Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/614

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562 C. 19. Anno decimo Ann^ Reginse. A. D. 171:, Rents upon Flackney Chnirs, and the growing Duties upon Cards and Dice are hereby applicable and appropri^.ted. Ptrfons making CLXVl. And bc it further enacled by the Authority nforefald. That from and after the twentieth Day Materials. A<f>, fuch Perfon fhall, over and above the Penalties impoled by that Aft, forfeit all the Cards and Dice farther Piovi- and all Materials and Utenfils for making Cards and Dice, which found in fuch Houfe or Place, or fion to prevent which fnall have been made or manufactured there, before fuch due Notice fhall have been given ; and that th--D« "°'"^ no Mateiials whatfoevcr begun to be v;rought for or towards the making of Cards or Dice, fliall be re- 6 Go. I.e. 21. moved from the Place wherein the fame fliail have been fo begun to be wrought, until the fame fliali have §. 5;. " been completely made and worked into Cards or Dice, or the Duties for the Cards or Dice therewith in- Kemoving Ma- tended to be made, fhall be paid or ficured ; upon Pain that every Perfon, who fhall remove, or caufe or terials, forfc-its permit to be removed, any fuch Materials, contrary to the true Meaning hereof, fnall i'orfeit double the double the Duty. j/^j^^Qyjjt of tj^ig J^yty on the Cards or Dice, which might be made from or with fuch Materials, with Full Cofls of Suit. AS: 3 Edw. 4. c, 4.. to be in ' CLXVIL And whereas by an Aft made in the third Year of the Reign of King Edward the Fourth ' playing Cards and Dice are prohibited to be imported into England ox Wales -j^ Be it declared and enafted force, by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid AiSt, and all Matters therein contained, relating to playino- Cards or Dice, fhall and do ftand and be in full Force and EfFeft, and fo fhall be conflrued, deemed, and ad- judged, as to every Part of the Kingdom of Great Britain; any thing in any other Aiff, touching the faid Duties on Cards and Dice, to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. Ivory, Eojie, S:c. CLXVIII. And to prevent the evading the Payment of the faid Duties on Dice by new Inventions of ufed for any any Thing ufed or to be ufed in Play inllead of Dice ; Be it further declared and enafted by the Authority Game, to be aforefaid, That all Pieces of Ivory, Bone, or other Matter, made or ufed for any Game or Play, with any eemed iccj&c, Lgjjgj.g^ Figures, Spots, or other Marks thereupon, to denote any Chance or Chances, are and fliall be conftrued, deemed, and adjudged to be Dice, and to be charged accordingly with the full Duties on Dice; and if there fhall be more than fix Chances fignified on any one of fuch Pieces of Ivory, Bone, or other Matter, then fuch one Piece fhall be and is hereby charged with the full Duty of five Shillings payable for a Pair of Dice; and if there fliall be more than the Number of Chances ufually in a Pair of Dice, then fuch one Piece iliail be and is hereby charged with a further Duty, proportionate to the Number of Chances exceeding thofe of one Pair of Dice. Officers may en- CLXIX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and may be lawful to and ter Places where for any Officer or Officers thereunto appointed by the faid Commiffioners for the faid Stamp Duties, to Cards sre made, enter into any Houfe or Place where Cards or Dice are or fhall be made, fold, or expofed to Sale, or fuf- &c. or Ganimg- pgQ.g(j ^a be privately made, or into any publick Gaming-houfe, Room, or Place, and there to fearch and fe'it'ure'of'ioL' ^^^ what Quantity of Cards or Dice fhall be making, and whether the Cards or Dice fo fold, or expofed to Sale, or fo ufed in Play, be duly fealed, marked, and ftamped, according to the true Meanino- of this A.£f, and of the faid former Ai5f ; and if the Owner or Occupier of any Houfe or Place, where Sards or Dice are or fhall be made, fold, or expofed to Sale, or if any fuch publick. Gaming-houfe, as aforefaid, fhall, at any Time or Times, refufe Entrance or Liberty of Search to fuch Officer or Officers, fuch Owner or Occupier fhall, for every fuch Refufal, forfeit the Sum of ten Pounds, with Full Cofts of Suit, to be recovered and divided, as aforefaid. Cards or Dice CLXX. And for encouraging the Exportation of Cards and Dice into Foreign Parts, Be it further en- Kiay be removed afted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to remove any Cards or Dice from the without mark- Place where the fame are or fhall be made, without fealing, marking, or {lamping the fame, or paying nig, m order to any the Duties payable for the fame by this or any former Ad' of Parliament ; provided that within one Such trei t^I'not'ut'in'^' ° ■^^^ '"'■^ fofis Part or Port beyond the Seas, within a Time to be limited in fuch Bond, and thatthe Suitbefore April fame, or any of them, fhall not be relanded in any Part of Great Britain, and that fuch Bond be left in 17ZI, &c. are the Plands of the faid Commiffioners for the Stamp Duties, and a Certificate be given by them, or fuch void, 5 Geo, I. Officer as iliall be in that Behalf appointed, that fuch Bond is entred into with relation to fuch Cards or c. 19. §. 48. F)ice ; any thing in the faid former Act for impofmg Duties on Cards and Dice to the contrary notwith- ftanding. Boards ready to CLXXI. Provided always, That fuch Boards of Cards as were aftually made in Great Britain, and becutintoCa.ds printed or fpotted, and ready to be cut into Cards before the faid twelfth Day of June one thoufand feven b.fore 12, June hundred and eleven, and whereof an Account has been already taken by the Commiffioners for managing Y"' T ^^ *^® Stamp Duties, or their Officers, fhall be charged only after the Rate of one Half-peny />f?- Pack; any witi?one°Half- thing in this Act, or in the faid former Aft, for charging the Duties on Cards and Dice, to the contrary f eny per Pack, notwithftanding. Tuftiees may de- CLXXIl. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and may be lawful to termi^ne Pecuni- and for any two or more of the Juflices of the Peace for the time being, refiding near to the Place where ary Forfeitures, any Pecuniary Forfeitures, not exceeding tv/enty Pounds upon this or any of the Afts of Parliament, not exceeding touching any the Duties under the Management ur Care of the faid Commiffioners . for managing her Ma- ='° jelly's Duties on ftampt Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, fhall be incurred, or any Offence againft any of the'fame Afts fhall be committed, in any wife relating to the fiime Duties, or any of them, by which any Sum. of Money only may he forfeited, to hear and determine the fame; which laid Juilices of the Peace 2SQ