Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/666

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6 14 Stat. r. Anno duodecimo Ann^ Reginae. A. D. 1713. Afirer 24. June 17 t^. any Ter- fon bound Ap- pientIce,or being a hired Servant,' to one who came into a Pari/h by Ceitifica-e, fliall not gain a Set- .t'ement there by Reai?nol-'liich Appreniicefliip, Tw ther Pionji- Jions concern- irt^ Poor. S^Ceo. I. c. 8. The Aft 6 Ann c, 33. made perpetual, 9 & TO W. 3. c. z6. The Claufe m the Atl 6 & 10 W. 3. c. 26. re- lating to the Expoitdiion of Copper Birs imported, con- tinued for 14 Years, S:c, No Drawback except tor Eaft India and Bar- bary C'^pper. See 13 Geo. i, C. a;. feven hundred and thirteen, (hall be an Apprentice, bound by Indenture to, or fhall, upon or after the faid four and twentieth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirteen, be a hired fervant to or with any Pcrfon whatfoever, who did come into or Ihall refide in any Parifli, Townfliip or Place, in that Part of Great Britain called England, by Means or Licence of fuch Certificate, and not afterwards having gained a legal Settlement in fuch Parifli, Townfliip or Place, fuch Apprentice, by Virtue of fuch Apprenticefliip, Indenture or Binding, and fuch Servant by being hired by, or ferving as a Servant, as aforefaid, to fuch Perfon, fnall not gain or be adjudged to have any Settlement in fuch Parifli, Townfliip or Place, by Rea- fon of fuch Apprenticefliip or Binding, or by Reafon of fuch Hiring or Serving therein; but every fuch Apprentice and Servant fliall have his and their Settlements in fuch Parifh, Townfliip or Place, as if he or they had not been bound Apprentice or Apprentices, or had not been an hired Servant or Servants to fuch Perfon, as aforefaid ; any AG. or A6Is of Parliament to the contrary notwithfl:anding. gGeo.i.c.j. 2 Got. 2. c. 28. 3 Gio, 2. f. 29. 17 G«, 2. ir. 3, 37 ©" 38. anif 31 Gso. 2, c. 11, ' III. And whereas Cochineal being of the Growth of the S^anijh Weft Indies, is of Principal Ufe in ' Dying of Clothes, and other the "Woollen Manufaftures of this Kingdom, Scarlets, Purples, and other ' Colours called Grain Colours, to the great Improvement thereof, and imploying of great Numbers of her ' Majefly's Subjeft, in finifiiing and perfecting fuch Woollen Manufacture : And whereas before the A£t ' pafled in the flxth Year of her prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled. An A£i for the Importation of Cochineal

  • from any Ports in Spain, during the prefent War, and fix Months longer. Cochineal could not be imported
  • into this Kingdom, but from the Places of its Growth, although the fame was then, and is now fold at

' cheaper Rates in feveral Parts of Europe, and ufed as well in Dying the faid Manufactures of this King- ' dom abroad, as alfo foreign Manufaiftures, at lower Prices than her Majefl:y's Subjects can, to the Incou- ' ragement of Foreign Woollen Manufaftures, and the great Prejudice of thofe of this Kingdom, and Impd- ' verifliment of many of her Majefly's Subjefts imployed therein, if the faid A£l fliould not be further conti- ' nued ;' Be it therefore enatted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Aft made in the fixth Year of her prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled. An A£l for the Importation of Cochineal from any Ports in Spain, dU' ring the prefent War, and fix Months longer, fliall be and is hereby made perpetual ; any Aft or Afts of Par- liament to the contrary notwithitanding. ' IV. And whereas in an Aft made in the ninth and tenth Years of the Reign of the late King William, ' intituled. An ASi to fettle theTrade to Africa, a Claufe was enafted in the Words foUwing, viz. And ' whereas by an Aft of Parliament made in the fifth and fixth Years of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, ' and the late Qiieen Mary, amongft other Things, it was enafted. That no other Copper than what is ' made of Englijh Ore only, fliould be exported, which proving very prejudicial to the Trade of England, ' by enabling Foreigners to export Copper much cheaper than it can be carried from £'»P'/fl«^/; Be it en- ' aftcd by the Authority aforefaid, That it fliall and may be lawful to and for any of his Majefty's Subjefts ' to export from England all fuch Copper Bars, as hath or fliall be imported into England from Foreign ' Parts, and upon Exportation fliall draw back all Duties, or vacate the Securities, faving the Half of the ' old Subfidy, as is ui'ual in other Commodities : Which Claufe being expired; and forafmuch as the Cop- ^ per Manufafture of this Kingdom is brought to fuch Perfeftion, that there is more made than can be ex- ' pended here and in the Plantations ;' Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Claufe, and every Matter and Thing therein contained, fliall be and is hereby immediately, from and after the Time of the Expiration thereof, revived in full Force, and fliall be and is hereby continued for and' during the Space and Term of fourteen Years, and from thence to the End of the next Seffion of Parlia- ment, and no longer. V. Piovided neverthelefs, and be it enafted, That no Drawback fliall be allowed on the Exportation of any Copper, but fuch as hath been or fliall be imported from the Eafi Indies and the Coaft of Barbary only. [Continued with g & lo W. 3. c. 26. §. 19.] Farther continued by ^z Geo. 2. f. 23. Anno Regni ANN^ Regins Magns BritanniaSa Francis & Hibernlas, duodecimo. Stat. 2. • • The folJow- ing W. rds are addeJ from the Xarallmcnt.* T the Parliament fummoned to be held at Weflminfler the twelfth Day of November Anno Dommt one thoufand feven hundred and thirteen, in the twelfth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Anne, by the Grace of GOD, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Qi^ieen, Defender of the Faith, ^c. And by feveral Writs of Prorogation begun and holden on thefixteenth Day o{ February one thoufand feven hundred and thirteen, * and by feveral Adjournments continued to the ninth Dajr of July in the thirteenth Year of her Majefty's Reign. Being the firft Seffion of this prefent Parliament.' CAP.