Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/528

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482 C. 8 — 10. Anno deqimo Georgii Regis. A. D. 1723. " Expenditor may imploy Perfons. Owners of the Levels, when obftructed, may few out their Waters " through Rye or Winchelfea, or any other Cut. The Proprietors of Guldeford Level, &c. when obftructed, " may make new Cuts to carry off their Waters into the Channel. Truftees may elect others in Room " of Truftees dying or refufing to act." PR. CAP. VIII. An Ac! for reviving an Act paffed in the tenth Year of her late Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ail to make a Caufey over the Denes from Great Yarmouth to Caifter in the County of Norfolk ; and for making the faid A£t more effectual. Eafl and Weft Flegg to pay 3d. in the Pound Rent for two Years and a Half. Great Yarmouth the like Sum; to be paid by the Tenants; and one Half-part to be deducted out of the Rents. Commiffioners appointed. Commiffioners to appoint Affeffors and Collectors. Collectors to pay the Monies to the Chamberlains of Great Yarmouth. That Part of the Caufey from Yarmouth to Caijter Lane's End, tiff, vefted in the Mayor, &e. who are to appoint Surveyors. Surveyors may dig Gravel, &c. out of the Wafte or other Gounds, making Satisfaction for Damages. P R. CAP. IX. An Act for repairing and amending the Highways from the North Part of Harlow-bujh Common, in the Parifh of Harlow, to Woodford in the County of EJfcx. PR. The Toll granted by this Act took Place from 27 of Feb. 1723, for 21 Years. Geo. 2. c. 19.] 3 & 4 Anna?, C..4. [Continued by iS Recital of grant- ing feveral addi- tional Duties for Terms, and of making them perpetual, but Subject to Re- demption. 6 &7 W. 3. c. 7. CAP. X. An Act for repealing certain Duties therein mentioned, payable upon Coffee, Tea, Cocoa Nuts, Chocolate and Cocoa Pafte imported; and for granting certain Inland Duties in lieu thereof; and for prohibiting the Importation of Chocolate ready made, and Cocoa Pafte; and for better ascertaining the Duties payable upon Coffee, Tea, and Cocoa Nuts imported ; and for granting Relief to Robert Dalzell, late Earl of Carnwath. MA Y it pleafe your moft Excellent Majefty ; Whereas by an Act of Parliament made in the fixth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King William( of glorious Memory) intituled, An Aft for g anting to his Majefty fveral additional Duties upon_ Coffee, Tea, Chocolate and Spices, towards Satisfac- tion of the Debts due for Tranfport-Service for the Reduction ^Ireland, feveral additional and other Duties and impofitions herein after mentioned were granted to his Majefty for and upon Coffee, Cocoa, Nuts, Chocolate, Cocoa Pafte and Tea, which fhould be imported into the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, at any Time after the fnft Day of May in the Year of out Lord one thoufand fix hundred and ninety- five, and before the fecond Day of May in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred and ninety-eight, over and above all Duties before that Time payable for the fame at the Cuftom-Houfe ; that is to fay, For every hundred Weight of Coffee imported as aforefaid, accounting one hundred and twelve Pounds to the hundred, fifty-fix Shillings of lawful En- glijh Money : For every hundred Weight of Cocoa Nuts imported, and containing as aforefaid, from any the Plantations belonging to the Crown of England, fifty-fix Shillings : For every hundred Weight of Cocoa Nuts imported, and containing as aforefaid, from any other Country or Place from whence they may by Law be imported, four Pounds and four Shillings of like lawful Englijh Money: For every Pound of Chocolate ready made, imported as aforefaid, one Shilling : For every Pound of Cocoa Pafte imported as aforefaid, two Shillings : For every Pound of Tea regularly imported as aforefaid, from whence the fane might have been lawfully imported before the making that Act, one Shilling: For every Pound of Tea imported as aforefaid, from Holland or any other Country, not the Place of its Growth or ufual Shipping, two Shillings and fix Pence per Pound Weight; and fo proportionably for any greater or leffer Quantity of any of the>Commodities imported as aforefaid refpedtively. And whereas by an Act of Parliament made in the third Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, inti- tuled, An Acl for continuiag Duties upon Low Wines, and upon Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, Spices and Pifiures, and upon Hawkers, Pedlars and Petty Chapmen, and upon Mufins ; and for granting new Duties upon feveral of the faid Commodities, and alfo upon Callicoes, China Ware and Drugs, feveral new and additional Rates and Sums of Money herein after mentioned were granted to her faid Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, for and upon all and all Manner of Coffee, Cocoa Nuts, Chocolate, Cocoa Pafte and Tea, which fhould be imported into the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed, at any Time or Times after the firft Day of February one thoufard feven hundred and four, and and before the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and ten, over and above all Du- ties and additional Duties before that Time payable for the fame or any of them, by any other Law then in Force, and over and above the Duties herein before mentioned, the new and' additional Rates and Sums of Money following; that is to fay, For every hundred Weight of Coffee imported as afore- faid, accounting one hundred and twelve Pounds to the Hundred, fifty-fix Shillings of lawful Englijh Money ; For every hundred Weight of Cocoa Nuts imported, and containing as aforefaid, from any J ' the