Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/300

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260 C. 4. Anno fexto Georgii Regis. A. D. 17 19, loft, fuch Affi. make a folcmn Affirmation in Writing, that any the faid Orders or Tickets are loft, burnt or deftroyed, davit to be an d that he, {he or they, for that Caufe, cannot produce the fame, and that fuch Orders or Tickets, if " ken '" ftead of they could be produced, would be his, her ortheir own Property at the Time of making fuch Oath or

e r eis. Affirmation, and if the faid Perfons to be appointed for taking in the faid Orders and Tickets, or any 

two cr more of them (who have hereby Po«'cr to take fuch Oaths and Affirmations refpecrively, and to examine the Parties concerning the fame) fhall be fatisfied in the Truth thereof; then and in every fuch Cafe, the faid Perfons to be appointed for taking in the Orders and Tickets, or any two or more of them vhich The" Orders, ffic. XXVI. And it is hereby furtner enacted by the Authority aforelaid, 1 hat the Perion or Perfons to be to he delivered appointed for taking in the faid Orders and Tickets, as aforefaid, fhall from Time to Time, as foon as ™J h f ,ft g sned conveniently may be, after any of them, or any fuch Affidavits or Affirmations inftead of any of them, chequer. *~ ^^ De taken in^ deliver the faid Orders and Tickets, Affidavits and Affirmations fo taken in, with exact Lifts thereof (thi faid Lifts to be figned by the faid Perfons fo to be appointed, or by two or more of them) into the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt of the Exchequer for the Time being, there to remain for- ever : And that no Payments or Iilues upon any the Orders, Tickets, Affidavits or Affirmations fo deli- vered up, fhall afterwards be made at th: faidReceipt of the Exchequer, or in any the faid particular Of- fices, unleis it be for fuch Arrearages of the laid Annuities or Interert-monies, for Payment of which fpe- Ani fheTunds c ; a l Provifion is afterwards made in and by this Act; and that the particular Duties, Revenues, Funds and char, ed there Provifioiis, charged with the Payment of the Annuities and Debts which were payable by the faid Orders, fiom. e ' Cie * T.ckets, Oaths and Affirmations fo delivered up, or any of them, fhall from thenceforth be difcharged of and from the fame, except as to the Payment of the faid Arrearages touching which fpecial Provifion is afterwards made in and by this A£t. Managers to XXVII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the above-mentioned Managers dia^aA C ' Sa anc ^ directors to be conftituted in purfuance of this Act, or any three or more of them, fhall from Time count's of An- to Time, as foon as conveniently may be, after opening the refpective Books by them to be opened, as Buities, &c, aforefaid, until the faid firft Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-one, make up, adjuft taken in or and fign diitinet Accounts of all the Annuities and Debts which fhall have been taken in or paid oft" within P?> d pff, within the X, me f every fuch Account fucceffively ; that is to fay, one Account of all the Annuities which iutii Account; within the Time of the fame Account fhall have been taken as Part of the fame Annuities computed to amount to fix hundred fixty-fix thoufand eight hundred twenty-one Pounds eight Shillings and three Pence Halfpenny per Annum, or thereabouts ; one other Account of all the Annuities which within the Time of the fame Account fhall have been taken in as Part of the faid Annuities computed to amount to eighty- one thoufand Pounds per Annum.,, or thereabouts ; one other Account of all the faid heretofore unfubferibed Lottery-annuities which within the Time of the fame Account fhall have been taken in as Part of the faid Annuities computed to amount to forty-fix thoufand two hundred and fixty Pounds fix Shillings and one Penny per Annum, or thereabouts ; one other Account of all the principal Sums which within the Time of every fuch Account fhall have been taken in by Purchafe or Subfcrip;ions, to be paid off as Part of the above-mentioned Sums computed to amount to five hundred fixty-three thoufand three hundred Pounds, carrying Intereft at four Pounds per Centum per Annum, by virtue of her Majefty's Letters Patents before-mentioned; one other Account of all the principal Sums which within the Time of every fuch Account fhall have been taken in by Purchafe or Subfcriptions, or paid oft" as Part of the above-men- tioned Sums computed to amount to one million fifty-five thoufand nine hundred and ninety Pounds, or thereabouts, carrying Intereft at five Pounds per Centum per Annum ; and fix hundred fifty-two thoufand and twenty Pounds, or thereabouts, carrying Intereft after the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum, -by virtue of the faid Acts of the twelfth Year of the Reign of Queen Anne, and the firft Year of his now Majefty's Reign ; orie other Account of all the principal Sums which within the Time of every fuch Ac- count fhall have been taken in by Purchafe or Subfcriptions, or paid off as Part of the above-mentioned Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds payable with Intereft at four Pounds per Centum per Annum, by one of the faid Lottery-acts of the fifth Year of his Majefty's Reign ; and one other Account of all the prin- cipal Sums which within the Time of every fuch Account fhall have been taken in by Purchafe or Sub- fcription, or paid off as Part of the above-mentioned Sum computed to amount to ten millions feven hundred twenty-three thoufand fix hundred feventy Pounds eleven Shillings and three Pence three Far- things, or thereabouts, for which Annuities are now payable by the Calhier of the Bank of England, at the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum ; or as Part of the above-mentioned Sum computed to amount to three millions fifty-one thoufand five hundred and one Pounds fifteen Shillings and nine Pence Half-penny, or thereabouts, for which Annuities are now payable by the fame Calhier, at the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum : And that in every fuch Account fo to be made and adjufted, from Time to Time, there fhall be particularly exprefled every Annuity or Debt refpecrively taken in .or paid; oft", as aforefaid ; the Names of the refpective Proprietors, from whom the fame fhall have been taken in. or paid off; the particular Duties, Revenues, Funds and Provifions, which were feverally charged there- with ; the Prices or Rates paid to each Proprietor for the fame, and the Additions which the faid South- Sea Company is to have to their own capital Stock and Annuity, or yearly Fund for taking in, or jiving off thofe Annuities and Debts refpectively, according to the Tenor and true Meaning of this Ail, XXVIIL.