Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/585

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A. D. i693' Anno quinto GuLiELMi & Mari.e. C. 5. 537 Pounds of lawful EngUjh Money, and proportionably for a greater Sum, for and during th; Life of fuch Perfon fo advancing or paying the fame, or during any othrr Lite to be nominated by the Perfon advancing or paying any fuch Sum as aforefaid, the fame to be nominated within fix Days after Payment of fuch Sum; which yearly Annuities, Rents, or Payments, fliall commence from the four and twcntieih Day of '^ufie , n ,. . • , , 11 . ., r n r 1 i.-_ n r .i_ -ir .l . !_ . '"le fon, on Payment of any fuch Sum or Sums as aforefaid, fhall immediately have one or more Tally or Tal- lies, importing th.: Receipt of the Confideration Money, and Orders for the Paym.eiit of the faid Annui- ties bearing the fame Date with the Tally; the faid Tallies to be levied, and the faid Orders to be figned, inthe fame Manner as in the faid recited AS: is mentioned touching Tallies and Orders to be given to the Contribuiois for Annuities upon the faid Aft, and the faid Orders not to be determinable, re'OC.'b!e, or countermandable, as touching the forementioned Orders in the faid recited A& is enacted ; which faid Or- Ordc-rs ders fliall be affignable and transferrable in fuch and the fame Manner, as is mentioned in the faid recited ■■"•^ Act, touching Orders given to the Contributors in the faid Aft mentioned ; and all the Rates and Duties by n.nics nppro- the faid recited A61 granted, over and befides fo much as fhall bear Proportion, at the Rates in the faid ActM'"";'! f'-' mentioned, to the whole Sum of eight hundred eighty-one ihoufand four hundred ninety-three Pounds •'J'"'""" 1 fourteen Shillings and two Pence, already advanced by the Contributors upon the faid recited Act, are and | fhall be appropriated and applied, and are hereby appropriated, to and for the Payment of the faid An- I xiuities, yearly Rents, or Sums, after the Rate of fourteen Pounds /^r Centum pc-r Annit?n, for every hun- ; dred Pounds to be advanced as aforefaid, according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Aft, and fliall ' . not be diverted or divertible to any other Ufe, Intent, or Purpofc whatfoever, under the like Penalties, i Forfeitures, and Difabilities, in refpeft to all and every the Officers and other Perfons in the faid recited j Aft mentioned, as are in the faid Aft appointed and enafted, in cafe of diverting or mifapplying any Part 'l of the Monies which ought to be paid to the Contributof j upon the faid Aft ; aiid the faid Officers are here- Regifter to be by required to keep Books and Regifters, and make Entries of the Names of all Perfons who Ihall advance '^^ft. , any Monies before the faid firft Day of May as aforefaid, and of the feveral Sums fo advanced, and the ; Times of paying in the fame refpeftively, and the Names of fuch Perfons for whofe Lives the feveral Annuities or yearly Payments are to be payable, without Fee or Reward, in fuch Manner as in the faid recited Aft is mentioned ; to which Books all Perfons concerned fhall have Accefs, as in the faid Aft alfo js^direfted ; all which the faid Officers are to do and perform, under the like Penalties and Forfeitures., Penalty. _ and Difabilities, as in the faid recited Aft are mentioned : And every Perfon who fhall advance and pay '"'"^^S betwixt i any fuch Sum as aforefaid, before the firft Day of May as aforefaid, fiiall receive out of the Money granted "^ ^" ■'""^* by the faid recited Aft, for all Money fo advanced by him and paid, from the refpeftive Days of Payment j unto the four and twentieth Day of "June as aforefaid, Intereft at the Rate of ten rounds jier Gentian per An- Ttum. III. And be it further enafted, That any Monies payable to any Perfon or Perfons, upon or by virtue Money lent fiee of this Aft, fhall not be charged or chargeable with any Rates, Duties, or ImpofitJons whatfoever: And j™™ J^^"" ; in cafe there fhall be any Surplus or Remainder of the Monies arifing by the faid Rates and Duties of Ex- -^^z^ ° '^ i ■x:ife, at the End of any Year during the 1 erm of ninety-nine Years granted therein by the f:iid former ,Aft, after making all the Payments which by this, or the faid former A6t, are appointed to be paid or fa- : tisfied within the lame Year, or referving Pvloney for the fame, fuch Surplus or Remainder lliali be to the _. Ufe of th; ir Majeflies, their Heirs and Succeffors. i IV. And to make the Payment of the Annuities more eafy to the feveral Contributors upon this and theCcnificnte of ' before recitpd Aft, both upon the Terms of Survivorfliip, and the Annuity of fourteen Pounds per Centum ; Nominee's Life. Be it enafted. That every Contributor upon this or the former A6t, his, or her Executors, Adminiftra- tors, or Affigns, upon their demanding any half-yearly or quarterly Payment of his, her, or their rcfpec- ^ live Shares of either of the faid Funds (unlefs the Nominee appear in Perfon at the faid Pveccipt) ihall produce a Certificate of the Life of his, her, or their refpeftive Nominee, figned by the Miniftor and ; Churchwardens of the Parifh where fuch Nominee fliall be then living, as by the faid recited Act is ap- pointed, or otherwife it fhall and may be lav/ful to and for every Contributor, his or her Executors, Ad- miniftrators or Affigns, at his, her or their Eleftion, to make Oath of the Truth of his, her, or their re- . fpeftive Nominee's Life, upon the Day when the faid Payments fhall become due, before any one or more '• J uftices of the Peace of the refpeftive County, Riding, City, Town, or Place wherein I'uch Perfon at the ' Time of making the faid Oath fliall refide (which Oath he or they are hereby impowered to adrr.inifter) and the faid Juflice or Jtiflices fhall make a Certificate thereof, for which Oath and Certificate no Fee or i Reward fhall be required ; and the faid Certificates fhall be filed in the faid Office of Receipt of the Ex- chequer : And if any Perfon fhall be guilty of a falfe Oath, or forging any Certificate, touching the Pre- pcnajt,. en mili'es, and be thereof lawfully convifted, he fhall incur the Pains and Penalties to be inflifted upon Per- rerjuiy and ; fons who commit wilful Perjury or Forgery : And in cafe any Nominee fnall at the Time of fuch Demand f"tging of . _ i - be refident in Scotland, or beyond the Seas, and any one or more of the Barons of the Exchequer for the ^'^'^'^"■* . j Time being fhall certify, that upon Proof to him or them made (which Proof he and they is and arc here- iTj^'j^j ^^'^ by authorized and required to take in a fummary Way) it doth feem probable to him or them, that the faid kbicn Nominee is living (which Certificate is to be given, and Examination made, without Fee or Charge) the faid Certificate, being filed as aforefaid, fhall be a fufficient Warrant for making the faid Quarterly Pay- ment to the refpeftive Contributors or Advancers, their Executors, Adminiftrators, or Affigns : And if Vol. III. 3Z any L.minte s cnce.