Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/256

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2i6 C. i'9'. An'no quinto Georgii Regis. A. D. 1718.' Firft payment at and payable at Lady-day one thoufand feven hundred and nineteen; and that fo much of the faid additional Lady tDayi 7.19. Annuity or yearly Fund, after the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, as fhall be payable to the faid Company in refpeiit of the faid Lottery-annuities and Arrearages thereof which fhall be aftually fub- fcribed, as aforefaid, fhall be accounted due' to the faid Governor and Company, and their Succefibrs, and fhall be paid and payable to them, or to their Cafhier for the Time being, for their Ufe, at fuch Times, and by fuch Proportions at a Time, and in fuch Manner and Form, as the Pay-tickets for the Lottery- annuities and Arrearages fo fubferibed, were payable, or ought to have been fatisfied out of the above- mentioned Fund of one hundred thirty-five thoufand Pounds per Annum, if the Payment thereof had con- tinued upon the Foot of the faid former Ac!; and that the faid Governor and Company of Merchants of 2000I. pev^.n- Great Britain, and their Succeffors, fhall have, receive and enjoy, and be entitledby virtue of this Aft, ■num, or a pro- to have, receive and enjoy, for or towards the Charge of Management of the Affairs of the faid Corpora- porriorralRait, ^ion, an additional yearly Sum of two thoufand Pounds, or an additional yearly Sum, bearing the fame Jot >anagefrjent. proportion to two thoufand Pounds per Annum, as the laid additional Stock of the faid Corporation, when it fhall be adjuiled and determined ptirfuant to this Afty fhall bear to two Millions and five hundred thoufand Pounds, without being liable to render an Account of the faid Charges, or any of them, which yearly Sum of two thoufand Pounds, or fuch Filer proportional Sum fo to be paid by virtue of this Aft, fhall be and is hereby declared and enacled to be united to, and joined with the faid prefent yearly Sum of eight thoufand Pounds allowed to the faid Corporation for fuch Charges. The iocoI. for XX. And it is "hereby enafted, That the faid additional Sum of two thoufand Pounds per Annum, or Management to fuch leffer proportional Sum for Charges of Management^ fhall commence and be reckoned to commence commence from from the (aid Fealt of the Birth of our Lord Chrift one thoufand feven hundred and eighteen, and fhall Cluirtmas i7 l3> have Relation from that Time in point of Payment, when the fame fhall be adjufted, as aforefaid, and fhall be payable and accounted due to the faid Governor and Company, and their Succefibrs, and be paid to them or their Cafhier for the Time being, for their Ufe, at the four moft ufual Feafts in the Year be- fore-mentioned, by even and equal Portions, or within twenty Days after every of the faid Feaft-days, un- til the Redemption thereof by Parliament, according to the Provifoes and Powers of Redemption herein after mentioned. Thf Ar be ajlj ° f " proportional Sum, to be allowed to the faid Corporation for Charges of Management, as aforefaid, fhall be, and the fame by Force and Virtue of this Act are charged and chargeable upon, and made payable out of the Monies from Time to Time arifing at the Receipt of the Exchequer of or for the faid Duties upon Coals, Culm and Cynders, and of and for the faid Duties on Houfes, at fuch Times, and in fuch Courfe, Method and Form, as are before in this Aft prefcribed in that Behalf. How the rmfub- XXII. Provided always, That fo much of the above-mentioned Fund of one hundred thirty-five thou- fcribed Lottery- fand Pounds per Annum, as by virtue of the Aft firft above recited, was and is applicable to the Payment of Annuities flwll f ucn f the faid Lottery-annuities and Arrearages thereof, as fhall not be actually fubferibed to be conver- ge P Jld - 8 Ann.j.gj j ntQ the g^jj- G f the fojj Company, on or before the faid twentieth Day of June one thoufand i'even hundred and nineteen (the fame unfubferibed Lottery-annuities being computed in proportion to the Amount of all the Annuities now payable out of and charged upon the faid yearly Fund of one hundred thirty-five thoufand Pounds) fhall continue to be iffued and applied to and for the Payment and Satisfac- tion of fuch unfubferibed Lottery-annuities for the Refidue of the faid Term of thirty-two Years, and the Arrearages thereof, and the Pay-tickets for the fame, as fully and effectually, and in as ample Manner and Form, as fuch Part of the faid yearly Fund of one hundred thirty-five thoufand Pounds ought to have been iffued and applied thereunto, if this prefent Aft had not been made; this prefent Aft or any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding : And the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Treafury now being, and the Pligh-treafurer, and Commiffioners of the Treafury of his Majefty, his Pleirs and Sue-, ceffors, for the Time being, are hereby authorized and ftriftly required to iffue their Warrants and Or- ders, from Time to Time, for Payment as well of the Monies which fhall become due and payable to the faid Corporation, as of the Monies which ought to be iffued and applied for difcharging fuch un- fubferibed Tickets (if any fuch fhall be) accordingly. How the Defici- XXIII. And- it is hereby declared and enacled by the Authority aforefaid, That if at any Time or enc; of any Times after the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and nineteen, the Produce of Quaker, ifhail te a ]j the Duties and Revenues by the faid Acl; of the third Year of his Majefty's Reign, for redeeming the iied, s?c. t)-,en yearly Fund of the faid Corporation, and the Proportion of the Duties and Revenues by the faid Aft of the eighth Year of her faid late Majefty's Reign, granted and continued, and by the faid Ails, and this Act, or any of them, appropriated or intended for Payment of the whole united yearly Fund and yearly Sums intended by this and the faid laft mentioned Acl of the third Year of his Majefty's Reign, to be paid to the faid Governor and Company, and their Succeffors, fhall be fo low or deficient in the Pay- ment thereof into the Exchequer, as that the fame fhall not be fufficient to pay and difcharge, or to compleat the Payment at the End of any Quarter of a Year, of all the Moniej which fhall be then due and payable to the faid Corporation, as well for and upon the faid prefent yearly Fund of five hundred thoufand Pounds, and the faid yearly Fund of eight thoufand Pounds, as upon the faid increafed yearly Fund of the faid Corporation, after the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, for their additional Stock, as aforefaid, and for and upon the increafed yearly Sum of two thoufand Pounds, or a proportion- al Part thereof, as aforefaid to be paid for Charges of Management, fhall not extend or be fufficient for thofe Geo. 1. c. 9.