Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/29

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The TITLES of the S TATUTES. a8. An Aft for more effectual di farming the Highlands in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland; and for the better fecuring the Peace and Quiet of that Part of the Kingdom. 27. An Aft for enlarging the Term granted by an Aft palled in the fifth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An Aft for repairing the Highways between Sheppards-Shord and the Devizes, and between the Top of Afhlington Hill and Rawford in the County of Wilts; and for explaining the faid Aft, and making the fame more effectual and extenfive. 28. An Aft for the better regulating of Buildings, and to prevent Mifchiefs that may happen by Fire within the Weekly Bills of Mortality, and other Places therein men- tioned. 29. An Aft to continue feveral Afts therein mentioned for preventing Frauds committed by Bankrupts; for encou- raging the Silk Manufactures of this Kingdom ; for pre- venting the clandeftine running of Goods; for making Copper Ore of the Britijh Plantations an enumerated ■ Commodity ; and for explaining and amending a late Aft for more effectual Punifhment of fuch, as mail wilfully burn or deflroy Ships. 30. An Act for more effectual preventing Frauds and Abufes in the publick Revenues; for preventing Frauds in the Salt-Duties, and for giving Relief for Salt ufed in the Curing of Salmon and Codfiih, in the Year 1719, ex- ported from that Part of Great Britain called Scotland ; for enabling the Infurance Companies to plead the Gene- ral Iffue in Actions brought againft them ; and for fecur- ing the Stamp-Duties upon Policies of Infurance. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno 1 1 Georgii I. 1. y N Aft to diffolve the Marriage of William Younge, Efq; with Mary Hecihute, and to enable him to marry again, and for orher Purpofes therein mentioned. 2. An Aft to enable William Ball Efq; and his Heirs, to take and ufe the Surname of Bafil. 3. An Act to enable Thomas Leigh, alias Pennington, Efq; and his Iffue Male, to change their Surname to Leigh, according to the Settlement of Peter Leigh Efq; deceafed. 4. An Act to naturalize "John Tolet, fohn Herman Zur Hotf % _ and others. 5. An Act to inclofe the Common and Tract of Land called Croflon-Finney, in the County of Lancafler. 6. An Act to enable John, Lord Saint John, to fettle a Jointure on fuch Woman as he fhall marry, and to make Provifion for the Daughters and younger Children of fuch Marriage, out of the Efta'e devifed to him by the Will of William, Lord Saint John, deceafed. 7. An Aft to enable Sir William Monfon Bart, and George Monfon Efq; and the Survivor of them, together with John Monfon Efq; to convey and fettle feveral Manors and Lands in the Counties of Lincoln, Hertford and Not- tingham. 8. An Act to confirm and eftablifh Articles of Agreement between Archibald Hamilton Efq; (commonly called Lord Archibald Hamilton) of the one Part, and George Parker Efq; (commonly called Lord Parker) and other Truftees of a Charity therein mentioned, of the other Part, for exchanging certain Lands in the County of Berks, be- longing to the faid Charity, for other Lands of a greater Value. 9. An Aft for vefting Part of the Eftate of Richard Fleet- wood, late of Rofjel in the County of Lancajler, Efo; de- ceafed, in Truftees, to be fold for Payment of his Debts and Legacies. 10. An Act for Sale of Part of the Eftate of Thomas Pule- Jlon Efq; for difcharging Debts and Incumbrances affect- ing the fame. 11. An Act for veiling in Truftecs the Manors of Llafilton and Turkdean, in the County of Glouceflcr, late the Eftate of Sir William Bane/ire Knt. deceafed, to be fold for Pay- ment of his Debts, and for making Provifion for his Daughters and Coheirs, purfuant to their feveral Marriage Articles, and for other Purpofes in the faid Aft men- tioned. 12. An Act to enable Stephen Hales, Clerk, and Henry Car- ringtin, Gent, to fell their undivided Moieties of the Freehold, Leafehold, and Copyhold Eftates at Much Hadham, in the County of Hertford, late the Eftate of William Neivce, Efq; deceafed. 13. An Act for naturalizing Paid Broulhet. 14. An Act to naturalize Jacob Wolfe, and others. 15. An Act for explaining a Power contained in the Settle- ment of the Duchefs of Bolton's Eftate on her Marriage with the prefent Duke, and making the fame more effec- tual for the Purpofes thereby intended. 16. An Act for vefting the Manor and Lands of and in Brignall'm the County of York, late the Eftate and Inhe- ritance of Richard, Earl Rivers, deceafed, in Truftees,. to be fold towards Difcharging the Incumbrances affecting his Eftate in the County of Che/ler. 17. An Act to enable Arthur, Lord Vifcount Irivyn, toraife Money by Mortgage or Sale of certain Eftates in the Counties of York, Lincoln, Oxon, and City of London, for Payment of Debts, Legacies and Portions, charged thereupon; and to fettle the Eftates therein mentioned- on Henry Ingram Efq; his next Brother, and his Heirs. 18. An Act to enable the Lords Commiffioners of the Treafury, or Lord High Treafurer for the Time being, to compound with Edmund AJliby, for his Part of a Debt due to the Crown, on Account of his having been Surety for Benjamin Blnndell, late Receiver General of the Land-Tax and Duties on Houfes for the County of Leicefler. 19. An Aft to explain and amend an Aft paffed in the ninth Year of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An Aft for vefling the Effates of Sir Gervas Clifton, Bart, in Truflees ; and to enable him to take an Efate for Life by way of Pur- chafe in Settlements intended to be made of his Eflates, on the Marriage of Robert Clifton Efq; his Son and Heir appa- rent. 20. An Aft for vefting Part of the Eftate of Sir Edward Blackct Bart, in Truftees, to be fold for raifing eight thou - fand Pounds charged thereupon by his late Brother's Mar- riage Settlement. 21. An Aft for enabling Elizabeth Rujhout, Lady of the Manor of Overfzuell, in the County of Gloucefter, to in- clofe all and every the Lands lying within the faid Manor or Parifh of Overfwcll, in Purfuance of feveral Agree- ments therein mentioned to have been made between the faid Elizabeth Rujhout, and the Red or of the Parifh afore- faid; and between the faid Elizabeth and the Church- warden and Parifhioners of the faid Parifh, and to eftablifh. the faid Agreements. 22. An Aft to enable James Bateman Efq; to fell the Manor of Tooting Graveney, and all other his Eftate in the County of Surrey, and with the Monies arifmg thereby, to pur- chafe the Manors of Well and Alford, and other Lands in the County of Lincoln, to be fettled to the fame Ufes as. the faid Eftate in Surrey ftands fettled. 23. An Act for difcharging certain Lands at Ecclcjhall, in the County of Stafford, from the Ufes and Limitations ' contained in the Mafriage-Sett^emerit of 'Thomas jBooifoby. Skrymjher Efq; and for fettling other Lands in the fame. County, of greater Value, to the fame Ufes. 24. An Act for Sale of the Moiety of a Farm, called Stony