Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/699

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A. D. lyiS* Anno duodecimo An N ^ Reglnas. Stat. 2. 647 be by the Standard Yard-wand, of the Lengths and Breadths following. That each Piece of broad, double The Lengths or fingle Dornick Table-Cloths, (hall be in Length twelve Yards and a Quarter, the Half Piece fix Yards and Breadihc. and one eighth, and {hall be full two Yards in Breadth ; and that each Piece of double or fingle Dornick for Naprie or Towelling, fhall be full twenty-four Yards, and the Half Piece twelve Yards in Length, and fhall be full three Quarters of a Yard, or full Half Yard in Breadth ; and that each Quarter-piece of plain • white Linen Cloth fhall be full ten Yards in Length, and (hall be full Yard, or full three Qiiarters of a Yard, or full Half an Yard in Breadth. II. And be it further enadted, That every Perfon offending in any of the Matters aforefaid, contrary to Penalty 5 e. for Directions of this A£t, do and fhall for every fuch Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of five Shillings for ^""^'y ^^'■'*> every Yard of Cloth ; and that the Offences aforefaid (hall be examinable and determinable in fuch Man- ner, and the faid Forfeitures and Penalties (hall be fued for, levied and recovered, as the Penalty of five '" •=« recovered Shillings Sterling mentioned in the faid former A£t is directed to be examined and determined, fued for, le- ^^ ^^ '° ^" ' vied and recovered. ^^";^ p,.^^^-.. jfonj ccneeriiing Linen, (s'c, I Ceo, I. c, 36. 3 Geo, I, c, 7, & 21. 17 Ga, 2, c. 30. 18 Geo. 2, c. 24, 25, 27, & 36.- 21 Geo. 2. c, 26. 29 Geo. i. c. 15,, 32 Geo, 2. c. 32. CAP. XXL An Aft to explain Part of an A£t made in the feventh Year of her Majefly's Reign, (for en- larging the Capital Stock of the Bank of England, and for raifing a further Supply to her'" Majefty, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and nine) fo far as the fame relates to un wrought Incle imported into this Kingdom.

  • TT7HEREASbyan AQ. made in the feventh Year of the Reign of her prefeht Majefty, intituled, 'j^» 7 Ann. c 7.7
  • VV ASi for enlarging the Capital Stock of the Bank of Y.n^■^.^^A, and for raifing a further Supply to her

' Majejly, for the Service of the Year one thoufand fey en hundred and nine., it is exprefly enafted and provided,

  • That all European Linens, Sifters Thread and Tapes, or Incles (among other Things) (hall be exempted

' from the Payment of the Duties called the Two third Subfidles, for all Times to come during the Conti- ■

  • nuance of the fame : And whereas fome Doubts and Difputes have arifen between the Commiffioners of
  • her Majefty's Cuftoms and the Merchants and other Importers of the faid Tapes and Incles, by Means of
  • the Uncertainty whether the Exception of the Tape or Incle, mentioned in the faid Aft, be only of Tapes

' that are wrought Incle, fo that all wrought Incle is thereby exempted from the Payment of the aforefaid

  • Duties, though manufactured abroad in Parts beyond the Seas, and unwrought Incles, which imploy great
  • Numbers of Poor in manufafluring the fame, is conftrued to be liable to, and is charged with the faid '

' Duties, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of the faid Law, as appears evidently, in that the bring-

  • ingin and importing wrought Incle, is prejudicial to Great Britain, and the poor Subjects and Manufac-
  • turers thereof;' Be it therefore ena£led and declared by the Queen's moft excellent Majefty, by and with Eumpjjn n^ii-

the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament wrought incle aflTembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid Provifion and Exception in the faid Adt above exempted from ■ mentioned, in relation to Tapes or Inch s, (hall extend and be conftrued to exempt European unwrought '^'"= Duties of Incle, commonly called or known by the Name of Short Spinnal, as well as wrought Incle, from the Pay- LH Jj"° ^^'^^ ment of the faid Duties of the Two third Subfidies, which (hall be entred at any of her Majefty's Cuftom- See the Reference:: houfes within the Kingdom of Great Britain, after the twentieth Day of July one thoufand feven hundred to the foregowr' . and fourteen j any Law, Cuftom or Ufage to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithftanding. Charier, CAP. XXII. An Aft to 'continue an Aft of the (ixth Year of her Majefty's Reign, intituled, Jn ASI to enahle her Ma-- jefiy to make Leafes and Copies of Offices, Lands and Hereditaments, Parcel of her Dutchy of Cornwall j or 'I annexed to the fame. EXP. CAP. XXIII. An Aft for reducing the Laws relating to Rogues, Vagabonds, Sturdy Beggars and Vagrants, intO' one Repeere^ Aft of Parhament ; and for the more effeftual puni(hing fuch Rogues, Vagabonds, Sturdy Beggars and 13060.2.0.24.: ^ Vagrants, and fending them whither they ought to be fent. 17 Geo, a. c. 5. Who (hall be deemed Rogues and Vagabonds. Conftables, SS'c. may apprehend a Vagabond, and carry ' him before a Juftice. Conftable, fife, neglefting, to forfeit 10 s, to the Poor. Juftice may order a Re- ward of « s. for apprehending a Vagabond, to be paid by the Conltable where he paffed unapprehended, on Penalty of 20 s. Juftices to order a general Privy Search in the Night. Perfons apprehended to be examined and fent by the Juftices to their legal Settlement. Examination to be tranfmitted to the Sef- fions. If no legal Settlement can be found, he (hall be fent to the Place of his Birth. If under the Age of 14, to the Abode of Father or Mother, or where laft found begging, i^c. Perfons having a legal Settle- ment, found wandering, i^c. may be whipped or fent to the Houfe of Correftion. How the Charges of conveying (hall be born. Dangerous Rogues to be fent to the Houfe of Correftion or Gaol, till next Quarcer-Sellions, who may order them to be whipt and kept at hard Labour. And any fuch Rogue elca- ping from Prifon (hall be guilty of P'elony. Juftice (hall not make a Pafs for conveying a Vagrant to the Place of his Birth, if he has any legal Settlement, on Forfeiture of 5 /. Perfons apprehended refufing to 4 *' be