Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/380

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328 C. 34j35- Anno fexto Ann^e Reglnae. A. D. 1707. C A P. XXXIV. EXP. An A&: for limiting a Time to Perfons to come in and make their Claims to any of the forfeited Eftates, and other Interefts in Ireland, fold by the Truftees for Sale of thofe Eftates to the Governor and Company for making hollow Sword Blades in England, and divers other Purchafcrs. Crvernor and Company of Hollow Sword Blades. - 1 1 & 12 W, 3. c. z. "Who purcha'ed Lands in Ireland of lUc Truftees, For quieting the laid Company. H E R E AS the Governor and Company for making hollow Sword-Blades in England^ and divers other Perfons, did (in purfuance .of an A£l of Parliament made in the eleventh Year of the Reign of the late King William the Third, of glorious Memory, intituled, Jn ASl for granting an Aid to his Adiijejly by Sale of forfeited and other EJiates and Intercjls in Ireland, and by a Land TaXy for the Purpofes therein mentioned, and of feveral other A£ts relating to the faid forfeited and other Eftates and Interefts) purchafe of the Truftees appointed by the faid A£t, feveral Honours, Manors, Baronies, Caftles, Mef- fuages, Lands, Tenements, Rents,. Reverftons, Services, Remainders, PoflefEons, Royalties, Franchifes, Juriidictions, Privileges, and Appurtenances thereunto belonging in the Kingdom oi Ireland: And where- as divers Aftions and Suits have been brought againft feveral Purchafers of Eftates under the faid Afts oi; Parliament, and the Title to the fame, under the faid Truftees, hath been called in Queftion, and feveral Judgments have been given in Ireland agzin^i fome of the faid Purchafers, and one of thofe Judgments hath been affirmed on a Writ of Error in her Majefty's Court oi ^teen's Bench in England, and alfo i^ the Houfe of Peers in England, whereby the faid Purchafers are in Danger of having their Titles to the Eftates and Interefts, fo by them purchafed, further called in Queftion and difputed : Now for the quiet- ing the faid Governor and Co:r pany, and the faid other Purchafers in the Poffeffion of the feveral Eftates and Interefts fo by them refpeifively purchafed of the faid Truftees,' Be it enacted, iSc. Conveyances and Wills whereby Lands, &c. in the Eaft Riding of Yorkfliire or Hull may be af- fefled, to be re- giftred. Deed not fo re- giftred void. Blades V. Blades, Ab. Caf. Equ, 358. Wrightfon v. Hanfon 1 3 Feb. 1737. at the Rolls. Method efta- blifiied for regi- ilring fuch Me- morials. Regifter Office to be at Beverly. CAP. XXXV. An Aft for the publick regiftring of all Deeds, Conveyances, "Wills, and other Incumbrances, that fhall be made of» or that may afFeft any Honors, Manors, Lands, Tenements, or. Hereditaments within the Eaft Riding of the County of Tork, or the Town Jnd County of the Town of Kingfion upon Hull, after the nine and twentieth Day of September one thou- fand feven hundred and eight; and for the rendring the Regifter in the JVeft Riding more complete. ' I. T T T H E R E A S the Lands in the Eaji Riding of the County of York, and in the Town and County ' W of the Town of Kingfton upon Hull, are generally Freehold, which may be fo fecretly trans- ' ferred or conveyed from one Perfon to another, that fuch as are ill difpofed have it in their Power to. ' commit Frauds, and frequently do fo, by Means whereof feveral Perfons (who through many Years In- ' duftry in their Trades and Employments and by great Frugality have been enabled to purchafe Lands,' ' or to lend Monies on Land Security) have been undone in their Purchafes and Mortgages, by prior and. ' fccret Conveyances, and fraudulent Incumbrances, and not only themfelves but their whole Families.- ' thereby utterly ruined :' For Remedy whereof, may it pleafe your moft Excellent Majefty (at the humble Requeft of the Juftices of the Peace, Gentlemen, and Freeholders of the faid Eajl Riding, and of the faid Town and County of the Town of iir/«^/?(7« upon i^«//, that it maybe ena£led,and be it enafted by the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament afiembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That a Memorial of all Deeds and Conveyances which from and after the nine and twentieth 'Dz.y oi September in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and eight, {hall be made and executed, and of all Wills and Devifes in Writing made, or to be made and publifhed, where the Devifor or Teltatrix fhall die after the faid nine and twentieth Day of September, of or concerning, and whereby any Honors, Adanors, Lands, Tenements,* or Hereditaments in the faid Eajl Riding, or in the faid Town and County of the Town oi King/ion upon* Hull, may be any way afFe£ted in Law or Equity, may be regiftred in fuch Manner as is herein after di- ' redted; and that every fuch Deed or Conveyance that fhall, at afiy Time after the faid nine and twentieth' Day oi September, be made and executed, fhall be adjudged fraudulent and void againft any fubfequent • Purchafer or Mortgagee for valuable Confideration, unlefs fuch Memorial thereof be regiftred, as by this- A£t is directed, before the regiftring of the Memorial of the Deed or Conveyance, under which fuch fub- fequent Purchafer or Mortgagee fhall claim; and that every fuch Devife by Will fhall be adjudged frau- dulent and void againft anyr fubfequent Purchafer or Mortgagee for valuable Confideration, unlefs a, Me- morial of fuch Will be regiftred in fuch Manner as is herein after diredted. II. And for fettling and eftablilhing a certain Method, with proper Rules and DirecStions for regiftring fuch Memorials as aforefaid, Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That one publick Office for regiftring fuch Memorials of and concerning any Honors, Manors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, that are fituate, lying, and being within the faid EaJi Riding, or the faid Town and County of the Town o( Kingfion upon Hull, fhall (at the publick Charge of the faid Eaft Riding, to be raifed by the Juftices of the Pe-ace thereof at their General Qjiarter-Seffions of the Peace, in fuch Manner as they are impowered to raife Money for the Repairs of Publick or County Bridges) be eredted and eftabliftied at Beverley, the . , J ' 3 neareft :