Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/735

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A. D. 1697. Anno odavo 6c nono Gulielmi III. C. 28. 679, time being) fliall be Avorn, and take their Corporal Oaths, for the clue, juft, and uiithful Perrormance of all Matters and Things to be done and performed by fuch Clerks in the (aid Offices refpc^Uvcly; and the Oaths to that Effeft fhall and may be adminiftred by the Commiffioners of the Treafui-y, or any of them,, -. or by the Treafurer or Under Treafurcr of the Exchequer, or by the Barons of the Court of Exchequer, . or any of thern, for the time being. VI. And be it further enacted and declared by the Authority aforefaiJ, That none of the Monies which Money nor to bo ' are, or hereafter (hall be or remain, in the Receipt of the Exchequer, fliall be thence iffued or paid, or be pa'd""' "ft'": ! _ „_j ^- i-„ 1-...r..i!.. :rr.._.I _.. _-:. i u..^ i • n.._/-. c^/-^ ^ . .. a . .1 r T r _ rr- Excheautr. bui puriuant to fome Aft or Afts of Parliament in that Behalf and not otherwife. VII. And for the better SatisfaiSlion of fuch Perfons as have lent, or fhall hereafter lend, any Monies A Tabic to be upon the Credit of any Tax, Aid, Impofition, or Revenue already granted, or hereafter to be granted, to litupa'ihc His Majefty, Flis Heirs or Succeflbrs, it is hereby further enadted. That there fliall be a Table or Tables V-°'.5oli? ^"" made and fet uj5 continually at the Door of the Auditor of the faid Receipt by him or his Clerks, fliewing ftewins th "rc- • how far the Officers there have proceeded in the Repayment of Loans made upon the Credit of fuch payment of the ■ l^axes. Aids, Impofitions, or Revenues, and hov/ far the Monies which fhall be paid into the Exchequer by Loans. the refpeftive Receivers thereof do extend from time to time to difcharge Principal and Intereft upon the faid Taxes, Aids, Impofitions, or Revenues refpeftively, whereby all Perfons concerned at all fuch Times when the Office ought to be open, may without Trouble or Diflicully fee what Progrefs is daily- made in the Repayment of Loans upon the feveral Regiflers kept purfuant to any AcSt of Parliament in that : Behalf. VIII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Auditor of' the Receipt for the Auditor toinrtU' time being fhall from time to time (for his jufi: and lawful Fees) duly enter or inroll all Letters Patents, all Letters Pa- and Letters of Privy Seal, for ifTuing of the King's Treafure, and fhall drav/ the Orders, or make the De- "" ^"^^ ^p"" bentures for the ifTuing thereof, as he fhall be from time to time required by ihe Commiffioners of the Trea- ;„„ ,i,e King's" fury, or the Treafurer of the Exchequer, for the time being, and fhall keep Entries thereof in Books to be Money, and provided and fairly written for that Purpofe, and fhall weekly take the Tellers Accounts, and make Cer- keep Entries - tificate to the faid Commiffioners of the Treafury, or the Treafurer for the time being, of all Receipts, 'hereof. IfFues, and Remains of the King's Money there, and fhall make out the Impreft Certificates from time to aUo to certify time, of all Monies there iffued upon Account, or by v/ay of Impreft, and fhall tranfmit the ordinary Im- the Tellers Ac- Remains, at the iiA-fZv^z/i»r for every half year fucceffively ; all which Matters and Things, and all other Rolls, &:c. Matters and Things belonging to the Office or Duty of the faid Auditor of the Receipt, fhall be faithfully and carefully done and performed by the Auditor of the Receipt for the time being, in fuch Manner as hath ■ been anciently accuftomed ; and that the faid Clerk of the Pells for the time being,, fhall alfo from time to ^f°'^J^^ time (for his juft and lawful Fees) duly inroll or record all Letters Patents, and Letters of Privy .Seal, for p^^^ ^^.^ *~ ifTuing. of the King's Treafure, ,and truly and fairly enter and record all Receipts and IfTues at the faid Ex- ' ' ' - chequer, and fliall alfo take the Tellers weekly Accounts, and make Certificates to the faid Commiffioners of the Treafury, or Treafurer for the time being, weekly, of the Receipts, IfTues, and; Remains, of the King's Money there, and fiiall carefully examine all the Impreft Certificates and Impreft Rolls, and make ■ out and tranfmit to the faid Commiffioners of the Treafury, or the Treafurer for the time b-ing, Declara- ■ tions of the Receipts, liTues, and Remains, within every half Year; and fliall therein, and in all other ," Matters and Things appertaining to the Office of the Clerk of the Pells, faithfully and carefully obfervc, - and caufe to be oblerved, the ancient Courfe and Method of the faid Receipt ; and that they the faid Au- Officers oftfia' >• ditor of the Receipt, and Clerk of the Pells, and all other Officers and Minifters of the faid Receipt, and Receipt, Cirrkr, , their Deputies, Clerks, and Subftitiites refpeftively, fhall, in the Matters aforefaid, and in all othei" Mat- ^,^;,^7ei'eTr" ters and Things concerning their Offices, demean themfelves according to. their refpefluve Duties, and be coi-tiing to their ~ anfwerable for the fame, as well to our Sovereign Lord the King, as to.any.Perfon or Perfons who may Dutiss. fufFer or be injured by any Negleft or Failure therein. IX. And be it further ena£ted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Penalties and Forfeitures for any Penalties, how- Offence againft this Aft, fhall and may be recovered by A£tion of Debt, or of the Cafe, Bill, Suit, or In- to be reco.vered, i. formation, in any of His Majefly's Courts of Record, wherein no, EfToin, Proteftion,, Vfager of Law, or ■. more than one Imparlance, {hall be granted or allowed. X. Provided always, That this Aft, or any thing herein contained, fhall not extend to lefien or dimi- "^^.'^ -Afl' net to •• nifh the lawful Power, Order, Rule, or Government, which the faid Comimiffioners of the Treafury, and ofth" Tr^effmY^ ' the Treafurer for the time being, have and ought to have over the Officers and Minifters of the faid Re- over the Officen a ceipt, or any other lawful Power which the faid Commiffioners of the Treafury, or Treafurer for the time of theReceift, . being, have and ought to have in the Execution of their Places or Trufts refpeftively; any thing herein, = contained to the contrary notvvithitanding. XI. Provided alfo. That this Aft, or any thing herein contained, fhall not extend to alter or change.any nortoaiterReV - Method of Receipts or Payments by Bills of Credit in the Exchequer, allowed or to be allowed by "rlia-^^P'^^^'°'^yj^ ^ _ •inent; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding, _ _ <3^uer Bills. XII. And be it further enafted and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That all the Money in the faid Money to be Receipt fhall be kept in Chefrs under three different Locks, with Keys to each Cheft, and that the Tellers, kept m Chefts i or their Clerks refpcftiv£ly, fhall keep but one of the faid Keys to each of the faid Chefts, and that another ""^er tiree Key of each Cheft fhall be kept by the Clerk of the Pells for the time being, and that the other Key of each K°ys,'by whora- = Cheft {hall be kept by the eldeft of the two Deputy Chamberlains, who are employed in the itriking of Td- ^^ be fcept, . lies..