Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/301

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A. D. 1719. Anno fexto Georgii Regis. C. 4. 261 XXVIII. And it is hereby enacted, That the faid Managers and Directors, to be conftituted in purfu- Manners to ance of this Act, as aforefaid, or any three or more of them, (ball from Time to Time, upon their Hanfinit Dupli- making up, adjufting and figning the faid feveral Accounts, as aforefaid, tranfmit or caufe to be t ranfrnit-"J"^J u ' h . ted Duplicates thereof, attefted by them, or any three or more of them, to the Comrjiiflioners of the Trea- xreafury, and fury, or the High Treafurer for the Time being, and to the Court of Directors of the South-Sen Company to the Dueciors for the Time being,, and Duplicates of fo much thereof as concerned any of the faid Annuities or Debts, ol the South- which were payable at the (aid Receipt of the Exchequer, to the Auditor of the faid Receipt for the Time* ea Company, being; and Duplicates of fo much thereof as concerned any of the faid Annuities .or Debts which were' payable at the Lottery-Offices, to fuch Perfons as the Commiflioners of the Treafury, or any three or more of them, or the High Treafurer for the Time being, (hall appoint; and Duplicates of fo much thereof as may relate to the principal Sums, for which Annuities are payable at the refpedtive Rates afore- faid, by the Cafhier of the Bank of England, to the Accountant General of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, for the Time being. XXIX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Managers and Directors, After i March to be conftitutcd in purfuance of this Acl, or any three or more of them, fhall with all convenient Speed, '7*<- or after after the faid fir ft Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-one, or after all the laid Annui- the Annuities, ties and Debts fhall be taken in or paid oft", as aforefaid (v/hich fhall firft happen) deliver or caufe to be pai/off" m™. delivered, complete Duplicates of all the Subfcriptions and Entries which fhall be contained in all the faid 6 ers to tranfmit Books to be opened and kept by them, fuch complete Duplicates being firft attefted under the Hands of a complete Du- three or more of the faid Managers and Directors, to the Auditor of the Receipt of the Exchequer 'forP | .' ca,c . of *' the Time being, to remain in his Office for ever : And the faid Managers and Directors, or any three or™ h e ' n e 'J l e more of them, (hail alio with all convenient Speed, after the faid firft Day of March one thoufand feven ani) the Sub- hundred and twenty-one, or after all the faid Annuities and Debts fhall be taken in or paid off", as aforefaid faiption books, (which fhall firft happen) deliver or caufe to be delivered the faid Books containing all the Subfcriptions to the Southl- and Entries, which then or before that Time fhall have been made therein (fuch Books being firft attefted Sca Com P an y* under the Hands of three or more of the fame Managers and Directors) to the Court of Directors of the South-Sea Company, for the Ufe of the fame Company. 1 XXX. And whereas the prefent capital or joint Stock of the faid Governor and Company of Mer-

  • chants of Great Britain trading to the South-Seas and other Parts of America, and for encouraging the

' Fiihery, doth amount in the whole to eleven millions feven hundred forty-fix thoufand eight hundred forty-four Pounds eight Shillings and ten Pence, or thereabouts; and their prefent Annuity or yearly ' Fund payable in refpect thereof, at the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, doth amount in the ' whole to five hundred eighty-fevcri thoufand three hundred forty-two Pounds four Shillings and five Pence per Annum, or thereabouts :' Now it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That The Value?, to the Values to be computed at the faid Rate of twenty Years Purchafe for fuch of the laid Annuities by b ^ c " m .P utt f d at this Act computed to amount to fix hundred fixty-fix thoufand eight hundred twenty-one Pounds eight YearePuvchafe Shillings and three Pence Half-penny per Annum, or thereabouts, as fhall be taken in, from Time to , 4 years.Pur--' Time, by Purchafes or Subfcriptions as aforefaid; and the Values to be computed after the faid Rate of four- chafe, andCent. teen Years Purchafe for fuch of the faid Annuities, by this Act computed to amount to eighty-one thou- P er Cent, as the fand Pounds per Annum, or thereabouts, as fhall from Time to Time be taken in by Purchafes or Sub- (™^* a11 be ... fcriptions, as aforefaid; and the Values to be computed at the like Rate of fourteen Years Purchafe for off'ftdKbead* ' fuch of the faid Lottery-annuities, by this Act computed to amount to forty-fix thoufand two hundred ded to. the rxe ci- and fix ty Pounds fix Shillings and one Penny per Annum, or thereabouts, as fhall from Time to Time pital Stock, &c. be likewife taken in by Purchafes or Subfcriptions, as aforefaid; and the Values to be computed after the faid Rate of one hundred Pounds for every one hundred Pounds of the faid redeemable Debts and Incum- brances, by this Act computed to amount to fixteen millions five hundred forty-fix thoufand four hun- dred eighty-two Pounds feven Shillings and one Penny Farthing, or thereabouts, which fhall from Time to Time, as the faid feveral Annuities, Debts and Incumbrances refpect ively fhall be taken in or paid oiE, and as the faid refpeetive Values fhall be fpecified in the Entries which fhall have been made in the faid Books of the faid Managers and Directors, to be appointed in purfuance of this Act, fhall be added and. united to the prefent capital or joint Stock of the fame Governor and Company; and that every Member, of that Corporation (as well thofe to be incorporated into the fame by virtue of this Act, as all other. Mem- bers thereof) fhall have Credit in the Books of the fame Corporation for his, her or their Proportion or Share of and in the whole capital or joint Stock of the fame Corporation fo increafed, from Time to Time, and of and in all the Dividends, Profits and Advantages wbatfoever; to attend the fame, from and after their being taken into the faid capital Stock; and that the fame Governor and Company, and their Sue- And the Com- ceffors, for every Addition which fhall be made to their faid capital Stock, purfuant to this Act (except P an y fnr ««?- ,the Additions which are to be made thereunto in refpect of the Sums before in this Act computed to ^c" it'll amount to three millions fifty-one thoufand five hundred and one Pounds fifteen Shillings and nine Pence c,]'i have an Half-penny, and one million feven hundred and fifteen thoufand three hundred and twenty Pounds, in all Addition to to four millions feven hundred fixty-fix thoufand eight hundred tw.nty one Pounds fifteen Shillings and tl - eir Annuity nine Pence Half-penny, or thereabouts, for which Annuities or Intereft after the Rate of four Pounds fer of 5 L r . cr 9?'" Centum per Annum are now payable, as is above-mentioned) fhall have, receive and enjoy, and be ent> "J^' a [ 6 A tied by virtue of this Act, to have, receive and enjoy an Addition and Additions to their faid Annuity or per Cent. .' yearly Fund, after the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, until and for the Fea!t of the Nativity Intereft to be at- of St. John Baptijl which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-feven, 5 1 - percent. and 4 -J uns