Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/532

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486 C. 10^ Anno decimo Gegrgii Regis. A. D. 1723. neglect to keep fufficient juft Weights and Scales to be-made Ufe of by the faid Officers for the Purpofe: aforefaid, or fhall keep any falfe Weights or Scales, or fhall neglect or refufe to affift the faid Officers in the weighing as aforefaid, or fhall let, hinder or obftruct any of the faid Officers in the Execution of the Powers and Authorities given to hiih or them by this Act, the Perfon or Perfons offending therein fhall for every fuch Offence, forfeit and lofe the Sum of one hundred Pounds. On Su%icion of XIII. Provided always, and it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe any concealing, &c, Officer or Officers for the faid Duties by this Act granted fhall have Caufe to fufpect that any Coffee, Coffee, &c Tea, Chocolate or Cocoa Nuts fhall be fraudulently hid or concealed in any Place whatfoever, either entred for the keeping of the fame as aforefaid, or not entred, with an Intent to defraud his Majefty of his Duties thereon; then and in fuch Cafe, if fuch Place fhall be within the Cities of London or JVeJi~ and on Oath be- m i n fter, or within the Limits of the Weekly Bills of Mortality, upon Oath made by fuch Officer or Offi- tore CommifBo- cers before the Commiffioners for the Duties by this Act granted, or to any two or more of them, or in of 'peJce, thw" cai ~ e the fame ^ a11 be in an y other Part of Great Britain, upon Oath made by fuch Officer or Officers be- refpeftiveiy may fore one or more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace of the County, Riding, Divifion or Place where fuch impower any Of- Officer or Officers fhall fufpect the fame to be fo hid or concealed, fetting forth the Ground of fuch his or fker in the Day- their Sufpicion, -it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid Commiffioners for the faid Duties, or Ju- time with or fl.; ce or j u ft-j ces f the Peace refpectively, before whom fuch Affidavit or Affidavits fhall be made, if he th' Night-time or t ' le Y il»a.ll judge it reafonable, by fpecial Warrant or Warrants under his or their refpective Hands and with aConfta Seals, to authorize and impower fuch Officer or Officers by Day or by Night, but if in the Night-time, fale, to enter all then in the Piefence of a Conffable or other lawful Officer of the Peace, to enter into all and every fuch fufpefled Places, pi ace or Places where he or they fhall fo fufpect fuch Coffee, Tea, Chocolate or Cocoa Nuts fhall be (o and to take and f rauc j B lently hid or concealed, and feize and carry away all fuch Coffee, Tea, Chocolate and Cocoa Nuts Tee^ Scz*on- which he or they fhall then and there And fo fraudulently hid and concealed, as forfeited for his Majefty's cea'led. Ufe, together with all and every the Bags, Canifters, Boxes, Casks and other Package or Things where- Every Perfon ob- in the fame fhall be contained; and if any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever fhall let, obftruct or hinder any itrufting, &c. f the Officers for the faid Duties by this Act granted from entring fuch Places, where he or they fhau Officer, &c. f u fpect fuch Coffee, Tea, Chocolate or Cocoa Nuts fhall be fo fraudulently hid or concealed as afore- jcoo'l." iai, or > n feizing and carrying away fuch Coffee, Tea, Chocolate and Cocoa Nuts which fhall be fo hid or concealed, together with the Bags, Canifters, Boxes, Casks or other Package or Things where the fame fhall be contained, the Perfon or Perfons offending therein fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and lofe the Sum of one hundred Pounds, to be recovered as aforefaid. No Coffee, &=. XIV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fourth 'ofed to'sak but ^ a V °^ J une one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-four no Coffee, Tea, Cocoa Nuts or Chocolate in Places entred, ^ a ll De fold, uttered or expofed to Sale, either by Wholefale or Retail, but when the fame fhall be in fome or one of the faid Warehoufes, Storehouses, Rooms, Shops, Cellars, Vaults or other Places fo en- tred as aforefaid, or in fome or one of the Warehoufes to be approved of by the Commiffioners of his on Pain of for- M.ajefty's Cuftoms for the keeping of Coffee, Tea and Cocoa Nuts, in Purfuance of this Act; upon Pain feiting all ^ uch of forfeiting all fuch Coffee, Tea, Cocoa Nuts and Chocolate which fhall be fo fold, uttered or expofed treblT Value. * t0 Sale, when the fame fhall be in any other Place or Places than thofe entred or approved as aforefaid, and treble the Value thereof, together with the Canifters, Bags, Jars, Tubs, Boxes, Casks and other Veffels or Package whatfoever containing the fame. For Coffee, &c. XV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fourth exceeding the j-) a y Q f y une one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-four, where any fuch Coffee, Tea, Cocoa Nuts or Pounds fold in Chocolate fhall be fold in any of the faid entred Places in any Quantity above the Weight of fix Pounds, fuch entred Pla- the Officer or Officers for the Inland Duties hereby fet and impofed, of the refpective Divifions or Places ces, Officer to where the fame fhall be fo fold, fhall be obliged, and are hereby required from time to time, upon Re- give a Certificate. q Ue { f the Seller or Sellers thereof, without Fee or Reward, to give to the refpective Buyer or Buyers thereof Certificates in Writing, figned by the refpective Officer or Officers, expreffing the Quantities fo fold, and the Name and Names of the refpective Buyers and Sellers thereof; and that the Duties by this Act granted on fuch Coffee, Tea or Chocolate fo fold, have been paid, or that fuch Cocoa Nuts have been duly entred with the Officer or Officers of his Majefty's Cuftoms, or that the fame have been con- demned as forfeited, or were Part of fuch Stock in Hand as aforefaid; which Certificate fhall be left with the Officer or Officers for the faid Duties of the refpective Divifions, to which the fame is or are intended to be carried, to fatisfy the faid Officers that no Duties are to be anfwered for the fame, that the feizing thereof may be prevented. Any Quantity XVI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fourth exceeding the Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-four no Coffee, Tea, Cocoa Nuts or Chocolate, Weight oi fix ^ exceeding the Quantity of fix Pounds Weight, fhall be removed or carried from any Part of this King- w^thout C fuch nk dom, by Land or by Water, without a Permit or Certificate, figned by one or more of the Officers for Permit or Certi- the faid Inland Duties hereby fet and impofed, fignifying and certifying the Names and Places of Abode ficate is forfeited, of the Buyer and Seller, and expreffing the Quantity and Species of the Commodity fo permitted or cer- tified for, and that his Majefty's Inland Duties chargeable by this Act upon Coffee, Tea and Chocolate have been duly paid and fatisfied, or that the Cocoa Nuts have been duly entred as aforefaid, or that the fame have been condemned as forfeited, or were Part of fuch Stock in Hand as aforefaid; upon Pain of The Time to be forfeiting the Coffee, Tea, Cocoa Nuts or Chocolate which fhall be found carrying from one Place to limited by the another without fuch Permit or Certificate, together with the Canifters, Bags, Jars, Tubs, Boxes, Casks Permit or Certi- ant ^ other Veffels or Package whatfoever containing the fame; which Permit or Certificate (hall be left feat? to be in " with the Officer of the Divifion to which the lame fhall be carried, to prevent the Seizure thereof; in force. whiq,