A. P. 1714. Anno primo Georgii Regis. Stat. 2. C, 27. 73 will be applicable to the Payment of the faid Debts in England, in confequence of the Appropiiations made fince the I reaty of Union and the Time of the Continuance of thefe Appropriations, to the end that a true and jull State and Account of all thefe Matters may be made up purfuant to the Agreements in the faid Treaty of Union, according to the true Meaning and Intent thereof, and a Report thereof may be laid before the King and both Houfes of Parliament, for their final Determination thereupon. II. And it is further enacted. That the faid Commiffioners, or any two of them, fhall and may, and Comrniflionert are hereby impowercd and au'horized to adminifter an Oath to the proper Officers from whom they "^ * dminiftoe receive any Accounts or Abbreviates, as to the Truth and Juflnefs of fuch Accounts, to the beft. of their Knowledge. III. And it is hereby declared, That this Commiffion, together with the Powers hereby granted, fhall How Img the continue in full Force and Virtue from the Iffuing thereof, during the Space of one whole Year, and till Commiffion the End of the then next Seffion of Parliament, to the Intent and Purpofe that the Accounts between the ^ '|' o ™ tmue two Nations, upon the Agreements in the Treaty of. Union, may be fully ftated, and laid before his Ma- jefty and both Houfes of Parliament, as aforefaid. IV. Provided always, That none of the faid Officers or Perfons, who are hereby required to obey fuch Officers not ob. Precepts of the faid Commiffioners, as aforefaid, fhall be obliged, fqr doing thereof, to travel further than 1| P cd t0 travcl the Cities of London, Weftminfter, and Edinburgh, or any of them. . fittftcr than' V. Provided alfo, That if the faid Commiffioners, in the Execution of this Act, fhall meet with Dim- burgh"' culties in Points of Law, the fame fhall be fpecially ftated in their Report for Determination in Par- Difficulties in liament. Point of Law to VI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That any two of the faid Commiffioners, b , e ft«edb y the before they enter upon the Execution of this Act, fhall take an Oath before the Lord High Chancellor bfcomrniffioner*' Great Britam, or Mafter of the Rolls, (which Oath they, or either of them, are hereby reflectively au- t o be fworn. thorized and required to adminifter to them;) the Tenor whereof fhall be as folio weth: 4 T/5. do fwear, That, according to the beft of my Skill and Knowledge, I fhall faithfully, impar- T ' ac 0»'Jw ' X tially and truly demean myfelf, in taking, examining and ftating the Debts due and growing due to ' Scotland, by way of Equivalent, according to the Agreements in the Treaty of Union, and in all Matters ' and Things brought, or to be brought before me, in Execution of an Act, intituled, An Ail for taking
- and flating the Debts due and growing due to Scotland, by ivay of Equivalent in the Terms of the Union, and
- for Relief of the Creditors of the Publick 'in Scotland, and the Commiffioners of the Equivalent'
And every other of the faid Commiffioners to be appointed by his Majefty, purfuant to this Act, before he enters upon the Execution of the faid Act, fhall likewife take the fame Oath before the faid Commif- fioners, who are hereby authorized and required to adminifter the fame to them, after having taken the faid Oath themfelves, as aforefaid. ' VII. And for the Relief of the Creditors of the Publick in Scotland, and of the Commiffioners of
- the Equivalent, until the Accounts herein after mentioned are taken and ftated, according to the true
' Meaning of this Act :' Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Lords Commiffioners T-he Treafury of the Treafury, or Lord High Treafurer for the Time being, fhall and may, on or before the firft Day ma y iffue of November one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen, iffue their or his Order or Orders for the Payment of ' s d ' t2z t the a Sum not exceeding fifteen thoufand eight hundred twenty-two Pounds eight Shillings and feven Pence Commiffioners three Farthings, to the Commiffioners of Equivalent in Scotland for the Time being, or any Perfon or of Equivalent in Perfons to be appointed by them, or any two ef them, out of any Monies arifen or to arife by the faid Re- Scotland, venues of Cuftoms and Excife of Scotland, or either of them ; which Sum of fifteen thoufand eight hundred twenty-two Pounds eight Shillings and feven Pence three Farthings, fhall be applied by the faid Commif- for Payment of fioners of Equivalent, and they are hereby directed and required to apply the fame, for Payment of one one } ( ' :ai ' s Ia " Year's Intereft, viz. from the twenty-third oijune one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, to the twenty- tere ' fourth of June one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen, of the capital Sum of two hundred thirty thou- fand three hundred and eight Pounds nine Shillings and ten Pence, and five fixth Parts of one Peny, ftated due to the faid Creditors of the Publick in Scotland on the twenty-fourth of June one thoufand Ctven ftateJ <3ue t0 tfie hundred and fourteen, by an Act of the twelfth Year of her late Majefty's Reign, intituled. An Adl to dif- pubiicjTinScot. charge and acquit the Commiffioners of Equivalent for the Sum of three hundred eighty-one thoufand five hundred 'land, by 12 An" and nine Pounds fifteen Shillings and ten Pence Half peny, by them duly i (fined out of the Sum of three hundred Stat. 2. c. 13,. ninety-eight thoufand eighty-five Pounds and ten Shillings, which they received; and for the Payment of. the Alld for Pay- Salaries of the faid Commiffioners of Equivalent, and of the Fees and Salaries of their Servants, and £ lent °.L ' neceffary Charges, from the faid twenty-third Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, to salaries - iC the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen ; which Sum fo to be advanced and The faid Sum to paid to the faid Commiffioners of the Equivalent for the Purpofes aforefaid, fhall be brought into the Ac- be brought into counts to be taken and ftated by the faid Commiffioners to be appointed by this Act, and chargeable upon Account - any Monies which now are or hereafter fhall be found due to Scotland. VIII. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That none of the Commiffioners commiffioners to be appointed purfuant to this Act, fhall incur any Penalties, Forfeiture, Incapacity or Difability what- p .,'" cur ^* foever, for putting this Act in Execution. [Vide 3 Geo. 1. c. 14. & 5 Geo. r. c zo.] a ' ; " ° Vol. V. L C A P,