Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/733

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A.D. i697» Anno odavo &nono GuLiELMi III. C. 28. 677- fatisfied) as fullyand effeftually to all Intents and Purpofes, as he or they had before the making of this. A£l, and as if this A£t had never been had or made. XXI. Provided neverthelefs. That nothing in this A£t contained fhall be deemed, conftrued or adjudged 'R'sln ofTho- to take away, leflen, charge or prejudice the Right, Title or Interell oi Thomas Nonvood, furviving Exe- "'^ ^°™°° CMtor ol Henry Norwoody as for, touching or concerning a Debt of two thouCand one hundred fifty and ',"'"' !° '"'f'^J"" three Pounds, and Intereft, fecured to the faid Henry Norvjood, by virtue of a Mortgage of the Office of '" ' Warden of the Fleet Prifon, bearing Date the twenty-third Day of November in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred feventy and-fix, or fo much thereof as is juftly due thereupon ; nor to takeaway, leflen or prejudice the Right, Title or Intereft oi John Clements of the Middle Te>nple, London, Gentleman, ^ . , . as for, touching or concerning a Debt of two thoufand two hundred ninety-nine Pounds, and Intereft, fc- ck^em! .cured to the faid John Clements, in truft for himfelf and others, by virtue of a Mortgage of the faid Of- fice of Warden, bearing Date the third Day oi May one thoufand fix hundred feventy and eight, or fo much thereof as is juftly due thereupon. _ XXII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Deputation or Deputa- Deputations tions. Grant or Grants, at any Time heretofore made or executed by William Lenthall Efquire, of the faid E"nicd by Wil- Office of Marflial of the Marjhalfea of the faid Court oi Kings Bench, is and are hereby declared void and ='" l-«"thall of none EfFetft; and that all and every fucceeding Marflial fhall from time to time, and at all Times here- l(lcc=cl!ii m" '- after, beconftituted and appointed by the faid William Lenthall, his Heirs and Affigns, by and with the flialsw' bo conl" Confent in Writing_under the Hand and Seal oi Edmund Boulter Efquire, his Executors, Adminiftrators and ftitut-sd by him Affigns, until the Debt owing by the faid William Lenthall to the faid Edmund Boulter, Executor of Sir with the Co.i- "John Cutler Baronet deceafed, be fatisfied. '"'="'"'" Edmumi •' , ' Boulter. Farther Pn-uifims concerning Prijoners, &c. It & 11. W. ■}. c. ig. T.Ann.Jlat. %, c.ili lAnn.c.^y 9 C?«5. i, f, zSi II G«. 1. c. ii, 1 1 Gee. 2. f, ao, . Jifi G«. 2..C. 31. I7G«, a, c. 3 fif 17. and ^z Geo. t. c. 28. CAP: XXVIIIi An A61: for the better Obfervation of the Courfe anciently ufed in the Receipt of £'OT/?'^£;/fr,. ' O R the better Obfervation of the Gourfe anciently ufed in the Receipt of the Exchequer, and the good, , fure, and regular Methods eftablifhed, enacted, orappointed to beobferved and kept by the refpec-

  • tive Officers and Minifters of the faid Receipt,- in all Matters concerning Receipts, Payments, or other.

•■ Bufinefs-to be there tranfkiled or performed, whereupon the preferving and improving of the publick Cre- ' dit do chiefly depend;' Be it enadled and declared by the King's moft Excellent Majefty^ by and withi the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parlia-- ment aflembkd^ and by Authority of the fame. That from and after the twentieth Day of April one thou- Tellers of thi fand fix hundred ninety-feven, from time to time, as any. Sum or Sumsof Money whatloever fhall be Exchequer, on . brought to theReceipt of the Exchequer to be there paid, either by way of Loan or Advance, or for or •^^j^'^^'P'"*^ '^°'" upon Account of any Tax, Aid, Impofition, Revenue, or any other Caufe or Occafion whatfoever, the ^"^^ ™ j^" y"^', refpeftive Teller or Tellers of the faid Receipt, into whofe Office or Offices the fame fhall be brought or riowna Eiiiinto tendred, as foon as the faid Sum or Sums of Money fhall be fo brought or tendred, if the Officers and Mi- the Tallcy Court nifters belonging to the Talley Court in the faid Receipt be then attending,, or elfe as foon as the fame Of- *°"" ^ Taiiey to ficers and Minifters fhall be attending for the levying a Talley or Tallies for the fame, -fhall without Delay f^^^f '^"an/5'"* ' receive the faid Money fo brought or tendred, and weighing the fame in entire Sums or otherwife, and (.j^^ I'^j^ld^jl^ _. making due Entry of the Weight and Tale thereof (according to the ancient Courfe) fhall throw down or Sum received. . caufe to be thrown down a Bill or Billswritten upon Parchment,' and figned by fuch Teller or Tellers, into the faid'Talley Court, whereby a Talley or Tallies (according to the Nature of the Payment) may be duly levied for the Difcharge or Safety of the King's Subje(£ls or others who fhall make fuch Payments, ajid whereby the faid Teller or Tellers may plainly and fairly be charged with the Sum or Sums fo by him '. or them received, as Money in his or their Cuftody beiiig and remaining within the faid Receipt of ^at^^^-- quer; and that any fuch Teller or Tellers, into whofe Office or Offices any Sum or Sums of Money fhall Penalty on Teiv be brought or tendred to be lent or paid to the King as aforefaid, or any Clerk,, Subftitute, or Perfon em- '". ^c- not duly ployed or to be employed by any fuch Teller or Tellers in the Bufinefs of his or their Office or Offices, f^if '|'j"^ m™ le fhall not for fuch Money fo brought or tendred give any Note importing a Depofttum, or any other private jg^^ or paid to Note, Obligation, or Security whatfoever, to prevent or hinder the due charging thereof in the Exchequer ti.« King. . as aforefaid, upon Pain that any Teller who fhall offend againft- this A<3r, by neglefting, delaying or re- fufing to receive, and duly to charge himfelf with fuch Money as fhall be brought or tendred to be lent or paid to the King as aforefaid, or by giving any private Note, Obligation or Sfccurity for any fuch Money, whereby to prevent or hinder the due charging thereof in the Exchequer, as this Ail requires, fhall for fuch •• Offence forfeit his Office, and be difabled to ferve His Majefty, His Heirs or Succeffors, in the fame or any/ other Office or Place of Truft whatfoever, and moreover for every fuch Offence fhall forfeit and lofe dou- - ble Damages to the King, or the Party who fhall fuffer by fuch .Negledt, .Delay, Refufal, Prevention or . Hindrance, befides full Cofts' of Suit, to be recovered as' is herein after mentioned; and that all and every Penalty on.Tcl-'- the Clerks, Subftitutes, or Perfons employed or to be employed by any fuch Teller in the Bufinefs of his lers clerks of- - or their Office or Offices, who fhall offend againft this KSt, by giving any private Note, Obligation or Se- |^j"f^|^^^^'"'^ ' curity, for any fuch Money fo brought or tendred to be lent or paid to the King, whereby or by .Means v/hereof the due charging the fame, or any Part thereof, in the Exchequer fhall be prevented or hindred, - fhall for every fuch Offence forfeit and lofe double the Sum for which fuch private Note, Obligation or Security fhall be given (to wit) one Moiety thereof to the King, and the other Moiety to fuch Perfon and Perfons as will inform and fue for the fame, and fhall alfo for any fuch Offence be removed and expelled • from the faid Receipt. 11. And :