Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/363

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A. D. 1719. Anno fexto Geor g 11 Regis. C. 21. 323 in a penal Sum of treble the Duties on fuch Cards, with "Condition thereunder-written for the true Payment *>«> of treble of his Majefly's Duties on fuch Cards within the Space of fix weeks next after the Date of every fuch tl,e D '. :,i '••'. (0 Bond ; any Thing contained in any Law to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. KV' * 5,hin ^* LVIII. Provided always, and be it enacted, That if any Card-Maker {hall, upon Entry of every Quan- ..!"" itity of playing Cards, pay down all the Duty payable for the fame, the Commiffioners for the Stamp^Du- MoSptp 6 . ties for the Time being (hall, upon Payment of the faid Duty, allow and pay to fuch Card-Maker fuch and mentf 3y " the like Allowance as is to be allowed and paid to any Perfon or Perfons for prefent Payment of the Stamp- Duties, by an Act of the firft Year of her late Majefly's Reign, intituled, An All for preventing Frauds in ' Ann - siat - *■ her Majejiy's Duties uponfiampt Vellum, Parchment and Paper. c - -"- LIX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe the Commiffioners for the Time On Affidavit of being for managing the Stamp-Duties (hall be informed, or have Caufe to fufpect, that any Perfon or Per- >°y private. Place fons do make or caufe to be made any playing Cards or Dice, in any Houfe or Place whatfoever in Great fe»"»»?kingC»H«  Britain, without fending or giving Notice thereof in Writing to the faid Commiffioners at their Head Of- £ r w"* °^ ccr ? , fice, and Affidavit being made thereof by the Perfon or Perfons fo informing or giving Notice, before one or break"""! m more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace for the County or Place where fuch Cards or Dice fhall be making Doors, s.c. or made, declaring the Grounds of his or their Knowledge or Sufpicion, that then and in fuch Cafe it fhall and may be lawful for any Officer or Officers employed by or acting under the faid Commiffioners in the Management of the Duties on playing Cards and Dice, in the Day-time, and in the Prefence of a Conftable or other lawful Officer of the Peace (who is hereby required to be aiding and affifting therein) by Warrant from fuch Juftice or Juftices of the Peace before whom fuch Affidavit fhall be made, to be di- rected to fuch Officer or Officers as aforefaid (which Warrant the faid Juftice or Juftices of the Peace arc hereby authorized and required to grant) to break open the Door, or any Part of fuch Houfe or Place where any fuch Cards or Dice are fo, as aforefaid, fufpected to be fo made or making ; and to enter into fuch Houfe or Place, and to feize all fuch Cards, Dice, Tools or Materials with which they are made or ma- and feizeafl tii«  king, that fhall be then and there found, and to detain and keep the fame in fuch Houfe and Place as the Tools & faid Commiffioners fhall direct or appoint ; and in cafe the fame fhall not within five Days next after fuch Seizure be claimed and replevied by the true and lawful Owners thereof, then the faid Cards, Dice, Tools if not replevied and other Materials fhall be abfolutely forfeited, and fhall and may be fold by the Direction of the faid infiveDays, for- Commiffioners after the faid five Days are expired ; one Moiety of the Produce thereof (all neceftary feited, &c. Charges being firft deducted out of the Whole) to be paid to the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Suc- ceftbrs, and the other Moiety to the Party or Parties who fhall fo difcover the fame. ' LX. And for afcertaining a Doubt which hath arifen, whether a Perfon who caufeth or procureth a ' Mark or Stamp to refemble any Mark or Stamp provided or ufed for the Duties aforefaid, or any of them, 4 to be counterfeited or forged, ought to be adjudged a Felon by Virtue of the Acts of Parliament relating 9 & 10 W. 3. 1 to the faid Duties, or any of them :' Be it declared and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That any c - 2 5- Perfon caufing or procuring to be forged or counterfeited any Stamp or Mark to refemble any Stamp or 9 Ann, . c - 2 3- Mark provided, made or ufed, or to be provided, made or ufed, in Purfuance of any Act. or Acts of Parli- forged^'nys'"^* ament relating to the faid Duties, or any of them, or caufing or procuring any Vellum, Parchment, Paper, relating to the" Cards or Dice to be marked or ftamped with fuch counterfeit Stamp or Mark, fhall and ought to be ad- Stamp Duties, judged to have actually done and committed the fame himfelf, and to be a Felon, and to fuffer Death as in Felon y. Cafes of Felony, without Benefit of Clergy. S" m '»f'¥ . ' °' Dunes Jee farther II Geo. I. c, 8. 12 Geo. I. c. 33. 9 Geo, 2. c, 32. 16 Geo, 2. c. 26. 29 Geo, 2, e. 12 & 13. 30 Geo. 2. e. 19. and 32 Geo. 2. c. - - . c LXI. And whereas by an Act of Parliament made in the fevertth Year of the Reign of his faid late Ma- 7 &8 w. 3.

