Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/386

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34& C 20. AnnoTeptim6 Georgii Regis. Stat." 1. A. D. 1720. mand of the Markets beyond the Seas, and the Manner prefcribed by the faid Aft for obtaining Drawbacks for fuch Cyder or Perry as fhall be fo exported, is not only difficult but a great Difcouragement to the Ex- porters : For the Encouragement of the Exporters of Cyder and Perry, Be it further enacted by the Au- thority aforefaid, That all Drawbacks for any Quantity of Cyder or Perry, exported from and after the four and twentieth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-one, fhall be allowed and made to the Exporters thereof, in fuch Manner, and under fuch Directions and Reftrictions, as are mentioned and pre- fcribed in' and by an Act of Parliament palled in the firft Year of the Reign of their late Majefties King William and Queen Mary,- intituled, An Ail for the "Exportation of Beer, Ale, Cyder, and Mum ; any- thing in the faid Aft paffed in the fourth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. Claufe for Relief ' XXXII. And whereas in and by an Act paffed in the twelfth Year of her- late Majefty Queen Anne, of Captain John 'intituled, An Acl for the fpeedy and effectual preferring the Navigation of the River of Thames, by flopping P e "y c0 " cc n ' ' the Breach in the Levels of Havering flWDaggenha-m in the County of Effex ; and for afcertaining theCoal- Brea^izAnn. ' Meafure, feveral Duties on Coals and Shipping were granted, and Truftees therein appointed to apply Sto't. 2, c. 17. ' ' and difpofe of the fame to the Stopping the faid Breach, in fuch Manner as they fhould think moft conve- ' nient : And whereas on the twenty-fixth Day of January one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen, the

  • faid Truftees contracted with Captain John Perry for flopping the faid Breach for the Sum of twenty-five

' thoufand Pounds, and to maintain the fame for three Years after ftopt, or in cafe of Accidents, to make ' good the Damage ; upon Condition that if fuch Sum was not fufficient, they would recommend him to Parliament : And whereas the faid John Perry hath effected and performed the faid Work according to his "harge and F nds eighteen U-lLVi J Jl lli_. 1CLIU jGf)7Z JrCff'y^ LU VV11WU1 li»— JO I1IUV.LIH,U 1VI A JVU11UI11JJ HIV, VriiiUIg I.V iCllllL VJ LliV_ IcliU I'QfJYl Perry the Sum of five thoufand nine hundred fixty-feven Pounds and five Shillings, which being deducted

  • out of the fame forty thoufand four hundred feventy-two Pounds eighteen Shillings and eight Pence three

' Farthings, there will' be ftill wanting nine thoufand five hundred and five Pounds thirteen Shillings and ' eight Pence three Farthings, over and above the twenty-five thoufand Pounds agreed to be paid by the faid

  • " Truftees to the faid John Perry, to enable him to defray the Charge and Expence of the faid Work : And

' whereas feveral Security Bonds have been entred into to the faid Truftees for the Repayment of feveral ' Sums of Money, in cafe the faid John Perry fhould not have performed his faid Contract for flopping the ' faid Breach, and alfo for maintaining the Work for three Years after the fame fhould be flopped : And ' fome Doubts having arifen about the Commencement of the faid three Years,' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Truftees be hereby impowered and required, out of the Money col- lected or to be collected by Virtue of the faid Act, to pay and fatisfy to the faid John Perry, his Executors, Adminiftrators or Affigns, the further Sum of fifteen thoufand Pounds : And it is hereby declared, That the three Years for which the faid John Perry was or is to maintain the faid Work, did commence from the nineteenth Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and eighteen, being the Day on which the Breach was firft reported to be ftopt according to his Contract, the Damage that hath fince happened being now fuffi- ciently repaired ; any Thing in the faid Act of the twelfth Year of her late Majefty Queen Anne to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. -• Claufe touching loft Bills, Tickets or Orders." 6Geo.T.c.u. ' XXXIV. And whereas by an Act of Parliament made in the laft Seffions of this prefent Parliament claufe concern- ' f or laying a Duty upon Wrought Plate, and- for other Purpofes therein mentioned ; it was amongft other (nvll Pi y ? ' Things enacted, That there mould be raifed, levied, collected, anfwered and paid, unto and for the Ufe pjate, ' of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors for ever (fubject neverthelefs to fuch Redemption as is therein ' mentioned) for and upon all Silver Plate which fhould be made or wrought in Great Britain, or which 2t ' any Time or Times from and after the firft Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty fhould ' or ought to be touched, aflayed or marked in Great Britain, as the faid Act directs, a Duty after the Rate 'of fix Pence for every Ounce Troy Weight, and proportionably for any greater or leffer Quantity, to be ' paid by the Maker or Makers thereof respectively, and to be fecured to be paid in fuch Manner and Form ' as in and by the faid Act is prefcribed in that Behalf: And whereas fome Doubts have arifen, whether the ' faid Duty ought- to be paid for fuch Pieces of Silver Plate which are fo fmall and minute, as either not to ' be capable of being touched, allayed or marked, or of fo fmnll a Value as not to be worth the Trouble ' and Expence of being fo :' Therefore for the better explaining of the faid Ait, and afcertaining of the faid Duty, Be it declared and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That Manufactures of Silver, the Silver whereof reflectively, when made, wrought, finifhed, joined and completed, to and for the refpective Ufes and Purpofes for which fuch Manufactures refpectively are intended, fhall be lefs than or under the Weight of three Penny Weight (other than and except Handles, Hafts, Spoons, Thimbles, Buckles, Clafps or Buttons, made of Silver only, or whereof the greateft Part is or fhall be of Silver) are not intended to be charged with the faid Duty ; and that the Officers for the faid Duty, from and after the firft Day of July one thoufand fev&n hundred and twenty-one, fhall not be obliged to take any Account, or to make any Return or Report of fuch minute an.' fmall Manufactures of Silver (except before excepted ;) any Thing in the faidii Act contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. Claufe to enable the Undertakers for raifing Tlmmes Water in York- Buildings, to fell Annuities by wayof a Lottery." ' XXXVI. And