Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/114

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74- C. 28—33. Anno primo Georgii Regis. Stat. 2. A. D. 1715. CAP. XXVIII. An Act for repealing an Aft, intituled, An At! for repealing Tart of an Aft pajfed in the Par- liament of Scotland, intituled, Act for difcharging the Yule Vacance. lo Ann. c. J3. The Aft joAn. c. 13. repealed. HERE AS by an Act patted in the tenth Year of her late Majefty Queen Anne, of blelTed Memory, intituled, An Acl for repealing Part of an Ail paffed In the Parliament of Scotland, in- tituled, Act for difcharging the Yule Vacance ; it was enacted and declared, That the Chrijlmas Vacation of the Seffion or College of Juftice, and all other inferior Courts of Juftice in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, fhall yearly, in all Time coming, continue and endure from the twentieth Day of De- cember to the tenth of January, both inclufive : And whereas alfo the faid Vacation has been by Experi- ence found to be a great Interruption to the Courfe of Bufinefs and Adminiftration of Juftice, and greatly prejudicial to the Subjects of that Part of Great Britain:' Be it therefore enacted by the King's moft Ex- cellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the aforefaid Act palled in the tenth Year of her late Majefty Queen Anne, fhall be and is hereby repealed and made void. CAP. XXIX. An Act for allowing a Time for two hundred and thirteen Families of Proteftant Palatines, now fettled in Ireland, to take the Oaths, in order to intitle them to all the Benefits intended them by the Act of the feventh Year of her late Majefty's Reign, for naturalizing foreign Proteftants. EXP. Anno Regni GEORGII Regis Magna Britanniae, Francis & Hibernian primo. Note ; The Stile c of the Rolls to ' the following t A£ls is the fame 4 as in Page 5, without anyAl- ' aeration, c AT the Parliament begun and holden at Wejlminfter the feventeenth Day of March, Anno Domini one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, in the firft Year of the Reign of our So- vereign Lord George, by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. being the firft Seffion of this prefent Parliament : And from thence continued by feveral Adjournments to the ninth Day of January one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen, in the

  • fecond Year of his Majefty's Reign.'

CAP. XXX. An Act for continuing the Act of this prefent Seffion of Parliament, intituled, An Ail to impower his Ma- jefty to fecure and detain fuch Per fans as his Majefty jhall fufped are confpiring agahifi his Per/on and Govern- ment. EXP. CAP. XXXI. An Act for granting an Aid to his Majefty by a Land-Tax in Great Britain, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen. EXP. 4s. in the Pound. CAP. XXXII. An Act to attaint John Earl of Mar, William Murray, Efq; commonly called Marquefs of Tullibardine, James Earl of Linlithgow, and James Drummond, Efq; commonly called Lord Drummond, of High. Treafon. PR. CAP. XXXIII. An Act for the more eafy and fpeedy Trial of fuch Perfons as have levied or fhall levy War againft his Majefty. HERE AS a horrid and unnatural Rebellion and War has been openly and traiteroufly raifed and levied againft his Majefty within this Realm, and is ftill continued, with Defign to depofe and murder his moft facred Majefty, and to fet a Popifh Pretender, bred up and inftructed in Romifn Superftition and arbitrary Principles, on the Throne of thefe Realms : And whereas great Num- bers of fuch as have joined in the faid Rebellion, have been, by his Majefty's Vigilance and Care, lately feized, and for fafer Cuftody neceffarily diftributed into feveral Prifons in different Counties : And whereas many of the Chief of the faid Rebels have been, in order to lay open and difcover the Foundations and Caufes of the faid Rebellion and Treafons, with much Trouble and Exp;nce to the Crown, brought up to London, and Parts adjacent, in order to be examined : And forafmuch as Bills of Indictment, as the Law now ftands, are to be found in the Counties where the faid Treafons are I committed