Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/471

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A. D. lyog. Anno o£lavo Ann^ Reglna^. C. 20. 419 and the faid Lord Prefident of the SelTions, Lord Juftice General, Lord Chief Baron, ond Reftor of the College oi Edinburgh, in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, or any one or more of them, fo en- quiring and examining, have hereby full Power and Authority to reform and redrefs the fame, and to li- mit and fettle the Price of every fuch printed Book, and Books, from Time to Time, according to the beft of their Judgments, and as to them {hall feem juft and reafonable ; and in cafe of Alteration of the and ifakered Rate or Price from what was fet or demanded by fuch Bookfeller or Bookfellers, Printer or Printers, to ^J,""!,?.? "^^ award and order fuch Bookfeller and Bookfellers, Printer and Printers, to pay all the Cofts and Charges ,^ ^^ oli^r' that the Perfon or Perfon fo complaining ihall be put unto, by Reafon of fuch Complaint, and of the him to pay Corts caufing fuch Rate or Price to be fo limited and fettled ; all which fliall be done by the faid Archbifhop of to the Party Canterbury, Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper, '&{hop oi London, two Chief Juftices, Chief Baron, Vice- "complaining. Chancellors of the two Univerfities, in that Part of Great Britain called England, and the faid Lord Pre- fident of the SeiTions, Lord Juftice General, Lord Chief Baron, and Re£l:or of the College oi Edinburgh, in that Part oi Great Britain called Scotland, or anyone of them, by Writing under their Hands and Seals, and thereof publick notice (liall be forthwith given by the faid Bookfeller or Bookfellers, Printer 6y Printers, by an Advertifement in the Gazette; and if any Bookfeller or Bookfellers, Printer or Printers, Penaltyon fhall after fuch Settlement made of the faid Rate and Price fell or expofe to Sale any Book or Books, at Bookfellers Cel- a higher or greater Price than what fhall have been fo limited and fettled as aforefaid, then and in every Jj"? " '^'gher fuch Cafe fuch Bookfeller and Bookfellers, Printer and Printers, fhall forfeit the Sum of five Pounds for^^j"^ ^^ every fuch Book fo by him, her or them fold or expofed to Sale ; one Moiety thereof to the Queen's moft pJlj ty i^Gei ' -Excellent Majefty, her Heirs and SuccefTors, and the other Moiety to any Perfon or Perfons that fhall 2, c. 36. •fue for the fame, to be recovered with Cofts of Suit, in any of her Majefly's Courts of Record at l^e/i~ -min/ier, by Adtion of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Liformation, in which no Wager of Law, Effoin, Privilege •or Proteftion, or rnqre than one Imparlance fliall be allowed. V. Provided always, and it is hereby enafted, That nine Copies of each Book or Books, upon the befl: Aft'" 10 April Paper, that from and after the faid tenth Day of Jpril one thoufand feven hundred and ten fhall be P^^n- ^^°^^^ F.^^^'^^ ted and publifhed as aforefaid, or reprinted and publifhed with Additions, fliall, by the Printer and Prin- delivered^ to tlie ters thereof, be delivered to the Warehoufe-keeper of the faid Company of Stationers, for the Time be- Warehoufe- ing, at the Hall of the faid Company, before fuch Publication made, for the Ufe of the Royal Library, keeper of the the Libraries of the Univerfities of Oxford and Cainbridge, the Libraries of the four Univerfities in Scotland, 9°'"P='nyofSta- Ithe Library of Sio7i College in Londoyi, and the Library commonly called the Library belonging to the Fa' urb o"th i/* •culty of Advocates at ^^/^ii,??-^^ refpeftively ; which faid Warehoufe-keeper is hereby required, withiri verfity Libraries tten Days after Demand by the Keepers of the refpeiSiive Libraries, or any Perfon or Perfons by them or &c. tony of them authroized to demand the faid Copy, to deHver the fame, for the Ufe of the aforefaid Libra- Warehoufe- _ lies ; and if any Proprietor, Bookfeller or Printer, or the Warehoufe-keeper of the faid Company of Sta- ^^"^^ ".deliver doners, fhall not obferve the Diredion of this A£t therein, that then he and they fo making Default in Days after D°- liot delivering the faid printed Copies as aforefaid, fhall forfeit, befides the Value of the faid printed Co- mand. pies, the Sum of five Pounds for every Copy not fo delivered, as alfo the Value of the faid printed Copy Penalty of Pro- not fo delivered ; the fame to be recovered by the Qiieen's Majefty, her Heirs and SuccefTors, and by theP"°':» &=• not •Chancellor, Maffers, and Scholars of any of the faid Univerfities, and by the Prefident and Fellows ofp/"^'j^s the 'Sion College, and the faid Faculty of Advocates at Edinburgh, with their full Cofts refpeftively. th^s'^Aa?^ ° VL Provided always, and be it further enafted, That if any Perfon or Perfons incur the Penalties con- Penaitie'i tained in this Aft, in that Part oi Great Britain called Scotland,, they fhall be recoverable by any Aftionscotiand^howre- before the Court of Seffion there. coverable. VIL Provided, That nothing in this A£l: contained do extend, or fhall be conflrued to extend to pro- This Aft not to hibit the Importation, Vending or Selling of any Books in Gr^^/^, Latin, or any other foreign Language liinder the im- printed beyond the Seas ; any thing in this A£t contained to the contrary notwithftanding. portation, &c. of VIII. And be it further enaiSted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Adion or Suit fhall be com- &° d'^",^?' menced or brought againft any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, for doing or caufing to be done any Thing yondsea.' ^" in purfuance of this Aft, the Defendants in fuch Aftion may plead the General IfTue, and give the fpe- General iffue cial Matter in Evidence ; and if upon fuch Aftion a Verdift be given for the Defendant, or the Plaintiff become nonfuited or difcontinue his Aftion, then the Defendant fhall have and recover his full Cofls, for which he fhall have the fame Remedy as a Defendant in any Cafe by Law hath. IX. Provided, That nothing in this Aft contained fhall extend, or be conflrued to extend, either to '^^^ Aftnot to prejudice or confirm any Right that the faid Univerfities or any of them, or any Perfon or Perfons have, Rfht of 'te it or claim to have, to the printing or reprinting any Book or Copy already printed, or hereafter to be printed, niverfitles. X. Provided neverthelefs. That all Aftions, Suits, Bills, Indiftments or Informations for any Offence Aftions for Of- ■ tthat fhall be committed againft this Aft, fhall be brought, fued and commenced within the Months next fences againft after fuch Offence committed, or elfe the fame fhall be void and of none Effeft. this Act, to be brought in 3 XI. Provided always, That after the Expiration of the faid Term of fourteen Years, the fole Right of After the 14 griming or difpofmg of Copies fhall return to the Authors thereof, if they axe then living, for another Years, the Right Term of fourteen Years. ofPiinting, &c. to return to the Author for Other 14 Years; See ij Gso. z, e, iZ, C A P. XX. An Aft for raifing the Militia for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and ten, although the Month's Pay formerly advanced be not repaid. EXP. Hhh;2 ' CAP.