Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/165

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A. D. lyor. Anno primo Ann^ Reginse. Stat. i. C. 32. 113 trick aforefaid, with the Appurtenances, for apd during the Refidue of the faid Term of twenty-one Years, according to the faid Leafe and Affignment thereof to him made ; and in Cafe of fuch Default, the faid Leafe (as to the PremilTes called Dirj^atrick) and the faid Aflignment thereof, fhall be and is hereby- confirmed and made efFedtual ; the laid hSt, or any Thing therein contained to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding ; fubje£i: neverthelefs to all and eveiy the Claufes, Matters, and Things in this Aft contained, directed to be done and performed by the faid other Proteftant Purchafers. XX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That in all A£ls which have pafled this Sef- Perfont enjoined fion of Parliament, relating to the forfeited Eftates or Interefls in Ireland, which do enjoin the taking the '° "«*'>' o^^h Oath or Oaths of Allegiance by any Perlbn or Perfons whatfoever, and wherein the obliging the taking ^.^.P'^^'""! the Oath of Supremacy is omitted ; all and every the Perfon and Perfons, who are thereby enjoined to take the Oath of Allegiance, fhall be and are hereby obliged and enjoined at the fame Time, to take the Oath of Supremacy alfo, under the likePenalties, forfeitures and Difabilities, as are in the faid refpedtive Penalties, Afts mentioned and contained, for and in Defalt of taking the Oath or Oaths of Allegiance, and fubfcri- bing the Declaration therein mentioned. XXI. And it is hereby further enacted and declared. That there fliall not be let with any Cabin or Not above two Cottage to any Day Labourer (as by any Afts of this Seflion of Parliament relating to the forfeited Eftates ^"" of Land t» in Ireland is permitted) above the Quantity of two Acres of Land, and not above one Cottage or Cabin ^^^^1" Tt'VDa with fuch Land to any one Day Labourer; and that in cafe any other Leafe or Leafes fhall be fo made, LaboXrT&c or more Land be let than as aforefaid, the Leafe of fuch Cottage or Cabin, as well as of the faid Land, fhall be and is hereby declared to be ipfofaSio null and void, to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoever ; and as well the Perfon making, as the Perfon taking fuch Leafe, or occupying fuch Cottage or Cabin, or Lands, fhall forfeit treble the full yearly .Value of the faid Cottage, Cabin or Land, to be Penalty. f ued for, recovered and diftributed, as any other Penalties by the faid A<£ts are to be recovered and diftributed. XXII. And be it further enadled. That this ASt fhall be taken and allowed in all Courts as a Poblick Afl. publick Aa, and all Judges and Juftices are hereby required to take Notice thereof, without fpecial pleading the fame. Anno primo A N N ^E Reglns.

  • A T the Parliament begun at Weftininjler the twentieth Day q{ Auguji, Anno Dom. 1702. in the firft
  • £^ Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady ANNE, by the Grace of God, of England, Scoi-
  • land, France, and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c. And from thence continued by feve-

' ral Prorogations to the twentieth Day oi OSiober 1702. and then and there held, and by divers Adjourn- ' ments continued till the twenty-feventh Day of February following, being the lirft Seflion of this prefent

  • Parliament.

C A P. I. An A(Si: for granting to her Majefty a Land Tax for carrying on the War againft France and Spain, §. 76. 12& '^i^- 3* Claufe for making good Deficiences of feveral A£is. Arrears upon 9 W. 3. and on 10 W. 3. and 11 '" '°'. , W. 3. how to be charged. Commiffioners to determine the Proportions to be paid by each Hundred, pound.' £3°f. and caufe the fame to be re-afleffed, and paid. Then Supers to be difcharged. Like Allowances to Receivers, fife. Claufe not to alter the Charge made upon any Parts, Hundreds, f3°c. Certificate of the Arrears to be tranfmitted to the Remembrancer's Office. If Arrears be not paid, Procefs to go againft Inhabitants, tifc. Claufe of Loan at 5 /. per Cent. iVIoney lent not to be taxed. Tallies of Loan and Orders for Repayment, to be regiftred and paid in Courfe. No Fees for regiftring, i^c. No undue Preference where Tallies, is'c. bear Date the fame Day, nor if fubfequent Orders be paid, (Jc, Orders for Payment affignable. EXP. CAP. II. An A.& for enabling her Majefly to fettle a Revenue for fup porting the Dignity of his Royal flighnefs 1 Ann^, flat, i. Prince G^or^^, Hereditary of D^K/nari, in cafe heihall furviye her Majefty. EXP. '• 7- , CAP. TIL An Aft for granting a Supply to her Majeft^i, by feveral Duties jmp.ofed upon Malt, Mum, Cyder, ^^P- and Perry, C A P. IV. An Aft for continuing the Duties upon Coals, Culm, and Cynders. Duties on Coals, Culm, ^r. 9&10W. 3. continued till 1708. A6ts 9 & 10 W. 3.' c. 13. and jo & u W. 3. c. zi, continued. Perfons "^^ ^5- may lend 500,000/. on Credit of this A6t, with Intereft. Monies lent not to be taxed, ^c. Or-^°f " ^'3* ders alHgnable, AfTignee may aflign again, i^c. EXP. ?b"j Ann;e, C. 21. §. 30. Perfons having Tallies, &c, on (his AQ fliall be admitted into the South Sea Company,' Vol. IV. "QL CAP.