Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/66

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iB G. 22. Anno fecundo [valgo primo] Jacobi I. A. D. 1604. J. diiLiuu^i^ ^ lauu aiiu x^^^v-'-iLj 1X1 luv^n IVJ1H.I Kji xjiu^_io aiivi j. avvii-Ltir^cia . VII. Be it furthermore enacted and eftabliflied by the like Authority, That if any Perfou or Perfons or I Bodies Politick, from whom any Jewels, Plate, Apparel, Houlhold-Stuif, or any kind of Goods whatfo- • Souihwark in the County of Surrey, or within two Miles of the faid City of London, to any Broker or Brokers, or Pawn-takers, by any Way or Means whatfoever, directly or indirCL^ily, fhall work or make ■ ' ' any Change or Alteration of the Property or Interefl: of and from any Perfon or Perions, or Body Politick, from whom the fame Jewels, Plate, Apparel, Houfhold-StufF or Goods were or fliall be wrongfully pur- ' loined, taken, robbed or lloln ; any Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwithllanding. VI. And for the better maintaining of true and honeft Dealing, and for the efchewing and avoiding of Fajfhood, Fraud and Deceit, in fuch kind of Brokers and Pawn-takers : ABrokerupon Requcft fhall de Clare whatGoods i n i r ^y i •■ - i n > - - i i ■ l i n • • 1 - be come to his ever, Ihall be wrongfully purloined, taken, Itolen or robbed, Ihall require and demand of any fuch Bro Hands, ^ej- or Pavai-taker to declare v/hether any fuch Goods be come to his or their Pofleflions, and to declare fhew and manifeil the fame, and how and by what Means he had them, or came by the fame, and how' v4ien, and to whom he hath delivered, conveyed or beftowed and employed the fame ; and that Inch Broker, upon any fuch Requeft and Demand to be made, fliall deny and refufe to difclofe, tell or mani- feft the fame truly and jurtly, Ihall forfeit unto the tiue Owner or Owners of fuch Jewels, Plate, Apparel HouOiold-Stuff and other Goods, from whom the fame were wrongfully purloined, taken, ftolen or rob- .. - bed, double the Value thereof that fliall be denied and refufed to be dilcloled, told and manifclled as afoi efaid ; the fame double Value to be recovered by the true Owner or Owners of fuch Goods from whom the lame were wrongfully purloined, taken, robbed or ftolen, to be recovered by Adion of Debt, Bill or Plaint, in aiiy of the King's Majefty's Courts of Record at IFeJhiiinJler, or within the City oi London, in .■. . ■■ 1 which no Efloin, Wager of Law or Protedlion fhall be allowed. The ancient VIII. Provided always, That this Adt, nor any Tiring therein contained, fliall not be prejudicial or 'jVadeofBro- -hurtful to the ancient Trade of Brokers within the City of London, uling and exerciling the ancient Trade ^"^^A p Y °^ Brokers between Merchant and Merchant or other Traders or Occupiers within the faid City and the .^laihgterZe Liberties of the fame, being feleded as aforefaid. .(ira. c. 16. 3 Gi-o, J, c. 31. S? 30 Gee, z. c, n, CAP. XXII. An A<51 concerning Tanners, Curriers, Shoe-makers, and other Artificers occupying the Cutting of Leather. 9Ann'Jcii ' TX7HEREAS the Laws and Statutes formerly eftabliflied and made for the true and juft Tan- iea. 10.' " ' ' V V ning. Currying and Working of Leather, have not taken that good EfFedt which was expefted, I W. & M. 'as well for that divers of the faid Statutes did not fufficiently provide for the Redrefs of thofe Deceits and jiCed.^%V'zc. ' Abufes which have been and are commonly praftifed by the Tanners, Curriers and Workers of Lea- TheDutyof ' ' ther ; (2) as for that other of the fame Statutes have been too fharp and rigorous, tying and binding -Tanners, Cur- i the Perfons occupying the feveial Myfleries or Trades aforefaid, to divers Inconveniences, and fundry km, and™"*" ' Matters and Things impoffible for them to perform ; by reafon of which too much Stridlnefs and others cutting of ' Rigour, the fame Statutes have not been put in Execution, but have been in EfFecfl wholly difpenfed i;«ather. ' withal : ( 3 ) To the Intent therefore that a reafonable and indifferent Courfe for the true and well Tan- Srm?Statute^s' ' ning. Currying and Working of Leather, may be from henceforth eflablifhed and appointed, and yet made ag.iinft the ' the Perfons ufing and occupying the feveral Crafts and Myfteries aforefaid may not be further or more Ab.ufesof Tan- (. ftricfSly bound, reftrained or limited, than the neceffary Regard of the Commonwealth and general Com- SavenTt"' ' modity of all Sorts of Subjects within this Realm requireth :' been performed. a7H,8.c.i4. 5 & 6 Ed. 6. c, 15, i M. Se.T. 3. c. 8, fEliz. c,22. 8Eliz.c.i4. 18 Eliz, c, 9, s Salk. 609. Mod. Cafes in Law 62, Lutw. 181, 1409. The Penalty for H. Be it enaded by the King's moil excellent Majefty, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Com- terin'elfaHTde "^o^s, of this prefeiit Pai-liament affembled, and by the Authority of the fair.e, That from and after the or felling a rot- 'Feaft of St. Bariholmiizv the ApoMe next coming, no Butcher by himfelf, or by any other Perfon, fhall tenHide, galli, flaughter or cut any Hide of any Ox, Bull, Steer or Cow, in flaying thereof, or otherwife, whereby the fame Ihall be impaired or hurt, upon Pain of Forfeiture for every Hide fo gaflied, flaughtered or cut, Twenty-pence. ( 2 ) And that no Butcher fhall water any Hide, except only in the Months of June, July and Aiiguft, nor fhall offer or put to Sale any Hide being putrified or rotten, upon Pain of Forfeiture for every Hide fo watered, and for every Hide fo putrified or rotten, and offered or put to Sale, three Shillings and Four-pence. Killing of Calves III. And be it further enafted by the Autliority aforefaid. That no Butcher or other Perfons, after the under five Weeks Peaft of St. BarthoJomeiv next coming, fhall kill any Calf to fell, being under five Weeks old, up:-n Pain Repealed by ^° forfeit for every Calf fo to be killed and fold, fix Shillings and Eight-pence. 12 & 23 Car, 2. IV. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That no Perfon or Perfons occupying the N '^ <h '^h ^'^'^^* or Myflery of a Butcher, fhall after the Feaft of St. Bartholomew the Apoflle next coming,' occupy be°a Tanner. ' or ufe by himfelf, or any other Perfon or Perfons, the Feat, Craft or Myflery of a Tanner, during the Time that he flia:ll ufe the Craft or Occupation of a Butcher; upon Pain of Forfeiture of fix Shillings eight-pence for every Day that he fliall fo ufe the Feat, Craft or Myftery of a Tanner. Who may be a V. And be it further enafted by tb.e Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons fhall from and after Tanner, ^j-^g YciA. of St. Barthohme-M next coming, tan any Leather, or fliall ufe, take or have any Profit, Gain or Commodity, of or by the faid Craft or Myftery of Tanning of Leather, except fuch -Perfon or Perfons as had a Tan-houfe at the Beginning of this prefent Sefiion of Parliament, and did then occupy the Myftery of Tanning of Leather ; (2) and except fuch as have been or hereafter fnaJl be brought up, inftru61ed cr taught