Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/206

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i66 C. 2i, Anno tertio Geokgii, Regis. A. D. 1716, ii' ' (lull con Linen Cloths .to the Bntifli Plantations, {hall be and the fame is hereby continued in full Force fo long as the dime in Force* Merchants and other Perfons of Great Britain are or fhall be permitted to import into Ireland, free of all Du- fa long as Bii- ties, fuch white and brown Britijh Linen Cloth as is or fhall be made and manufactured in Great Britain. tiin Linen may i ... be imported to Ireland Duty- free. . l After June 24, ' II. And whereas fome Doubt has anfen,^ whether Linens imported into this Kingdom from Ireland, i7i7,iriih Linen ' and not fubject to pay any Duties upon the faid Importation, fhould, upon being exported again for any imnoited into t Q c (.^g £> r itjjh Plantations in America, become liable to pay a Duty ad Valorem :' Be it declared and m'l be exported er >acT:ed, That all Linens made in Ireland and imported from thence into this Kingdom may, from and to the Phnta- after the twenty-fourth. Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and feventeen, be {hipped off again and turns without exported for any of his Majefty's Plantations in America without being liable or fubject to pay any Duty paying any Duty. w hatfoever. ■ 4. Ann. c i2. ' III. And whereas by an Actpaffed in th? fourth and fifth Years in the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Claufe for the * Anne, it was enacted, That where any Salt. or Rock-falt {houkl be {hipped in order for Exportation to .Relief 01 John i j re ] ana ; and the fame fhould perifh by finking of the Ship or Veffel on which the fame fhould be {hipped for difchareine ' or ' a ' t " on board, or fhould be taken by the Enemies, then and in fuch Cafe the Exporter or Proprietor his Security. * of fuch Salt or Rock-falt fo perifhing or loft fhould, upon Proof made before the Juftices of the Peace a't ■' the General Quarter-feffions of the Peace to be held for the Place from whence the fame was fo exported,

  • of the Lofs of fuch Salt, receive from the Seflions a Certificate that fuch Proof was made before them ;

' and upon producing the faid Certificate to the Officer of the Place where the Duty on fuch Salt fhould ' have been paid- or fecured to be paid, fuch Security fhould be difcharged, and fo much Money as was ac- ' tually paid for the Duty of the faid Salt, fhould be repaid upon Demand, provided fuch Proof be made ' within fix Months after fuch Lofs or taking as aforefaid : And whereas John Fletcher did on or about the

  • tenth Day of November one thoufand feven hundred and twelve put on board the Ship called the Salmon
  • of B 'elf "ci ft one thoufand and forty Bufhels of white Salt for Belfaft in Ireland, and in the faid Voyage-the

' faid Ship and Cargo and all the Crew, except one Man and a Boy, were loft in a violent Storm, and the

  • Exporter having no Notice thereof in due Time, could not make Proof of the Lofs of the faid Salt with-

' in the Time limited by the faid Act of the fourth and fifth of her late Majefty's Reign :' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That on Proof made by the Oath of two or more credible WitnefTes en or before the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and feventeen, as the faid Act directs, and upon producing a Certificate, to the Officer of the Place where the Duty on fuch Salt fhall have been paid or fecured, fuch Security {hall be difcharged, and fo much Money as was paid for the fame fhall be repaid by the faid Officer without Fee or Reward. After Sept. 29, 1717 One c K; Mo cty or the t . 'Penalties in- * a lifted by dom t:o& u w. 3. ' tation of Wool and other Woollen Goods therein mentioned out of the faid Kingdom of Ireland, other c - I0 - t0 P re - ' than into the Kingdom of England or the Dominion of Wales, is given to" the Encouragement of fetting ♦atiraofWooi" * l, P t ^ ie Linen Manufactures in Ireland, to be difpofed of by the Court of Exchequer there for that Ufe &c'. fiom Ire- ' only ; which Difpofition of the faid Moiety has been found of very little Advantage to the faid Linen -land, other than' Manufactures, but has tended very much to the Difcouragement of Profecutions made in purfuance of the into England or ' fold Act :' For the more effectually putting the faid Act in Execution, Be it therefore further enacted to theVown ^ ^ Authority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and feventeen the faid Moiety of all fuch Penalties and Forfeitures (after a Deduction made out of the faid Moiety of the Charges of Profecution,and Condemnation) fhall be to the Ufe of his Majefty, -his Heirs and Succeffors. jf'thof L t "* ^' ^"^ f° r tns better and more impartial Trials of all fuch Actions and Informations which fhall be Aa:ons com- commenced or profecuted by virtue of any Act now in being made for the preventing the unlawful Expor- menced in ire- tation of Wool or Woollen Manufactures from the Kingdom of Ireland: Be it enacted by the Authority l-nd relating to aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and feven- tn . e ,y X? , or '!', non teen fuch Actions and Informal '011s fhall be tried in any of his Majefty's four Courts at Dublin, by a Jury ihall be tried 'by °^ g 00c " anc " lawful Freeholders to be fummoned out of any other County than that wherein the Fact fhall a Jury of any be committed : And to encourage Perfons to difcover the faid Crime, the firft three Perfons who have been other County aiding, abetting or affifting in carrying out or exporting of Wool or any other of the Commodities as afore- than where the faid? that fhall inform thereof any of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace, whereby the Punifhment and m1tted' aS C ° m " Penalties appointed by this Act may be inflicted and recovered, the Party or Parties fo difcovering (not The firft three being Owner or Part-owners of the faid Woo! or other Commodities aforefaid) fhall not fuffer any of the Difcoverers ex- faid Penalties or Punifhment to be inflicted by this or any other Act. empted from Punimment. See farther eoneerning Linens 17 Geo. 2. c, 30. l3 Geo, 2-. c. 24, 27, & 36. 21 Geo. 2. c. 26. 24 Geo. 2. c. 46. 29 Geo. 2. e. 15. 32 Geo. 2. e. 32. And concerning Woo!, fee farther 4 Geo. 1. c. li. 5 Geo. I. c. II. n. Geo. 1. e. 34. 13 Geo. I. c. 23. 5 Geo. 2, c.:i. 12 Geo. 2. c. 21. Jj Geo. 2. c. 27. 25 Geo. 1. c. 14. 26 Get. 2. c, S S? 11, 29 Geo. 2. c. 33. 30 Gee. 2. c. 12. Anno