-.- 'liRw.ii u, i&, aj Geo. 2. ^ » 2^. 3i Cei.i. ,t. 17, 7'fJ ea.'z. t. g. !£■«. 3. c. 7' '.:■ ■' C A'P