Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/668

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6i6 Stat. 2. Anno duodecimo Ann^ Reginse, A. D. 1713- repay thcDutlcs fuch Security fhall be difcharged, and all and every Sum and Sums of Money paid for the Duty of the faid w.ihout Fee. g^jjf^ £j^^-j][ [j„ repaid upon Demand by the faid Gollector, without Fee or Reward. TheDuticsof ' II. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That if the Mafler of any fuch Boat or .s.iitrhjtpcriflied Yelfcl fhall have taken in any Quantity of Britl/h Salt, for the curing of Filh in the North Seas, or at IJle- T^k."'h"hT ' ^'^^'^i '^^ aforefxid, the Duties of the Salt having been paid or fecured to be paid, and the Veflel on which ■■Enemv, (hall ^^ch Salt, as aforefaid, is fhipped, fhall either perifh at Sea, or be taken by Enemies with fuch Salt on bei-epjid. Board her, that in fuch Cafe any Merchant or Perfon, Owner of the faid Salt, fhall, upon Proof made before the Juftices of the Peace at the QuaTter-SelTions held for the County, Riding, Divifion or Town, wherein he doth inhabit, of the Lofs of fuch Salt fo fhipped, receive from the faid Seflions a Certificate that fuch Proof was made before them, and upon producing the faid Certificate to the Officer of the Place, where the Duty on fuch Salt fliall have been paid or fecured to be paid, fuch Security fhall be difcharged, and {^t much Money, as was adrually paid for the Duty of the faid Salt, fhall be repaid .upon Demand by the faid Officer, without Fee or Reward, provided fuch Proof be made within niiie Months after fuch Lofs or Taking, as aforefaid. OneH.ilf oftlie VIll. A.nd be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Penalties and Forfeitures given by 'Forfeitures (hall this or any former Law, relating to the -Duties of Excife upon Salt, fliall be diftributed in Manner follow- h» °'h"^ '^'^'"' "' '"^' (^^ 's ^'^ y^ °"^ Moiety thereof to her Majefly, her Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety Seizor "&° kT ^^ '^^ Officer or Officers who fhall feize, fue or inform for the fame, to be fued for, recovered and levied, he recovered. as in fiich Manner and Form, and with fuch Power of Mitigation, as any Fine, Penalty or Forfeiture hy the Lawsrof may be fued for, recovered, levied, and mitigated by any Law of Excife, or by A6fion of Debt, Bill, iE-xcife, .plaint or Information, in any of her Majefly's Courts of Record at IVcJlminJler ; and all and every Officer and Officers for the laid Duties on Salt, are hereby authorized and impowcred to feize all Salt and other Things which by this or any former A£i: or Law relating to the Duties on Salt are declared to be forfeited. IX. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall at any Time be fued or profecuted for any Thing by him or them done or executed in Purfance of this or any other of the Statutes relating to the Duties of Excife upon Salt, or the Powers thereby given, he or they (hall or may General lime, p]ead the General Ifllie, and give this Adt and the fpecial Matter in Evidence for his Defence; and if upon a Trial, a Verdiift fhall pafs for the Defendant or Defendants, or the PlaintifFor Plaintiffs become norrfuit, difcontrnue or forbear profecuting the faid A<5lions, then fuch Defendant and Defendants fhall have double Cofl-s to him or them awarded, againft fuch Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, for which Cofts he fhall have Remedy, as in other Cafes where Coflrs are by Law given to Defendants. Double Cofts. J^/iVther Frcvi- Jioiis cor.ccrn'u:^ -Hahj 5^t'o. 1, iS. S Ceo. 1. c. 4 ^ -16, 11 Geo* I. c. 30, 3 Geo, 2. c, 2:;. 5 Geo> 2, c, 6. 8 Geo, 2, f. 12. 14 Geo, 2. c, 22. 26 Geo, 2. c. 3 ^ 32, CAP. in. An Aft for charging and continuing the Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry, for the Service of tb.e Year one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen ; and for the Encouragement of the diftilling Brandy from malted Corn and Cyder ; and for making forth Duplicates of Exchequer Bills and Lottery Tickets, loft, burnt or deftroyed ; and to enable the Gover- nor and Company of the Bank of Englafid, and others, to lend Money upon South Sea Stock. ^ViW, C.4. ' IX. AND whereas in and by one A£t of Parliament made in the fifth Year of the Reign of Queen §■ 3 ' Jr. Elizabeth, intituled. An Aui containing clivers Orders for Artificers,, Labourers, Servants of ' Hiifoandry and Apprentices, it is ena(3:ed in the Words following ; Be it further enadfed by the Authority ' aforefaid, That after the firft Day of May next coming, it fliall not be lawful to any Perfon or Perfonr, ' other than fuch as now do lawfully ufc or exercife any Art, .Myflery, or Manual Occupation, to fet up, ' occupy, ufe or exercife any Craft, Myflery or Occupation, now ufed or occupied within this Realm of

  • England or Wales,, except he fliall have been brought up therein feven Years at the leaft as an Apprentice,

«r the Aptili- ' i,i Manner and Form abovefaid, nor to fet any Perfon on Work in fuch Myfcery, Art or Occupation,' cation or the 4 being not a Workman at this Day, except he fhall have been Apprentice, as is aforefaid, or elfe having- by^tii'sAa fee ' ferved as an Apprentice, as is aforefaid, fhall or wiU become a Journeyman, or hired by the ^'ear, upon •c. 9. of this ' Pain that every Peifon willingly offending or doing the contrary, fliall forfeit and .lofe for every Default Sdiion, «,. 69. ' forty ShiHing,i for every Month : Upon which aforefaid Statute, feveral Diftillers of Brandy or Spirits ' made from BritiJJ} Malt or Cyder, fiand indicted for not having ferved {even Years, as aforefaid, to the ' great Dif'couragement of the Confumptioii of malted Corn and Cyder, and deflructive to her Majefty's Any PerH'Timay ' Revcnuc cf Excife ;' Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That any Perfon or Perfons fliall ^^n'^'-nf or may diilil Brandy or Spirits made from Sr/V//?> Malt or Cyder, and fuch Perfon or Perfons fliall not be mI" &"' profecuted for fo doing by Virtue of the aforefaid Statute, or any Claufe, Matter or Thing contained fc iGeo. I. therein to the contrary notvvithftanding. ' X. And whereas in and by an Adl of Parliament made and paffed in the tenth Year of her Majefty's ' Reign, for laying Duties upon Soap, and other Matters therein mentioned, it was amongft other Things ■,:!i toer.sble ' enacted. That it fhould and might be lawful to and for the refpeftive Treafurers of the Navy and Ordi- B:...koi' « nance, and the refpecStive Paymafters of the Guards, Garri Tons and Land Forces for the Time being, or '^ ally other Officers or Perfons, who then were or afterwards fhould be entitled ffor the publick Ufe and Berrcfit) to any Parts or Shares of the Capital Stock of the Corporation erected by the Name of the Go- c-iiior and Company of Merchants of Great Britain, trading to the South Seas and other Parts o{ America, ^ * and c, A.