  • jefty King William the Third, intituled, An Acl for granting to his Majefty fever al Rates or Duties upon c - tS -
  • Houfes, for making good the Deficiencies of the clipped Monies, feveral Duties upon Houfes were granted for

' the Term therein mentioned ; and by an Act made in the eighth Year of the Reign of her faid late Ma- s Ann. c.4.

  • jefty Queen Anne, feveral new Duties upon Houfes having twenty Windows, or more, were granted Y h ' cb "repealed

' for the Term therein mentioned 5 which feveral Duties by_ fubfequent Acts have been feverally continued ftj."!'/, 20

  • and made perpetual, fubject neverthelefs to fuch Redemption as in the fame Acts, or fome of them, is ex-

' preffed : And whereas by the faid Acts relating to the faid Duties on Houfes, or fome of them, it is en- ' edted, That at the End of every Year the Collectors for the next preceding Year fhall caufe Copies to be 7 &S w. 3 . ' made of the refpective AiTefTments given to them, and at the Bottom thereof fhall write or caufe to be c ' l8, fefl . 9- ' written the Names of two or more of the moft fubftantial Inhabitants, whom they in their Judgments 4 fhall think fit, to be appointed Collectors of thofe Duties within the faid Cities, Boroughs, Towns, Di- ' vifions or Places reflectively, for the enfuing Year ; and the Juftices of the Peace, as Commiffioners, or ' any two or more of them, after perufing and examining fuch AfTeffiTients, and allowing the fame, are to

  • appoint two Perfons named as aforefaid to be the Collectors for the Year enfuing ; but it is found by Expe-

' rience, That in fome Places the Collectors do name infolvent Perfons to fucceed them, who run away and

  • leave a Debt on the Parifh or Place, which being anfwerable for the Collectors, is often vexed with Pro-

' cefs, without having any Power, as the Law now ftands, to raife the Arrears fo incurred by a Re-afTefT- 1 ment :' For Remedy whereof, Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the Juftices of Peae*. firft Day of Auguft one thoufand feven hundred and twenty the faid Juftices of the Peace who are Commif- n-.ny appoint Col- fioners for the faid Duties, or any three or more of them, fhall and may, within their refpective Limits, }^ a °' s of the appoint two fuch Perfons as they fhall think able and refponfible, to be Collectors within the faid Parifhes H ""fe s cn and Places, or any of them, of the faid Duties on Houfes, from Time to Time (whether their Names be or be not prefented by the preceding Collectors, as aforefaid j) and in cafe there be or fhall be any Arrear of If a . nv Arrear by the faid Duty on Houfes, by reafon of the Failure of any fuch Collector or Collectors as aforefaid, for- ™ [ °" of Coilec - which any Parifh or Place fhall be anfwerable, it fhall and may be lawful to and for any three or moreft"^ maynafce" Juftices of the Peace, being Commiffioners for the faid Duties on Houfes, to caufe fuch Arrear to be re- a Re-aiieffaent; T t ?. affeffed