Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/456

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404 After all, the Monies fecurcd by the Aft i Anna?, are paid off, then the Duties on .'•alt, &c. by 7 Iz 3 W. 3. fliall he applied to this Ad. Claufe of Loan to fecure the in- termediate In- tereft. Ovetfea Duties on Coals in Bri- tifli Bottoms, af- ter 25 Dec.1710.- to ceafe. 6AnniE, c, 22, Concerning Duty QtT Cbahf fee far- ther q Ann, c. 6, ^ 22. 12 Ann, Ji.z-.c.ti. ^Geo. I.e. 9. 6 Geo.i. c. 4. 22 Geo. 2. c. 37. '^cGej. 2. c. jg./. 28. Claufe to prevent Frauds in Draw- backs upon Cer- ticate Goods. See 12 Annae, ftat. 2. c. 8. §. 12. & 5 Geo. a.c. II. §.5, C. 13. Anno odavo Ann^ Reginee. A. D. 1709. it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That immediately from and after the Time that all the Principal and Interefl: Monies fecurcd by the faid Aft of the firft Year of her faid Majefty's Reign, intituled, A'fz A Si for mnking good Deficiencies., and for preferVing the publick Credit, fhall be fully paid off" and iatistied, or that fufScient Monies ifhall be referved in the Exchequer for that Purpofe, thsn all the Mo- nies which from thenceforth until the faid firft Day of Augiiji, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen, {hall arife, or be due, or payable, or be fecured, or in Arrear, of and for the forefaid Duties upon Salt and Rock Salt, granted or continued by the faid Aft of the feventh Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King William the Third as aforefaid (except the neceflary Charges of raifing, levying, collefting, and accounting for the farne) fliall, from tiine to time be paid into the Receipt of Exchequer, and fliall be ifllied and applied, fo far as the fame will extend, to and for the Payment and Satisfaftion of the Interefl: which fliall, from time to time, grow due for the Monies which fliall be lent upon or in purfuance of this Aft, or of any the Powers or Claufes therein contained, and to none other Ufe, Intent or Purpofe whatfoever ; any Law or Statute to the contrary notwithftanding. Xl V. Provided always, and it is hereby enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fliall and may be lawful to and for the Treafurer of the Exchequer for the time being (or any three or more of the Com- miffioners of the Treafury for the time being) and they are hereby authoriz£d and direfted to caufe the Officers of the faid Receipt of the Exchequer to receive, from time to time, by way of Loans, from any Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, willing to make the fame at the faid Receipt, fuch further Sum and Sums of Money (over and above the Sums which fliall be lent for the Service of the War, and other her Majefty's Occafions as aforefaid) as fliall be fufficient, together with the Monies coming in by the Duties upon Salt and Rock Salt as aforefaid, to compleat and make good the full Pay- ment of all the Interefl: -Monies due or payable by this Aft', or by any Claufe therein contained, every three Months, until the faid Impofitions and Duties granted by this Aft, or the Arrears arifing by the faid former Afts, or any of them, firfl: happening, ftiall come into the Exchequer, and be fufficient for that Purpofe, purfuant to the true Intent and Meaning hereof; and that the Loans fo to be made for the faid intermediate Interefl-, fliall bear the like Interefl, and fliall be free from Taxes, and the Principal thereof fliall be paid in Courfe, according to the Dates of the refpeftive Tallies for the fame, and the In- terefl thereof, every three Months, out of the Duties granted, and other Provifions made by this Aft, in the fame Manner, and as fully and efFeftually as if fuch Loans were Part of the faid Sum not exceeding one million two hundred ninety-fix thoufand five hundred fifty-two Pounds nine Shillings and eleven Pence three Farthings, hereby authorized to be lent as aforefaid ; any thing herein contained to the con- trary in any wife notwithftanding. ' XV. And whereas by an Aft of Parliament made in the fixth Year of her Majefty's Reign, intituled, ' An A£i for cofitintiing feveral Duties therein mentioned upon Coffee, Chocolate, Spices, PiSfures, and Mujlins, ' and additional Duties upon feveral of the faid Commodities, and certain Duties upon Callicoes, China Wares, ' and Drugs., and for continuing the Duties called the two Third Subftdies of Tonnage and Poundage, for preferving ' the publick Credit ; a-,idfor afcertaining the Duties of Coals exported to Foreign Parts ; and for fe curing the Cre- ' dit of the Bank ^/"England ; and for paffing feveral Accounts of Taxes raifed in the County 0/ Monmouth ; and for promoting the Confumption of fuch Tobacco as fhall have paid her Maje fly s Duties ; it is amongft other ' Things enafted, That all Coals exported beyond the Seas, from and after the End of the then prefent ' Seliion of Parliament until the twenty-fifth Day oi March one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen, and ' from thence to the end of the then next Seffion of Parliamejit, from Great Britain in Britifh Bottoms, ' fliall only pay three Shillings the Chaldron, and after that Rate for greater or lelfer Quantities ; any for- ' mer Law or Statute to the contrary notwiftanding, as by the fame Aft more at large may appear: And ' whereas the faid Duty is a great Hindrance to the Britifj Navigation, and leflens the Exportation of ' Coals from Great Britain to Parts beyond the Seas ;' Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the five and twentieth Day of December in the Year one thoufand feven hundred' and ten, the fold Duty of tliree Shillings per Chaldron fliall ceafe, and be no longer paid ; any thing in the &id Aft to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. ' XVI. And whereas by the Laws of this Realm, every Perfon importing Tobacco, and other Foreign ' Goods, from any Part of Great Britain, is intitled to a Drawback of Part of the Duties paid or fecurcd ' at the Importation thereof; and it hath been found by Experience, that great Quantities of fuch To- ' bacco and c^her Foreign Goods after they have been fhipped for Exportation, have been privately re- ' landed in this Pvcahn ; and the Remedies already provided by Law, have not been fufficient to obviate z ' Praftice fo very prejudicial to her Majefty's Revenue, and to all fair and honeft Traders in fuch Goods : For the better Prevention whereof for the future. Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the feven and twentieth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and ten, in cafe any Tobacco, or other Foreign Goods, contained or fpecified in any Certificate whereupon any fuch Draw- back is to be made, or whereupon any Debenture is to be made forth for any fuch Drawback, fliall not be really and bona fide fliipped- and exported (the Danger of the Seas and Enemies excepted) or fliall bC landed again in any Part of Great Britain, unlefs in cafe of Diftrefs to fave the Goods from perifliing,' which fliaj! be prefently made known to the Perfon or Perfons which are or fhall be appointed by her Majefty to managi= her Cuftoms, or principal Officers of the Port ; then not only all fuch Tobacco and other certificate Goods fliall be forfeited and loft, but alfo the Perfon or Perfons (being the Exporters, or any others) who fliall bring back, or caufe, or procure to be re-landed fuch Tobacco, and other certifi- cate Goods, or any of them, in any Part of Great Britain, or be affifting, or otherwife concerned in the- unfliipping the Tme, or to whofe Hands the fame fliall knowingly come, after the unfliipping thereof, or* by whofe Privity, Kjiowledge or Direftion the faid Tobacco and other Goods, or any Part thereof, fliall he*