Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/44

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4 C. 2. Anno primo Georgii Regis. Stat. i. A. D. 17 14 quer, for or upon Account of the fame Duties, fhall not amount to fo much as one hundred and fi-teen Deficiency to be thoufand five hundred feventy-three Pounds twelve Shillings, That then and fo often and'in evervfurh 7lT*o£l f afe i f0 , mu , ch r as &all be wanting to make up the faid Fund or Sum of one hundred and fixteen thoufand »ed Monies, flvs , hundred feventy-three Pounds twelve Shillings, for every or any fuch Year, fhall be fupplicd and made good from Time to 1 line, out of any the publico Monies which fhall come or be brought into the Receipt of Exchequer (not having been appropriated to any particular Ufe or Ufes by any Actor Acts of Parliament made before the faid kit recited Aft;) and all the publick unappropriated Monies fo coming; into the faid Receipt next after the Time that any fuch Deficiency fhall appear, are hereby appropriated to and for the making good of every fuch Deficiency relpeftively, until the fame fhall be fully mrde good and fa tisfied; and the Lord High Freafurer, or Commiffioners of the Treafury for the Time beino- are herehV frnftly enjoined and required, from Time to Time, to make up fuch Deficiency accordingly' out of fuch publick Money, without any further or other Warrant or Authority for the fame; and thaVfuch publH- Money fhall not be diverted, mifapphed, or lfiued to any other Ufe, Intent or Purpofe whatsoever until the faid Deficiency for every fuch Year relpeaively, fhall be fo fatisfied, under the like Penalties 'as are prefenbed by the faid laft recited Ad for diverting or mifapplying any other Monies thereby approur'ated • . e «. an Y Thing in the laid recited Act, or any other Ad of Parliament whatfoever contained to the mnt^n', l^lli™™^^ > find in Default of fuch publick Monies for making good any fuch Deficiency or Defi- by Parliament! ciencies, as atorelaid, within fix Months after the lame fhall happen, then and fo often, and in every fuch Cale, it is hereby declared, that fo much as ihall ftill be wanting to make up the faid Fund of one hundred and fixteen thouland five hundred feventy-three Pounds twelve Shillings for every or any fuch v ear fhall be fupplied and made good, from Time to Time, out of the firft Aid or Supply which fhall afterwards be granted in Parliament, and fhall from lime to Time be transferred thereunto, when the fame fly 11 be granted, without further Delay. " It fhall be lawful for any Perfons to contribute fo much as (together with the Contributions already made} will complete the laid Sum of one Mdiion four hundred thoufand Pounds, by payine Sums '" often Pounds before the tenth of November one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen Tickets flrill "' be made forth and drawn, for the Monies contributed on this Act, and the faid reched Aft and ill " i hings ft&j&be done as prefenbed by the faid recited Aft. Tickets to be paid in courfe, and half-year- ly. E a1. ' Every Box of « VI. And whereas' iii the faid laft recited Aft it was enacted and declared, That if thf Chare- on S'ar-h oTnchestn ^ "^ b ^ S W nS , the ¥ d ^f? ^T r V"- d f Kd '" ^ e Stov r e > then and in ever 7 frch Cafe, every Length.andio Boxofgree^ Starch, or Starch before u he fodned, containing fifty-feyen Inches in Length, and ten in Breadth, and Indies in breadth, fhould, from the Lcond Lay of Augu/tone thoufand feven hundred and ja Ann. Stat. 2. Charge on Starch be made by gaging the faid Starch before it be dried in the Stove, then and in every fu-h eg. Cafe, every Box of green Starch, or Starch before it be fo dried, containing fifty-feven Inches in Length Cw«m»f D«f«i a pd ten Inches in Breadth, and eight Inches in Depth, or in the whole four thouLnd five hundred and fixt'v n - 3 G t Ibhd Inches, fhall be efteemed one hundred thirty-one Averdupois Pounds Weight of Starch dried a--d'per- per- Doubt or cife and the fame as were had paid were payable to her Majefty during hefXife. ' Continuation of ' VIII. And whereas there are divers Laws now in Force which will expire at the End of this Seffion of fever.,1 At s < Parliament, and probably there may not be fufficient Time for a particular Examination and due Confide-

  • rt. iZ.l'xA ' rat ' on how far an y of them ma y be fit t0 be }urther continued;' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority

aforefaid, That all Laws now in Force, and which would expire at the End of this Seffion of Parliament fhall be and continue in full Force to all Intents and Purpofes, unto the End of the next Seffion of Par- liament; any Thing contained in any of the faid Laws to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. CAP. m. An Aft to enable Perfons now rending in Great Britain, to take the Oaths, and do all other Afts in Great Britain, requifite to qualify themfelves to continue their refpeftive Places, Offices and Employments in Ireland.. EXP. ' Anne