Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/65

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A. D. 1604. Anno fecundo [vulgo primo] Jacobi I. C. 21. ii.7 V. Provided neverthclefs, That it (hall and may be lawful to and for any of the Company of Plai- v/i.,. tu- ma* WoA. flerers, or their Servants or Apprentices, to lay and ufe Whiting, Blacking, Redlead, Red-okar, Yel- pii,ir>e,er low-okar, and RuiFet, mingled with Size only, and not with Oil; this prefcnt Ad: or any Thing therein "fe "> '-'is contained to the contrary notwithftanding. V(. Provided alfo. That no Painter or Painter's Servant or Apprentice (hall have or take above Sixteen- TheDayWaje* pence by the Day for laying of any flat Colour whatfoever, mingled or mixed with Oil or Size, upon any °^ » f^taux. Timber, Stone, Iron or Lead. • CAP. XXI. An Aft againft Brokers. ^ FOrafmiich as of long and ancient Time by divers hundred Years there have been ufed within the Sale of Goods City of London and Liberties thereof, certain Freemen of the City, to be fele(5ted out of the Com- purloined in panics and Mylteries v^'hereof they are free and Members, and the fame Perfons to be prefented at leall /i,° n not alter by fix approved and known honell Perfons of the fame Myftery, to the Lord Mayor of London for the the Property. Time being, and to the Aldermen his Brethren, and to be recommended by fuch Prefentors to be Per- xheMamfr to fons for their known approved Honefty, Integrity and Faithfulnefs, Perfons meet for to be Broker or prefent and ai- Brokers, and upon fuch Relation made to the Mayor and Aldermen, and partly by their own Know- low <>i Broker* ledge and diligent Enquiries made of the faid Perfons, and of their honeft Fame, Report, Fidelity and stat.'civ°l.ond Skill, have been thereupon admitted, allowed and approved by the Lord Mayor of the City and Alder- ij E, t, Stat. 5I men in the Court of Aldermen, to be Brokers within the faijd City and Liberties of the fame, and have taken their corporal Oaths before the faid Mayor and Aldermen, from Time to Time as they were fo prefented and admitted, to ufe and demean themfelves uprightly and faithfully between Merchant EnghJJy and Merchant Strangers, and Tradefm.en, in the contriving, making and concluding Bargains and Contracfls to be made between them concerning their Wares and Merchandizes to be bought and fold and contratSted for within the City of London^ and Monies to be taken up by Exchange between fuch Merchant and Merchants, and Tradefmen ; and thefe kind of Perfons fo prefented, allowed and fworn to be Brokers, as aforefaid, have had and born the Name of Brokers, and been known, called and taken for Brokers, and dealing in Brokerage or Brokery ; (2) who never of any ancient Time ufed to buy The Differencei and fell Garments, Hou(hold-Stufr, or to take Pawns and Bills of Sale of Garments and Apparel, and gjg'^^g"^ p^^' all Things that come to hand, for Money laid out and lent upon Ufury, or to keep open Shops, and fenc Brokerj. to make open Shews, and an open Trade, as now of late Years hath and is ufed by a Number of Citi- zens, afTuming unto themfelves the Name of Brokers and Brokerage, as though the fame were an honeft and lawful Trade, Myftery or Occupation, terming and naming themfelves Brokers, whereas in Truth they are not, abufing the true and honeft ancient Name and Trade of Broker or Brokerage. ' II. And forafmuch as many Citizens Freemen of the City, being Men of manual Occupations and The Abufe of Haiidicraftfmen, and others inhabiting and remaining near the City and Suburbs of the fame, have [[[ffeia^^^y,,;^, . left and given over, and daily do leave and give over, their handy and manual Occupations, and have .' * and daily do fet up a Trade of buying and felling and taking to Pawn of all kind of worn Apparel, whether it be old, or little the worfe for wearing, Hou (hold-Stuff and Goods, of what kind foever the fame be of, finding thereby that the fame is a more idle and eafier kind of Trade of living,. and that there arifeth and groweth to them a more ready, more ^reat, more profitable, and fpeedier Advantage and Gain, than by their former manual Labours and T rades did or could bring them : ' III. And forafmuch as the faid kind of counterfeit Brokers, and Pawn-takers upon Ufury or otherwifeFriperfrs and n»- for ready Money, are grown of late to many Hundreds within the City of London, and other Places '^"** next adjoining to the City and Liberties of the fame, and are like to increafe to far greater Multitudes, being Friperers, and no Brokers, nor exercifing of any honeft and lawful Trade, and within the Memo- ry of many yet living, fuch kind of Perfons Tradefmen were very few, and of fmall Number : ' IV. And forafmuch as there are not any Garments, Apparel, Houfnold-Stuff, or other Goods of ^y^'^at Means any kind whatfoever the fame be of, either being ftoln or robbed from any, or badly or unlawfully pur- JjP come^by'treli- loined or come by, but thefe kind of upftart Brokers, under Colour and Pretence they be Freemen of Goods, the faid City oi London, or inhabiting in IVeftminftcr, where they pretend to have the like Overt Market as the City of London, and thereby prefumihg to" be lawful for them to ufe and fet up the fame idle and The Inconve- needlefs Trades, being the very Means to uphold, maintain and embolden all kind of bad and lev^'d Per- '^iei;ies enfuins; fons, to rob and fteal, and unlawfully to get and come by true mens Goods, knowing and finding that ^sr"'*'^" "^ no fooner the fame Goods can be ftoln, or unlawfully come by, but that they fliall and may prclently utter, vent, fell and pawn the fame to fuch kind of new upftart Brokers, for ready Money : (2) For Remedy whereof, and for the avoiding of the faid Mifchiefs and Inconver.iences, and for reorefiing and abolilhing of the fame idle and needlels Trades and upftart Brokers, ajid for the avoiding of Thefts, Rob- beries and Felonies, and bad Peop'e, and for the repreffing of fuch kind of Nouriihers and Aiders of Thieves and bad People, and for the Defence of honeft and true Meiis Properties and Interefts in their Goods :' V. Be it enaiSted and declared by our Sovereign Lord the King, with the Aftent of the Lords Spiritual ThcSaieof and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament alTembled, and by the Authority of the fame, ^"lyt'o^™"^" That no Sale, Exchange, Pawn or Mortgage of any Jewel, Plate, Apparel, Houfhold-Stuff, or other riiaii not alter Goods, of what Kind, Nature or Qiiality foever the fame (hall be of:, and that fhall be wrongfully or 'h^ Property of unjuftly purloined, taken, robbed or ftoln from any Perfon or Perfo -.s, or Bodies Po'itick, and which at'icT' T-..^^ !,.,_„„<:»„_ /U„n 1 /-iJ ...... J j i i i j ...r^i_:_ ..i. _ /"<:..^. .." .5 any Tmie hereafter (hall be ibid, uttered, delivered, exchanged, pawned of London or Liberties tliercof, or within the City of JVeftmhilhr in the Vol. Ill, D % ">. ned or done awav, within the City i H«.v,r. a c^-; County ai MiddlefcSj or within Stuth-